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Can you please tell me the artist? The simple art and even detailed is really cool. I'd like to see more and follow their work. Thank you. 

Видел в тиктоке) можно скачать сам вирус без игры?

Deleted post

I was going to play but all of the text is in Russian and i dont know how to fix it ):

You can change the language by clicking the second to last button aka preference

gonna play

Virus, my beloved. He's adorable

Awesome for this game!! Virus is so cute! (*^▽^*) and the 10th ending! How do I get it? I've done my best to re-finish the game! Still not quite sure!Help  o(╥﹏╥)o

OHHHHHH I hit the 10th ending! Super EXCITED!! It's just that it hurts me so much to repeatedly choose the option that makes Virus sad o(╥﹏╥)o But I really, really like the game and the style! I wonder if the author has considered making follow-up works or new works? I'm looking forward to playing!(*^▽^*)

Hello~ could you tell me how you got the tenth ending? I've got all the other endings but the game just freezes when I replay after I press the "click here" secret thing TT_TT

My last ending was typed by zero favorability!I hope I can help you!(*^▽^*)

SOSOSOSOSO COOOLL!! i loved this game sm


Обожаю, гениально :


The art and story of this game is a clear 10/10, it's a great game!

мне нравится то, что создатель говорит по-русски лмао

Здравствуйте, а почему мой антивирус не запускает программу? Там что вирусы?

Антивирус часто неправильно интерпретирует игры.

Great Game but I might can't eat salad for a while


I already got the final 10 and loved this game! It's really good

what is the artists socials?


What year does this game take place? Assuming it takes place in the current year does that make Virus on a technicallevel,23?


He's always 16

Are you ok with people being romantically into virus? Maybe....simping for him? 


How old is Virus? Does he even have an age?


He doesn't

Thanks. There are some that are concerned that Virus could be a child. Just asking since there are people romantically into the character. 

So since he does not have an age nor does he age, that means he is NOT underage. Right?

He is NOT a child so that's okay


Very cool game


Thank you!

(1 edit) (+1)

Hello. Your game is intriguing. I saw a playthrough of it on youtube under "So Most" on the Youtube channel "Your Game". I just have a question. What is Virus's age? I am asking because he could make a great Tumblr Sexyman or a great addition to the Sexypedia wiki. 


virus having a normal tangible age doesn't seem relevant to the game's story. based on the way he acts, he could be a "child whose soul is trapped in a machine" sort of thing, but it seems more logical that, as a virus, he wouldn't have a real age. I don't think the creator's intent is for people to be attracted to him romantically, after all. (though, that's just my assumption.)


He doesn't age, but he was created in 2001 


SO SILLY!!!!11



Thank you!


Love the game! Love the art style!

Thank you!




выслушай меня о вирусе...😍

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