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I would really love it if there was a simple exterior options for each of the territories. Hard to make something fit the ishgardian vibe when everything is green and bright for example!

Love this app, play with it all the time hehe

Is there a way to fix translations? 

In the german translation, many items are mixed up with the french or english ones which is pretty annoying when trying to buy from the generated list.

If possible, I'd be more than happy to help with the german translation!

Hi there! If you perhaps aren't, I'd recommend joining the Discord server so that the owner has a better chance of seeing this ^^ 
There's a link to the server here ♥

For some reason I opened makeplace a while back and my save was gone. I finally found it, but now it did it again. So I searched my pc for "makeplace" and there's 4 different folders with different saves. Now one of them, that I was working on, is completely gone from my PC and I know I didn't delete anything from makeplace or move anything. I'm using it through itch, I'm not sure if I'm doing something wrong or is there a way to get my save back? I spent so many hours on it. 

I really love this program and this is the first time I've had an issue out of 178 hours of use lol

You could check if there perhaps would be a .json.backup with the name of the file you are unable to find.

As for the files disappearing, I'm not too sure, I haven't heard of that before. I would recommend perhaps finding the Makeplace Folder you know is the one you use, and remove the others.

Are you using the Launcher? If so, you can locate the folder linked to Makeplace Through the Icon next to the Launch button. 

For more steady support, please do consider joining the Makeplace server!

(1 edit)

Recent update if you alt-tab out of the program and tab back in the client does not respond to moving forward/backwards/etc. Should I try to reinstall?

Rolled back to April 1st's update and it's fine! Will use that for now before trying to do any major reinstalls / resaving my work.

(1 edit)

Hi! This issue should be fixed now so you can Update Makeplace again ^^

Thank you!!

Hey, maybe I'm just clumsy but I can't seem to get the Windowed mode to work. I wanted to make it Windowed so I can put it on my second monitor, or rather on whichever one I need at the  moment, but when I put it it into this mode, it just snaps back into fullscreen and doesn't give me a bar on the top with which I can drag it around. Oddly enough, when I enabled Windowed it seems to interfere with things on my second screen without being on it. (Like typing into this textbox here, it suddenly had a bit of a delay/interference...? This doesn't happen in Windowed Fullscreen or Fullscreen mode. And it doesn't haopen every time.) In the end I could get a "normal" window by setting it to "Windowed" AND changing the Resolution to something smaller than my usual one (from 1920 x 1200 to 1920 x 1080). Then I could drag it to my second screen but as soon as I change the resolution to the normal one again, the bar on the top is gone again. (At least the program stays on the other screen and doesn't go back to main.)

I asked a friend and they said it works fine for them, but they also only have one screen.

Is this a bug or am I doing anything wrong?

(1 edit) (+2)

I can't say for sure that this will work, but I typically use F11 to get makeplace into windowed-mode, drag it over to my other monitor and then press F11 again to fullscreen it on that side.

If that doesn't work let me know! 
There is also a Discord server where it's much easier for support ♥

That worked, thank you!

Saving designs does not create a .json file on my comp. Does anyone have an idea of how to fix this?


When saving a file from the Makeplace App or in-game it should create a Json file in your Makeplace Save folder, would need more info if this is not the case ^^ You're welcome to DM me on discord @izaarestel or join the Discord server

The Blunderville housing items are not in the catalog. Will they be added to MakePlace at some point?

The Blunderville items are added, please make sure your Makeplace is up to date and that you have 'Market Prohibited' checked to be able to view them ^^


Hello, I found some furniture make place is not included, will be added later, such as water curtain wall

Thank you for your help to make the decoration more convenient.

(1 edit)

I assume you mean the Waterfall partition? 
If so, it is added ^^ you might need to update your version if it's not there.

For quicker support, do please consider joining the discord ^^ Makeplace Discord

Yes, it's Waterfall Partition, and I downloaded version 126 via itch, which should be the latest version. There's actually some furniture that I've seen at a friend's house that's not in makeplace. Is it because it's hard to get? I remember it as a wallpaper. But I do not know what they are called, perhaps there are other, look forward to your update, thank you!

