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it was cool but i did not comprehend that the orange thing was movable for like 20 deaths so they dont count

Metadata say it is under MIT. Where can I find the code?

I've included Floodwater in a compilation of games from the Ludum Dare 54 game jam @ 41:05.

Good spin on the typical sokoban formula.


That was fun. Also didn't realise it wasn't real time so was really zooming through those early levels!

cool game. the puzzles are very fun and challenging.


Man I was thinking there was gonna be more levels, but glad there wasn't cause that last one really got to me until I figured out that I didn't need to a box between the walls to block the water. Neat little puzzle game!

this is a blast!

Can you share a link to the Ludum Dare page?


this is such a satisfying little puzzler! the way the mechanics are introduced on a "safe" level where you can't die was really player-friendly.

Really nice game :D

that was fun, nice job!


Very nice.  I really like how you introduced each new mechanic on a non-water level first.  Extremely sporting of you :)  The graphics were also really well done.

very cool! i was ready for more levels haha

nice game


Cool game. Well done!


Nice! It wasn't until the final level that I realized the water only moves when I do, so I was very much trying to race rather than optimize. Obviously this didn't work for the final level XD (And here I thought I was able to "hold up" the water when I first pushed a block out of its way...) 275 seconds, 835 steps, 17 deaths on my first playthrough.


Very cool game, and the music, badger-mushroom like!: