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hey i am an indie localizer i haven't actually localized my first game but i want to start and i though your game will be the best to start so can i localize your game into arabic and i dont want you to pay me and i will localize the whole game for you into arabic (no google translator used   just my language skils) it will help the game to be more popular and i will try to localize it asap if you are interested please reply on this message  


I ask a similiar question to xeexee, this is what they say in email:

I cannot officially endorse any localizations because I would have no way to read and approve them myself (I am not very skilled in any languages besides English, lol). But fans do have my permission to release unofficial patches themselves for readers in their languages!

Well, I am not sure xeexee will be open to the steam page localization, but for volunteer translations, perhaps you can just help yourself. Xeexee announce Vol2's page today, so I come here with the hope of getting something new. Hope these information can help you.

will thanks for the reply but i dont really know how to make a patch for a game


Translating Ren'Py games: A guide, by moskys This is a guide.

The involved tools are listed in its first page. You also need prepare a font for your language beforehand. (Or you can find me in this game's steam community guide for collaboration. Technically, it's a makeshift localization, I just grasp some basic concepts of the translation process.)

Overall, in my opinion, this game is easy enough to translate for a beginner!

sorry but the link is not opening can you send it again in another way and thanks for helping me i guess i can start my journy


Search with "Renpy translation" and then you can go. Here's a tutorial that looks like an official document. Besides, the previous attached short link should still work, or try keywords "Renpy moskys".

Just finished binging this essentially in one day and it was fantastic! I loved the character writing and the pacing was perfect. And aaahh that ending point! Do you have any estimates for when Volume Two will come out?

I am *hoping* for this year. It might slip but so far so good!

That's so exciting! Good luck!!

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