I'm not sure then unfortunately, as the Simulator is up todate with the ingame funishing, for wallpapers in case they are perhaps paywall item, make sure you have the two boxes on the side of the Furniture box (where you select items), to display all available items, if unchecked some items will be hidden ^^

(1 edit)

The itch app version consistently does not work for me no matter what I do. It is always one or more versions behind the website release which then bricks builds. I immediately had to uninstall the itch app. So, yeah. You guys need to investigate why it is that multiple people can't get the itch app version of makeplace to update properly to the current version. I downloaded it for convenience and regretted it immediately and frantically had to roll it back. :/ 

I'm sorry to hear you've having trouble updating Makeplace through We are aware that some users are experience this issue. The most common fix has been to turn off/on the wi-fi and redownload the update, for others, restarting the computer did the trick.

You're welcome to DM me on discord @izaarestel if you have more questions or join the Makeplace Discord through the link below ^^

Makeplace Server

The itch app version consistently does not work for me no matter what I do. It is always one or more versions behind the website release. Use the website download version.

So I might be dumb but I see in the controls there is a shortcut for combine. Is this for grouping objects together? I just get an error when I try to ctrl+g and I don't know if the feature is broken/incomplete or if I'm using it incorrectly ^^;

(1 edit)

The keybind for Combine is CTRL+G, do make sure that what you are trying to combine has a name under the Custom Design menu. You'll find the menu on the left bottom, Icon is of a Ruler and Pencil, in there you will find a box where you can enter a name ^^

If you have any other questions here's a link to the Discord  


Hopefully this can get Spanish translation too!


This no longer works. Allows you to do things you can't do in the game even WITH glitches. You end up with countertops ontop of countertops. Partitions of different colors phasing in and out of each other, even though it doesn't show that in the "simulation" that uses the games engine, along with a massive amount of problems. Burning Down the House plugin is the same exact way and doesn't actually allow you to "Place Anywhere" like it says.


can you clarify what you mean? 

the simulator has always had the ability to do things that cannot be done in-game lol. It's just a matter of understanding what you can and cannot do, similar to how BDTH works. BDTH is just more efficient for making adjustments in-game, while the simulator is better suited for experimenting outside the game without wasting Gil.

Hi, is there a way to enable vsync? I'm getting screen tearing

(2 edits)

It works on Linux too with Lutris. Here's how I did it:

  • Install/update graphics drivers, dxvk, vkd3d, and Wine. I used a 6750 with Mesa, ymmv especially with nvidia.
  • (optional) Create a wineprefix and use winecfg to set its version to Windows 10.
  • Install the dependencies using Winetricks (optionally, specify the wineprefix). You'll need dotnet40 and vcrun2022.
  • Download the MakePlace release archive and unzip it inside the prefix.
  • Add MakePlace as a locally installed game inside Lutris and set up the file paths.
    • Enable DXVK and VKD3D in the runner options.

That's it. Run the application from Lutris.

Linux still isn't officially supported, so neither jawslouis nor I are responsible for whatever you do to your computer. Don't bother them with issues arising from this - upon your own head be it.

Just what I needed. Thank you for the information!


Hey, now that we can have outdoor furniture in Island Sanctuary, would it be possible to add that area to this program too?

(1 edit) (+2)

It has been mentioned, however, that it might happen in the future, but there isn't a plan for it yet ^^

Island Sanctuary has been added ♥

The app is very nice but i'm unable to register ( never ending "create account") . Is it possible to register on your website instead of inside the app?


Hello! This feature has been turned off for now, but I'm sure it'll be back at some point, I'd suggest if you want to better ways to get updated on features, join the Makeplace Discord ♥

On my end some items aren't showing up, but they're a part of the catalog of items for other pre made items. When I select and try to use them, a few items don't come with it? sorry if I'm not making sense

Hello! If you still need help, you're welcome to reach out to me through the Makeplace discord server, linked in the comment above, or through my discord: Izaarestel ♥

Hello, I'll be trying out the plugin for the first time. Seems like a stupid q, but do the dyes need to be applied to the items beforehand?

