A Complete Guide to Facebook Image Sizes and Dimensions [2024]

Facebook lets you customize plenty of things and doesn’t really mind if you mess up. Still, knowing how Facebook works and what it considers ideal helps you market yourself on the site.

Whether you do marketing on Facebook or just use it for yourself, knowing the ideal Facebook image sizes helps avoid blurry, grainy photos. Read on and learn how to optimize Facebook image dimensions to get the perfect first impression.

Why worry about image dimensions?

You’ve probably heard about SEO, which is optimizing text to suit search engines. This is a similar process, it’s only that you’re optimizing images.

Optimized images can be discovered and displayed by search engines, which might get you sudden spikes in traffic for no extra cost. Also, optimization makes it much easier to keep consistent image quality, no matter where you got the images from.

Facebook wants to save disk space by compressing and trimming the photos users upload. If you don’t account for both, your Facebook photos will be usable but never look professional. Also, your visitors will have a wildly different experience if they use a mobile versus desktop computer.

About This Guide

Unfortunately, Facebook has made things a bit confusing for users. For example, their help files reveal that your cover photo is sized differently depending on whether it’s for a page, a group, or a personal account.

It would be great if the dimensions were uniform and easy to predict, but that just isn’t the case.

So I have scoured their support files to provide you with one place to find all of the most commonly used Facebook image dimensions. In each section, I’ve included a link back to the relevant help page so that you can double check and make sure nothing has changed before you format your own images.

General Rules for Images on Facebook

The maximum width of any regular Facebook photo is 2048px. If you have a photo that exceeds that, resize, trim and sharpen it. You can even sharpen certain areas only but make sure to save it as PNG for fewer artifacts.

Choose the “High Quality” option if you upload 2048px photos. Ideally, you should transfer your images to a desktop device and upload to Facebook from there. Anecdotal evidence suggests Facebook can detect mobile uploads and compress them for performance.

Accepted image formats are:

  • PNG
  • JPG
  • GIF

Before uploading JPG files to Facebook, save them with the least compression possible. In Photoshop, this means choosing to save as “12 — Maximum Quality”. This will produce a large image size but will minimize blockiness.

Uploading images that have text and go through Facebook’s wringer results in a fuzzy, unreadable mess. To avoid that, save those images as PNG. Try saving as PNG8 and PNG24 if you keep getting poor results.

Facebook Page Profile Picture Size

Your profile picture is the smaller image that appears on your page, not to be confused with the cover photo, which stretches across the width of the screen.

It’s important to note that sometimes the shape of your profile picture will change depending on where it is displayed. On your page, it is square. But in ads and posts, the corners will be cut off to make it a circle.

So be sure to design your profile appropriately. You don’t want any important image elements in the corners of your image.

  • Best Image Ratio: 1:1
  • Desktop Display Size: 170 x 170 px
  • Mobile Display Size: 128 x 128 px


Facebook Personal Profile Picture Size

Just like on any Facebook pages you manage, you can have a profile picture on your personal account as well. It also appears as a square on your personal page and a circle on posts. The recommended dimensions are a little different, though:

  • Best Image Ratio: 1:1
  • Minimum Image Size: 320 x 320 px


Facebook Page Cover Image Size

As mentioned before, your cover image (sometimes called a Facebook banner) is the rectangular image that stretches across the top of your page. Visitors will see the cover image when they are directly visiting your page.

  • Best Image Ratio: 2.7:1
  • Minimum Required Size: 400 x 150 px
  • Best Image Size: 851 x 315 px
  • Desktop Display Size: 820 x 312 px
  • Mobile Display Size: 640 x 360 px


Facebook Group Cover Photo Size

Your public or private groups can have a cover photo as well. For whatever reason, of course, Facebook couldn’t have made it easy. Your group cover photo dimensions aren’t going to be the same as your page’s dimensions.

  • Best Image Ratio: 1.91:1
  • Best Image Size: 1640 x 856 px


Facebook Personal Cover Photo Size

Your personal page can also have a cover photo. And, you guessed it, the dimensions are different. Facebook doesn’t actually provide much information, though, beyond a minimum required width.

  • Minimum Image Width: 720 px


Facebook Event Photo or Video Size

Your Facebook events can have cover photos, as well as videos. One interesting thing to note is that you can’t change the main image or video size after you add it, so make sure you get it right.

  • Recommended Image or Video Size: 1200×628 px
  • Recommended Video Length: 30 seconds to 5 minutes


Facebook News Feed Ad Image Size

News Feed ads are posts that show up directly in a user’s feed, right beneath posts from friends.

