About Us

Hi there,

Thanks for visiting ImminentBusiness.com—your number one resource for everything marketing.

Yeah, I know that’s a bold statement, but I intend to make it true, and I’m grateful you decided to join me on my journey to become the next ClickFunnels’ 2CommaClub. Over the past few years, I’ve been in the marketing trenches fighting my way to victory, and I’ve learned a lot.

Now, don’t get me wrong, I’m no marketing guru, but I’ve picked up a few tasty marketing nuggets on my knowledge quests in the deep dark territories of the web. Just kidding though—I mean Blackhatworld, WarriorForum and other marketing forums who aren’t too keen on white hat practices.

Nonetheless, they were a great Launchpad for my affiliate marketing journey, and I wouldn’t be here if it weren’t for the valuable bits of information shared in there. Seriously, if you’ve never looked them up, you should.

Moving on, so what’s ImminentBusiness.com all about?

Well, in a nutshell, it’s my digital journal where I’ll be sharing everything I’ve learned about starting an online business. In my quest to free myself from my horrible 9-5 job, I bought a lot of courses, tools, eBooks, and one-on-one coaching sessions in a bid to create a sustainable online business.

And I did, but in hindsight, some of the courses were great and had a ton of useful information, others were full of half-baked theories with no real results to back them up. Suffice to say; I burned through my wallet quicker than a lit match on a windy day.

So to help you avoid some of the costly mistakes, I created ImminentBusiness.com.

I’m passionate about my online businesses, and you’ll mostly hear me talking about two online business models, i.e. affiliate marketing and sales funnels—my new favorite business model.

Now, affiliate marketing will always be my go-to business for generating passive income, but I can’t deny my love affair with Sales Funnels. If you’ve ever wanted to start an online business, then there couldn’t be a better time for you to take that leap of faith than right now.

With tools like ClickFunnels, Kartra, Unbounce, LeadPages, etc. you can have your business up, running and accepting payments in a matter of clicks. That’s right folks, launching or growing your business online has never been easier, and there are a variety of tools at your disposal to help get the job done.

A few years ago, if you wanted to create a basic static HTML website, you only had two options. You could either chuck out a couple of hundred or thousand bucks and hire a web developer and designer to build it for you or become a developer yourself.

Because of this most entrepreneurial ideas, including a couple of mines, died prematurely. It simply didn’t make any sense to spend a couple of grand every few months just to test out an idea whose probability of success was vague at best.

That’s why internet marketing gurus like Russell Brunson created ClickFunnels. Having earned 3 million bucks in 90 minutes at a public speaking event, he’s a pure genius when it comes to marketing.

And ClickFunnels is the epitome of his ingenuity and has been used by thousands of entrepreneurs the world over to generate billions of dollars in revenue. It’s an all-in-one marketing tool designed to help you sell whatever product or service you have.

If you’re passionate about what you do and are looking to get that big break, then you should consider getting ClickFunnels.

Or perhaps you’re a local business owner, an affiliate marketer, a freelancer; whatever it is that you do, ClickFunnels gives you the tools to generate more sales and leads for your business.

But don’t take my word for it, here’s an in-depth review on it and you can also see how it compares with some of the other SaaS companies on the market.