It'll show you which item needs which dye, you can either dye it beforehand or after. (Also if you apply it after, you need to load your saved file again so that the plugin registers the dye as applied)

Hi! I have one issue with this furniture piece, it's a Wood Slat partition. I have tried to apply them when I load the file but nothing is happen and it's not moving or anything or even when I turn the label furniture on it's also not label too so I cant apply them to where I want them to be ;u;

Hey it's hard to tell what's causing the issue based on your description. I suggest going to the Discord server and get some troubleshooting help there.

(1 edit)

I'm having a problem in which my game crashes when I'm placing the furniture after the latest update. Any clue as to why this may be happening? (using Windows 10)

This might help:

If it's still crashing, you can get more troubleshooting help on the Discord server

Thank you for this great plugin! But I have a problem using it after the update, the furniture won't load after clicking the load bottom for all of my json files in dalamund.  But loading the furniture from the game was fine. I am currently at 6.3 on Chinses server, it there a bug or anything causing this situation? 

Sorry, there's no support for the Chinese server. You can look at other versions of the plugin that others have made for the Chinese server.

Oh, that's the case, thank you for replying! But do you post any of your older versions somewhere else? I have deleted my older versions.

(1 edit)

Since installing the newest version of Makeplace via itch instead of manually I have been having an error in game in which some items are showing up as larger than they should be.

One other friend is experiencing the same problem which also started at the same time (right after I recommended she install makeplace via itch instead of manually - otherwise it would never have occurred to me it might be this) one notable item is the Crystarium Umbrella which is showing as about the same height as a max height femra.

This is showing up in an unmodded vanilla game via the vanilla game launcher.

We were wondering if it was maybe the UE 6.4

Is anyone else experiencing the same problems or perhaps might know what else it might be?

Is this issue in FFXIV? Neither this app nor the plugin affects the size of objects in FFXIV. Mods can affect the FFXIV game files, and these changes will still show up even if you use the normal game launcher.

Unable to install on linux htfs.Open (initial request): HTTP file not found on server

as a result LowLevelFatalError ~~~D3D12Adapater.cpp Line 806 Missing full support for Direct3D 12

Sorry, there's no support for linux

Hello, is there any chance you could put a mannequin in the game with a weapon attached for each class? i want to make a display where the weapons poke through walls and it would be really helpful to try this out before i put it in game :)

Sorry, no plans for it at this time

(1 edit) (+1)(-1)

How do I locate my list and json files?

It'll be in the MakePlace/Save folder, where you installed the app

I'm getting grid snapping lately even on 0 grip

If you're still having this issue, please post in the discord server so we can help troubleshoot

When i saved my design it rolled it back to a previous version with only half the progress. I found in my save backups the design before it rolled back but im not sure how to apply that to my current save.

You just need to delete the .backup extension from the file and it'll open in the app

a really great prog, im lovit


how can i load another file ingame. it doesn't work manually, and when i start MP i can only load the last .json i saved

thx for help


how long does it normalle take do download an update? am using itch for automatic updates but it just keeps running and- so far- haven't seen any progress 

(1 edit)

Getting fatal error while trying to save design. I'm using last version of video drivers. 

UPD. Somehow it fixed by itself XD

So, I saved a layout in-game however it won't apply in the app.  It's the same name and all and the text file displays all of the items and whatnot. Is there something I am doing wrong?

Hi jaws, I just downloaded the latest build (v109) and replaced the original folder but when I run it, the menu shows v108.  I've tried completely deleting the folder and re-extracting but it's still showing 108 for me.  This program seems self contained to one folder so I'm not sure there's something I didn't delete or what.  


I forgot to update the version in the menu to v109 heh.

But the latest is now v110 (and yes it's updated this time)

I'm noticing some external window awnings cannot be dyed. For example, the ones on the half-timbered walls.

