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Definitely has a great escape room vibe! The lights got to be a bit much on my eyes! Other than that, I enjoyed it and look forward to the full game! 

Thank you for the feedback! We'll take note of the lighting concern and work on optimizing it for a more enjoyable experience. Excited to have you on board for the full game!

You're welcome and I look forward to it! 

This game is very fun and scary had some jump scare its a good demo

I'm glad you enjoyed the game! If there's more to share or discuss about the game, feel free to let me know!

Hello again...shit who is it?

hahahaha idk 2

Gooooood game haha, but why am i dead after i come out of the cabinet

oh that's a must~

This have some good ass jumpscare frfr, it a good 8/10 indie horror game to me because I was having problem with chapter 3 idk why but I did. but I enjoy the scare and gameplay wish it didn't have bugs on chapter 3.

Glad you enjoyed the game overall! It's unfortunate about the bugs in chapter 3, but the scares and gameplay seem to have made a positive impact for you. Hopefully, future updates address those issues for an even better experience.

hope you will have a other game to play 

The intro was absolute 10/10, so was the UI, but I do wish the gameplay was a little more slow built with less jumpscares and more suspense. The intro was that of a AAA horror game, Lots of potential tho!!

Thank you for the feedback! We appreciate your positive comments on the intro and UI. We'll certainly consider your suggestion for a slower-paced gameplay with less jumpscares and more suspense to enhance the overall experience. Your input is valuable to us, and we're committed to refining the game based on player preferences.


it was pretty okay!, thank you very much!

what is your youtube channel bro

Thank you! Hope you have fun~
I enjoyed this game a lot, thank you for asking me to play! I emailed back detailing my opinion and any issues I had. Thank you for this enjoyable experience!

I'm glad you enjoyed the game. Your feedback is appreciated, and I look forward to hearing more from you.

The game demo is more spoopy than scary. It was still quite a bit of goofy fun and I enjoyed my play-through. I hope we see more of the lore revealed in the coming chapters/full game as it was pretty light in the demo. I want to see how the hauntings tie in with the story; they don't seem to match up with the intro. It is a bit amateurish (feels like a first horror game attempt) but, I do think the game has potential. Looking forward to seeing what you do in the next update.

Thanks for your feedback! Your insights are valuable, and we're committed to improving the overall experience. Stay tuned for the next update!

Keep up the good work. I love seeing devs continue to grow, learn and improve their games over time as they gain more experience. I wish your team the best!


Thank you so much! Your support means a lot to us. Best wishes to you as well!

(1 edit)

This demo is quite promising. The gameplay was pretty intense and there is always something happening, which I appreciate. 

My main critique would be that it feels like it could be more immersive. I think what I mean by that is that the game seems kind of flat even though there is a lot of action. But this is just a demo, so hopefully some volumetric lighting, ambient occlusion, and particle effects can be added to the game eventually, which would go a long way toward giving it the immersion I feel it is lacking. Overall I think it was fun and is a good starting place to make a really great game. 

Thanks! Your insights will help us refine and make the game even better. Stay tuned for updates, and we look forward to delivering a more immersive and enjoyable gaming experience in the future!

The was certainly interesting and funny, and it gave me a good time! I made a little video about it for everyone's enjoyance :)


I'm thrilled you enjoyed the content! Thanx!

I don't know what's going on buttt I go through this haunted mansion head first and scream at everything I see!! Also Thank you to Yahaha for contacting me to play this, I had a pretty good time lol Youtube Link - 

Thank you very much for enjoying our game! We will update it with more interesting content in the future!

This game has the funniest jump scares! nicely done.


This game is just terrible. It is full of ridiculous and cheap jumpscares which weren't even scary. The game didn't look nice or even feel nice to play at all.

I appreciate your feedback on the game. Everyone has different preferences, and your insights are valuable for developers to consider in future improvements. In the future official release of the game, we will be reducing the number of jump scares to enhance the overall gaming experience! Stay tuned for the updates!

is he my frd?

IDK yet

I loved playing through this! Very scary, especially that ending. Thanks so much for sharing! 

Thank you 2222!

Great game, I just wish there was more variety on tasks to complete, however I did found this game really fun to play and highly recommend. Looking forward for more :)

Thank you for the positive feedback! We appreciate your enjoyment of the game. We'll definitely consider adding more task variety in future updates. Stay tuned for exciting developments! 

Hey guys hope ya'll enjoy the video as much as i enjoyed the game! 


Thanx! I love the "hey girl" tone. HAHAHA

It Has Potential For Sure. That Mansion Is Huge! Great Game!

Thanx!! Plz stay tuned for the full version. It wont let you done!


So, main thing for me is that there was an intro about a very serious topic and then suddenly I was just bombarded with dolls. Like, it felt sort of disconnected from the plot immediately after actually starting the gameplay. I do like the visuals and some of the jumpscares did succeed on giving me heart attacks, but all the dolls were a bit too much after a while. Promising, but it definitely needs tweaks. Will definitely give it another shot if there is a major update though, specially cause I do love the idea of the Gamekit you guys are working on.


Thank you for your feedback! We appreciate your input on the game. Your support for the Gamekit is noted, and we'll strive to address your concerns in future updates. We hope you'll give it another try and enjoy the improvements.

For being a demo, this was not bad at all. Like others said possibly tone down the jump scares a tad bit. Other than that, not bad. Made a video on it.


Thanks for your video! We appreciate your positive comments and will consider toning down the jump scares for future improvements.

I think the overall horror atmosphere is very good. i'm looking forward to the full version. it was fun!


Thank you! We're thrilled you enjoyed the horror atmosphere. Stay tuned for the full version – more thrills await!


Definitely needs worked on but you've got a good concept/idea. The sound and visual design is good, the story is appropriately fluffed up, just remove the random props that don't seem to fit the mood (robot wolf head by the cellar door) and severely tone down the frequency of the jumpscares. Interested to see how this gets refined in future builds.

We'll take your suggestions into consideration, particularly regarding removing out-of-place props and reducing jump scares. Your input is valuable as we continue refining the project in future builds.

this game looks great i cant wait to share this with the Twodays Family they will love it!

That's awesome! Thanx!!

The moment I saw this I had to look twice. But wow! It really does say Guatemala in the title. I'm Guatemalan and have come to terms with the fact we're rarely in media, so this is super exciting. I can't wait to play. 

WOW! Never expected to have someone from Guatemala playing our game!!! This is truly amazing and feels so serendipitous! Enjoy the game!

The stuff that happened back then it crazy.

Thanx for ur video! I will check it!

The demo provides qualified sound and visual art. The jumpscares were really thrilling, and there were a little too many of them. I think it would be better if more effort could have been done in story telling.

We'll take note of your input regarding the frequency of jumpscares and consider enhancing the storytelling for a more balanced experience in future versions.


I have a few things I really like about the demo and a few things that could use some work. First is the story . I had no idea about The Guatemala Syphilis Experiment so I looked it up and learned some history from this game . Very sad history but I am glad that I now know about it ! That being said, I found myself giggling a lot with all the silly jumpscares . One or two can be great but with such a serious, sad premise for this game I feel like all the jumpscares adds a goofiness that should not be there. Either make it more of a light hearted story that isn't based on true events ., make it more of a comedy horror game or take out some of the jumpscares and fix the pacing ?

The graphics are good . The environment is good. Its a solid demo . I think with a lot of work and a little more story planning the full game will be very enjoyable ! Looking forward to seeing what this game becomes !


Thank you for your feedback! We appreciate your positive comments on the story and graphics. We'll take your suggestions into consideration regarding the jumpscares and pacing to create a more cohesive experience. Your input is valuable as we continue to develop the game. Stay tuned for updates, and we hope you'll enjoy the final version!

Really enjoyed the premise of this so far! Keep up the great work, and I look very forward to a full game! Few other comments in the video below!

Thank you for your positive feedback! We appreciate your support and enthusiasm. We'll certainly take a look at the comments in the video to gather more insights. Stay tuned for updates on the full game!

Interesting game so far. Keep up the good work!


Great horror game!!!!

Love all the lil jumpscares lol

haha you are very kind 

I think the gentleman below me is a being a bit harsh. In the end, a game is meant to be played for fun. I enjoyed the goofiness, it reminded me of a haunted house that someone put together. However, the story at the beginning compared to the game content is jarring... but I'm sure you'll get it. Keep it up!

Thanx! we will try our best to improve the game experience!!!

Good luck!

(1 edit) (+1)

What is this goofy nonsense? Did the playtesters have ADHD? Why is it necessary to have some haunted house prop or Halloween City decoration pop up in front of the player every ten to fifteen seconds? Would we get bored otherwise?

It's a shame as the technical chops are reasonably good. Good menu, good performance, good looking assets. None of that makes up for bad pacing, bad story telling and no idea what actually scares, rather than merely startles people, however.

Jumpscares are not something to spam the player with, they're best used sparingly, only after long periods of building tension. If it's just one after another, they lose their impact very rapidly. I don't mean to come off as rude but this was an insultingly bad experience, and it didn't need to be given you obviously have proficiency with the software.

Maybe study some well regarded horror films, focusing not just on imagery but the anatomy of a well told horror story, before taking another crack at this genre.

Thank you for your feedback. We appreciate your insights on pacing, storytelling, and jump scare usage. We'll take your suggestions into consideration for future improvements and strive to create a more engaging and effective horror experience.

I just wanted to find my friend

hahahaha you will!

Good Job

Thanx for ur video!

Enjoyed the game, cant wait to see where it goes in the future.


love you~

Fun And Scary Game Thanks For Asking Me To Play 

Thanx for ur video!!!

Fun game. Couldn't catch my breath there xD

Hahaha Thanx for ur kind words!!!

This game was pretty jumpscare insane. Loved it


im going to be very honesty, this is not good at all, i will say the game is entertaining, but the jump scares are terrible and are not scary in the slightest. i couldnt be bothered  finish the game because my flash light kept bugging out and not turning on. i also had it where i coudlnt light the candles. i think the game looks nice but thats about it. 

Thank you for your feedback. We appreciate your perspective on the entertainment value of the game and acknowledge the issues you faced with jump scares, flashlight bugs, and candle lighting. We'll take your comments into consideration for future improvements.

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