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finally got to the second orange spirit and then the game froze and I got this image :/ really fun game otherwise

I also cannot move after the world ends.

Should be fixed now, sorry!


Included A Grave Mistake at 1:20:47 of my compilation of favs from this LD. Always good to see new output from you. :)

I can't move after triggering the starting event.

Oops, thanks it’s fixed now!

It was a novel puzzle experience. Took me a few tries to figure out the matching pairs of spirits to form platforms.


A really fun little game with some really nice music! The fact you can do some more prodding to find two secret tombstones as well as hints and information helps keep it from getting frustrating!

I had literally no idea what's going on. And I loved it.

Great game. Keep up the good work!

match two but I cant find the other blue to even start climbing


i'm always amazed at how good you are with procedural graphics.

loved this game! not being told what to do makes it feel great when you figure stuff out

(1 edit)

Another amazing entry 😍.  I played Blink and World weaver on the last LDJAM I participated and started to follow you to get more from there.

I love how your games have clever mechanisms that are never directly told to the player, it makes them so mysterious.

I didn't participate this time but you would definitely have had my vote 😀

PS: The sound track is neat


Nice! Really clean implementation! I liked the lack of instruction. Just dig around and figure it out. :)