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I cant open PPRHD.exe ,because my PC doesnt allow it....Is there any other way?


Awesome Game, it's so much fun and who doesn't like kicking the crap out of things 



What a wacky title, I'm loving it so far.

BUT - I'd like to see 2 things before release:

>Pressing crouch in midair to fastfall. It doesn't need to do extra damage to enemies or anything, but having the ability to land faster and more precisely would make chain stomps feel so much better. Maybe on the same cooldown as the dash.

>Kicking enemies into other enemies doing...anything to them. It doesn't seem like it has any effect atm. Having it deal a little damage to them or at least knock them over like the slide attack does would feel more impactful.

>Less of an outright concern, but trimping with the dash kick is alarmingly easy. You can get so much height that I used it to skip jump by just trimping into a wall instead. Don't get me wrong - I love it to death - but it might be worth keeping it in mind when designing levels if you aren't already.


I unfortunately don't have a pc so I can't play it. But I'll watch someone else play it I always do


I'm curious, will there be a use for the coins outside of just collecting them? Will I be able to upgrade my guns or something in the future?

yeah maybe, I’m thinking about that 


I streamed the game for friends, we all really enjoyed it!

The papercraft aesthetic is beautifully realized, allowing the horror and humor elements to shine. There's a lot of clever asset use. You're working largely with big, flat, uninteresting geometry, but slapping a cardboard texture on it brings the game to life. We spent a lot of time simply looking at the environment, smitten by little details.

It's mechanically very interesting as well. Movement is floaty, but feels like it could have a high skill ceiling. In addition to the double jump and kick, you can use the crouch slide mid jump to move pretty fast. Going fast is fun. Using slow-mo while going fast to perform needlessly complicated movement tech is fun.

We were also intrigued by the limited ammunition. It made weapons feel somewhere between survival horror and special ability. I'd like to see it explored more. It's a refreshing take on boomer shooter gameplay.

My critiques are echoed in other comments, and like everyone else I'm also very much looking forward to the full release.


Incredibly awesome game. Combined literally the best parts of ultrakill and the modern Doom games and still feels fresh. For a demo it was also unexpectedly long. Hoping to see this get fleshed out into a full game. Keep up the good work my guy!


will there be a Steam version?

Maybe in the future 


This is an incredible experience. The gameplay is so simple yet you designed the game to have quite a bit of depth with it, more than I expected. Not to sound condescending, I do have a few "bugs" to report.

1. You can kick enemies thru certain walls, leaving them standing and unable to be killed.

2. The first gate you find in lvl 4 can be walked through from behind.

3. (Not a bug, just a personal note) The movement feels too slippery at times, leading to a loss of control. It never killed me, but it did damage me.

4. The secrets are sometimes more obvious than the correct path, or are one of many obvious doors to open.

5. The tooltip interactables in the first level are hidden for some reason. I only found them on my 2nd run thru.

6. The jump-kills are super loose with it. I can be slightly in the air, and when they attack me it counts. Sometimes I can just miss and get a kill, but that might be tied into the slipperiness of the movement.

Def a buy the day this drops. ETA on that btw?

hey ive been trying to play this game on my steam deck but it looks like there is something wrong with the download is this just me?


hey guys , i hope you enjoy the video as much as i enjoyed the game! Can't wait for the full game go be released. 

Government Science Experiment (Gone Wrong) | PaperHead

Very cool, but the air movement is so hard to control, like ice skating in the air or something. Also the distance a dash sent me after double jumping felt inconsistent, often too short.


Hello! I have a small channel , And i wonder if it is okay for me to try this game and say my honest review ?




Thank you!!


You have a good franchise in the making. Great game.


Hii, i loved this game , is it ok if i make a video recommending the game on tiktok?  


of course! that would be awesome!

how do you bring up settings and change it


the only settings available are for sound and mouse sensitivity unfortunately 

how to i change mosue sensitivity

also my esc doesnt work so if there is any other way that would be amazing


I really loved the Demo so far and the scares were also really fantastic as well, my only complaint I have so far is that when jumping, it feels very floaty for me personally.

I doesn't feel that precise when I was trying to jump onto some of the more narrow and smaller platforms.

But overall, I really like the gunplay, the music was top notch as well, I love the style/aesthetic of the game the whole cardboard and paper look is such a unique and awesome concept to me.

Keep up the great work! 

i like it ,, maybe we can make a collaboration in the future if u want !!


Hello friend, this game is the best I have tried this year, congratulations on your game, I have really enjoyed playing the Demo, I want you to subscribe to my YouTube channel and support me please, greetings from Spain...

How do iget to pprhd_m.exe???

you need to unzip or extract it from the archive you downloaded 



somewhere in Nevada..

somewhere in Saratov..

how do you play after download

unzip it somewhere and run PPRHD_m.exe


amazing game, i love it. though hopefully make the movements less fluid and possibly add the option to lower the graphics, i played the game on 15fps or less, (i have an intel i3 12th gen uhd 620 graphics for those who want to know) but with the gameplay itself, i loved it. it's like doom with the demonic relapse and game mechanics, the story is very interesting  with sort of an science experiment mishap, and MOSTLY the artstyle and gore I LOVED IT


great game really enjoyed the demo. I think the idea is really cool and the movement feels quite fluid.

