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Hey is this the full game or demo (I played a few games that say are full and arent so just wondering :) )

It's a full game!
However, they released a remake of this game not long ago. It's available on steam, but it's not fre

thank you!!!


I always play this game over and over again, this is the best RPG maker game I've ever played so far!  and I also tried the remake too, very good!  from graphic stories and unique characters like, and for those of you who like playing 2D horror genre games like Ib, I recommend it!


Stop the glazing

I also like this kind of games😍

i think there is a bug in the game. in the ballroom when the fox and bunny are dancing after killing everyone, i can't interact with anything or enter other rooms. Is it supposed to be like this?

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Can you please mark it as a spoiler please?
Now I'm struggling to forget it...

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I've been meaning to get around to this game for a while, so long that a remake has come out lol. On that note, is there any reason the remake is exclusive to Steam? Itch, or even Gog would be nice as well.


The game is on spanish? (sorry my english is very bad)

Me temo que no, toca sacarle el polvo a los diccionarios inglés-español de mamá

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Can someone help me? I really want to install this but no matter which one i try it won't install. My computer's a Windows 10, don't know if that's why. Edit; nevermind i just saw the thing about installation.

No still not working

did you fixed it? AND HOW cause i have the same problem 

No I never figured it out, I even installed RTP VX ACE like it said to. I'm just going to wait til I can play the remake on Steam

does any1 know a way of changing the controls? I literally can't progress without it

my keyboard doesnt have arrow keys,   so i use a software called “AntiMicro” to remap input (you’ll need Z, X, and arrow keys). it takes a minute to set up but really helps. a word of advice- be careful with WASD, because at one point the game instructs you to press “A” for a puzzle and it really screwed me up because i had to map a new button to be the literal “A” key on the keyboard. hope this helps


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omg :0 i hope this program will help, some months ago my keyboard broke on some buttons on my laptop and i didnt know what to do. tyy 

I'm the only one who has a small window that opens and can't put it in full screen or enlarge it? It's unpleasant to have such a small window to play. if it was possible to put the full screen option.


thank you!


I think this is my favourite rpg of all time. Such beautiful art and graphics, amazing storyline and puzzles, how is this free


one of my favorite rpgs for sure, hopefully one day i'll be able to play the steam remaster!! and also the prequel (idk if its out yet though)

i would love to play it but i have a mac if it not to much to ask could the creaters make a mac version please


I can't play the game fullscreen, I tried everything but without sucess :c


same here :(

I've tried alt + enter, Fn + has clicked Fn numbers keyboards, even to launch fullscreen in properties and all of still won't work at all


try shift + enter


Congrats on the steam release! I bought it as soon as I saw it~<3 


i have yet to play the remaster (i will soon!!) but this is genuinely one of if not my FAVOURITE game ever...the cast, story, gameplay, everything is so well done and if i had to give it a rating it would break the scale. (also, I've been madly in love with harpae for years. she is my fav among favs. an icon if you will)

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