  • Recommended Image Ratio: 1.91:1 to 1:1
  • Minimum Resolution: 1080 x 1080 px
  • Minimum Width and Height: 600 px
  • Maximum File Size: 30 MB


Facebook Right Hand Column Ad Size

As the name implies, these ads show up on the right side of the screen on desktops.

  • Recommended Image Ratio: 1:1
  • Minimum Resolution: 1080 x 1080 px
  • Minimum Height: 133 px
  • Minimum Width: 254 p


Facebook Instant Article Ad Size

These are ads that display within instant articles, which are a special type of fast-loading article that can be viewed directly within Facebook.

  • Recommended Image Ratio: 1.91:1 to 1:1
  • Minimum Resolution: 1080 x 1080 px
  • Minimum Width and Height: 600 px
  • Maximum File Size: 30 MB


Facebook In-Stream Video Image Ad Size

These are ads that will be served to people who are viewing a video within Facebook.

  • Recommended Image Ratio: 1.91:1 to 1:1
  • Minimum Resolution: 1080 x 1080 px
  • Minimum Width and Height: 600 px
  • Maximum File Size: 30 MB


Facebook Stories Image Ad Size

Facebook story ads pop up in-between friend stories that a user is viewing. They are oriented vertically and stretch the full height and width of the screen.

  • Recommended Image Ratio: 9:16
  • Minimum Resolution: 1080 x 1080 px
  • Minimum Width: 500 px
  • Maximum File Size: 30 MB


Facebook Audience Network Native, Banner, and Interstitial Image Ad Size

These are ads that are served by Facebook outside of their app. For example, on a mobile app or website.

  • Recommended Image Ratio: 9:16
  • Minimum Resolution: 398 x 208 px
  • Minimum Width: 398 px
  • Minimum Height: 208 px
  • Maximum File Size: 30 MB


Facebook Marketplace Image Ad Size

If you are selling physical goods through Facebook Marketplace, you can use these image ads to get your products directly in front of customers.

  • Recommended Image Ratio: 1:1
  • Minimum Resolution: 1080 x 1080 px
  • Maximum File Size: 30 MB


Facebook Video Ad Size

Facebook Video ads can show up in most of the same places as image ads. Here are the general guidelines. Below those, you can find placement specific rules.

  • Minimum Resolution: 1080 x 1080 px
  • Maximum Video File Size: 4 GB

Placement Specific Guidelines for Video Ads

Feed: Ratio: 4:5, Minimum Width and Height: 120 px

Instant Articles: Ratio: 16:9, Minimum Width and Height: 120 px

In-stream Video: Ratio: 16:9 or 1:1

Marketplace: Ratio: 4:5

Stories: Ratio: 19:6, Minimum Width: 500 px

Search Results: Ratio: 4:5, Minimum Width and Height: 120 px

Video Feeds: Ratio: 4:5, Minimum Width and Height: 120 px


Facebook Carousel Ad Size

Carousels are collections of up to 10 videos or images that users can scroll through. First, we’ll offer some general information that is common to most carousel ad placements. Then we’ll look at individual placement guidelines.

  • Recommended Image or Video Ratio: 1:1
  • Minimum Resolution: 1080 x 1080 px
  • Maximum Image File Size: 30 MB
  • Maximum Video File Size: 4 GB
  • Video Duration: 1 second to 4 hours

Placement Specific Guidelines for Carousel Ads

Right-Column: Text is not recommended due to the small size of the ad.

Stories: The top and bottom 14% of the ad may be covered by calls-to-action, so leave them free of vital elements and branding. Minimum image width is 500 px.


Facebook Collection Ad Size

Collection ads are usually used to show off your products. They consist of a main image or video with a smaller collection of 4 images displayed below.

News Feed Collections

  • Recommended Image or Video Ratio: 1:1
  • Minimum Resolution: 1080 x 1080 px
  • Maximum Image File Size: 30 MB
  • Maximum Video File Size: 4 GB

In-Stream Collections

  • Recommended Image or Video Ratio: 1.91:1 to 1:1
  • Minimum Resolution: 1080 x 1080 px
  • Minimum Height and Width: 500 px
  • Maximum Image File Size: 30 MB
  • Maximum Video File Size: 4 GB


Facebook Lead Ad Size

Lead ads are a special type of advertisement that include a contact form for users to fill out so that you can capture their information. Lead ads can include either images or videos.

Lead Ad Image Dimension

  • Recommended Ratio: 1:1
  • Image Size: 1080 x 1080 px

Lead Ad Video Dimensions

  • Recommended Ratio: 4:5
  • Max Video Length: 15 seconds



Success doesn’t need a genuinely novel idea but merely a rework of the old stuff. You don’t have to reinvent the wheel; just take a picture of it and resize it for Facebook according to the instructions above.

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