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(+1) is a web wizard.!You can enable custom CSS for your games by reaching out to itch, there's documentation on the site for that.




нихуя не понял,но очень интересно


Thank you Vlademere (and everyone else involved at the HPS1 community) for another great Madvent adventure. It must take a lot of work to organize so many games into a coherent festive package. It's been a real treat to tuck into each December and great for getting into the festive spirit. 

I hope Madvent continues in some form, but even if it doesn't, its been a wonderful ride. Thank you for making Xmas a little brighter, sillier and scarier over the years. And best of luck with your future endeavors. :)


Thank you for three amazing years of Madvent! These collaborations made me appreciate all the hard work that goes into indie game jams, and they helped fill the void left for me by the Dread X Collection games. The whole experience has made the holiday season much sweeter. The Haunted PS1 Community's dedication does not go unnoticed, so you all have my thanks. Even if Madvent never continues, I hope you'll all go on to do incredible things. For now, Merry Crisis, everyone, and a Happy New Fear! <3


Just did the ending and that was amazing. Huge thank you to all the devs who've made this and the previous madvents possible. They're special to me and every experience is unique regardless of what i think of the game. Merry Crises to all of you, Bitey and friends. Until next time :')


merry him mas


Made a video for Scary Stories

Nice to see that the update improved Day 19, but it's still sort of unclear what to do with the gun. It feels like I accidentally skipped something?


Thank you guys so much for getting the update out for the game today being available. I made a video after I found out from some followers on my YouTube, and to the devs thank you I love this game so much.

thanks for playing! Glad you enjoyed it


Made a video The People's Sky,  Ghost Cannibal and Frost Bite Forest Station


Made a video for Terror on Tromos 5


I think day 19 still needs work


Oh thank god it wasn't just me not figuring something out.


Same here.

Deleted 205 days ago

Try it now ;)

Yay! ^_^


Made a video for When Hell Freezes Over

(1 edit) (+2)(-3)

Very good game. I'm thankful for some really good games put in. I wanted to comment, though. I really hope that if this is done next year, some better planning is done. I am doing a game a day for my YouTube channel as a nice Madvent series, but there were a few games that just were not complete. Day 14 was lacking a lot, and Day 19 had no way of even making it out and no direction. And then RIVP2 was on Day 23 and led to nothing, so I have no game for that day. I am saying all this in the hope that as the developer, you do get a chance to read this, and I want to encourage you for next year to really nail it, as this is a great concept, and I do want to see more of this. I would love to do a Madvent series each year on my YouTube channel.

is there a list of the games anywhere?


Made a video for days 6, 7, 9 and 8 didn't let us play it

Hi there. I play some others was confuse to me  some was trapped in some loop.

I can't figure out day 14, I can kamehameha the two-legged green monster I find but it just keeps re-spawning. Nothing seems to happen with urns/door. Any advice?

Also is it just me or does the church/bell disappear? I couldn't find it again


You gotta keep hitting it, it's got a lifebar and you'll eventually kill it. I believe the Bell and your friends are supposed to disappear, I don't know why though.

thank you, completed it off the back of this. I think maybe following the mouse lets you find the monsters? seem to work for me a couple of times but might have been coincidence 

The 15th game, Branco Burial, upon multiple playthroughs, made me think and it made me sob. 

In the face of cataclysm, how would you decide to spend the last few days of your life? Making someone happy? Giving love and comfort? Helping others when there's little reason to do so? Or doing nothing at all? I really hope this won't be our fate anytime soon. :'(


I'm planning to do some more playthroughs of this myself! I love everything about the art style, world and general PsX RPG vibe it has. Would love to see a full fleshed out adventure in that world.

Do you have any tips/hints to get any unique dialogue or scenes that might otherwise be overlooked? 

(1 edit) (-1)

Thanks for this! Loving the games so far. Game 14 is a bit of a mess, the textures warp constantly and too fast, and can only find one enemy

Made a video for Antartica


I encountered a glitch on day 14 where the second enemy I killed kicked me out of the micro game as the torch lighting cutscene started.


im kinda confused in Day 14, Im not sure if its bugged but I cannot make any progress, Ghost Cannibal, not sure what to do with absorb energy , its the only mechanic i can find

that one is literally a monster hunt and the energy wells are for healing but you have to pop the sphere to get the effect.


Woooo I cherish this series dearly. Y'all are heroes.


This has been a strong group of games this year. Love it!

Loved the first 6 games so far! Here's my video for This One's From Santa

RIVP-2 has nothing in the folder I hope you're aware


We are. It's coming soon along with the ending, will be ready before their days arrive. Apologies to those who choose to be naughty. 

Made a video for Retro Cruise


I'm all for a new approach at this point for the reasons colter has mentioned below.

Switching to resolution 2560x1440 failed

Screen: DX11 could not switch resolution (2560x1440 fs=1 hz=0/1)

This error is coming up. Can anyone help?

Games 10 and 17 are not working for me.


Santa on x games mode

Sadly Norton won't let me play it. If I try it just removes the game before I can play it.

There should be a way to whitelist the game's folder

I can't whitelist it. Norton won't let me.


Played the first 4 games in my video! Loved the intro Lol. Made a video on it. 

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