Do you have a photo of the dyed window awnings for reference? So I can know which parts to make dyeable

Here they are, in lilac and purple. :)

Thanks! It's now dyeable in the latest update


it keeps crashing when i pull out certain items such as the white rectangular partition. not sure if it is a common issue or not.


Do you have an AMD graphics card, and if yes, which model? Currently a few folks are troubleshooting this in the discord!

Looks like it's caused by a DirectX 12 issue. Try running it with DirectX 11 instead.

Download this .bat file, put it in the same folder as MakePlace.exe, then run the .bat file.

can't find some of the new furniture, is it just me or will it be added later ? 

The new furniture is all there. You'll need to update to the latest version.

I'm having some trouble with the plugin not recognizing some food items. It's showing "Chocolate Fountain" under Interior Furniture, when the actual item is showing as "Authentic Chocolate Fountain" under Unused Furniture.

Same for Hatching-tide Confections, Evercold Shaved Ice, and Starlight Roll Cake. They're all coming up as "Authentic" versions under Unused Furniture.

It sounds like the design file uses the regular version, while you have the  "Authentic" version placed in the house. You'll need to change the design file to use the "Authentic" version if you want it to match

Good evening i have close the same issues as haunty69 but my error is

Load Error: The JSON value could not be converted to System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2[System.String,System.Object]. Path: $.interiorFurniture[0].properties | LineNumber: 111 | BytePositionInLine: 18.

can u help me maybe pls

This should help

I fix this problem. I got this error maybe because i had the old house skin. I moved outside changed the skin to the new patch house and saved all. After this it was possible to place. Thank you for this addon

(1 edit)

Not sure if this is a known issue but I'm getting screen tearing every time I move the camera around.  I wish I could ignore it but it makes me slightly nauseous.  I've tried forcing v-sync through Nvidia control panel but that doesn't seem to do anything.  Is there a setting or config file I can edit to enable v-sync?  Thanks!

Edit:  Also want to mention I've tried running in full-screen, windowed, as well as running in admin mode.  No changes.

Did you run it in "Fullscreen" instead of "Windowed Fullscreen" mode? "Fullscreen" mode should not have v-sync issues.

Can confirm that I'm still getting screen tearing in fullscreen mode.

I don't think this has Vsync.
I also get crazy screentearing, my GPU usage skyrockets and my power consumption jumps 200W. Its almost like the framerate is completely uncapped.

(2 edits)

I just downloaded the newest version, unzipped it, and put it in to a "MakePlace" folder in my hard drive. When I try to run the .exe, even as admin, it asks to install Microsoft Visual C++ runtime every time whether I have it installed or not. After I try to install it, error messages come up that say "The code execution cannot proceed because MSVCP140.dll was not found. Reinstalling the program may fix this problem" and then the same for VCRUNTIME140.dll  and VCRUNTIME140_1.dll. I'm running Windows 11 and everything is up to date.

Edit: I figured it out. I went to the Microsoft website and installed the 2015-2019 Visual C++ distributable and installed it manually. That fixed the issue and it's running now.

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Ever since I reinstalled the game I've been getting this error and it crashes rather dramatically only a few minutes into playing. It seems to be triggered by loading up a save file or putting down random pieces of different furniture. :( I'm not sure what to do. I'd appreciate some help!
(In case the image can't be seen I'll try and type out the Error below)

[File:D:\build\++UE4\Sync\Engine\Source\Ruentime\D2D12RHI\Private\D2D12Util.cpp] [Line:868]
PresentInternal[Syncinterval] failed

Sounds like your graphics card is hanging. Make sure the driver is updated to the latest (it should be dated 2022 or later)

Hey there, so I updated makeplace via the app and all my save files started coming up as empty rooms. I closed it and tried opening it again and I kept hitting LowLevelFatalError. I tried to uninstall via the itch app and it said it uninstalled but its still on my computer and its not deleting. Just keeps saying "A device which does not exist was specified." What can I do about this? this should cover the saves, i think?

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