I think the addition of a hold to crouch setting and some kind of indication as to when the kick has come back would make this game even better (I hope I didn't miss if this is already a feature). I saw someone else say to implement an FOV slider and I agree that it would be a welcome addition.

looking forward to playing further!

how do i play after the download

Run PPRHD_m.exe


Damn , I can't wait for the release. Demo started out ok, just got better & better every level

well that was cool, when does the full game come out? 


love the game keep up the good work 

(1 edit) (+2)

Very fun and meaty demo.
The overall atmosphere is well done, and the contrast between the paper & scribbles artstyle and the realistic and dark lighting is quite unique.
The sound design and music is VERY good, props to the artist.
The feedback on kicking and shooting is also pretty satisfying.
The pencil mechanic is neat and has potential.

I also have some feedback though (hope you don't mind):

- The movement feels a little slippery and wobbly, resulting in me sometimes missing my jumps or kicks. In movement FPS' I prefer it to be quite snappy so my character always moves where and when I tell it to.
- Occasionally I kick through a bomb, resulting in me eating my own explosion.
- I think you shouldn't be able to pick up health when your hp is already full to prevent wasting them.

- I might be blind but I don't think the slide-jump was explained anywhere, and it seemed quite necessary to access some places.

- performance is a little spotty, mostly at the start of the demo. I had some stutters where it froze and then suddenly I was facing a completely different direction.
- Often when I kick into a wall at a slight angle I just keep going for a long time sliding along the wall into weird places, also quite disorienting.

- I had a few instances of persistent blood particles going off after killing an enemy.
- Some kind of groundslam would make goomba-stomping enemies much easier and more satisfying. Now I rarely did it because the air-control is a little finicky and I might as well just kick them.

All that said, the game is very memorable and I'm very much looking forward to its progress and the full game. :)


Great game, but it really needs invert mouse option!


this demo is great! super fun and loved the music! few things to note, 

a few stutters while loading into a new level, nothing crazy but somethihg to look into. 

i didnt like how the explosive barrels could lock onto other explosive barrels. was abit annoying when i aimed for the enemy and it locked onto a barrel instead. 

i think it would be cool if you could knock the bad guys into other bad guys, even if it didnt do any damage, would be cool to see them fall over each other! 

some instructions are unclear, took me abit to understand how the true/false  thing worked and also was unclear how the making doors thing worked.

other than those points i think you have a great game under your belt and will check the game out when its fully done! 


Cool demo, only issue was the FOV, needs a slider


Я даже специально зарегистрировался на, чтоб написать комментарий. Крайне приятная игра, как по стилистике, так и по геймплею. Довольно умело совмещена задумка и её реализация (я особенно выпал со смеху от взлома с карандашом). Одним словом: Жду полную версию этого продукта.

Но плюсы есть плюсы. Теперь о минусах. Музыка. А именно - её однообразность. Может быть я просто не замечал разницу в пылу битвы, но мне всегда казалось, что играл один и тот же трек и один и тот же эмбиент. Хотелось бы немного разнообразить. 

А так, друже, продолжай, это крайне круто. 


really fun, love the artstyle and the music! a couple things that i think would be good to change are:

+ 1 ink, since its a pencil, might be better to change it to + 1 lead(?) maybe

change coins to clips in the menu and ui, for continuity, and

i know its a demo, but a proper settings menu? it doesnt perform overly amazing on lower end devices, so having a resolution and other optimisation toggles would be great

other than that, look forward to release!


this game is awesome :)) keep it up !!! 


the demo is very fun although it lags on my budget laptop alot without any option to change resolution, looking forward to the full game's release!


Maybe change it to a fountain pen so the ink makes more sense


Found the first trailer two years ago in some tg channel and really liked what i saw. I kinda forgot about it and was really surpirised to see a new trailer, yet even more, with a link for a demo. 

First thing i noticed is that the movement is really fluid and fun. I also liked the combining of different gimmics into one ability. Like the kick being also a dash, or the heal being a slow-mo.

Gunplay is cool too, I'm really curious to see what other guns and pencil modes would be added. Shotgun is pretty basic, although i like the limitation of ammo, makes it feel more like a tool then just another way to deal damage. Pencil so far is just a proof of concept, but both modes are already pretty fun to use.

Visuals and general style are really good too. The aestetics of cardboard and scribbles reminds me of something like Fancy Pants Adventure. Also the occasional halucinations and general "creepiness" sometimes feels really unsettling and surpisingly fits together very well with a comedic tone of the game.

Oh and music is wonderfull too, but after looking up who is Joonas Turner i can see why. He worked on a bunch of games, but my eye caught the fact that he made SFX for Broforce, as i was really obsessed with that game back in 2018 or so. Also he even has his own game and the OST there goes so incredibly hard, it's not even heavy metal at this point it's a whole cast iron.
Anyways, i can say for sure that the rest of OST and SFX in Paperhead will be top tier.

As for issues, i can only say that it feels like sometimes the game aims the kick of bomb\barrel to the wrong enemy. Also i somehow kicked the first battery through a wall with a window, so i had to drag it all the way around back inside.

Generally it was even better than i expected and i'm looking up to this game, it has all potential to be a really solid movement shooter. Thumbs up.👍
(i swear i wanted to make just a short review, i don't know why i wrote so much, bruh)




Extremely good, from the over all combat to the small things like your pencil glowing in the dark. The only problem I had is that it doesn't run very well, I accept that my hardware isn't exactly great (i5 4th gen and 1060 6gb) but for the scale of the game I feel like it should run a little better.

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