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Want To Start An Online Business? We Have You Covered!

homepage imageHi there, Welcome to ImminentBusiness.com – your one-stop-shop for everything marketing.

We only speak one language here—Marketing, and obviously English as well.

The goal of our site is to be your one-stop pitstop for actionable marketing advice and to keep you up to date with the latest marketing trends, including the recent rager in the digital marketing landscape, i.e., Sales funnels.

Hi there, my name is Sen, and I built this website to be a resource of the best marketing tips, tools, and resources to help you start or grow your business.

I started dabbling in online marketing a couple of years back and since then its’ been a rollercoaster.

I’ve had my fair share of successes, failures and bittersweet moments but I’m still passionate about it, and this blog is my way of giving back since I didn’t get to where I am by myself.

In my quest for knowledge, I’ve tried a variety of techniques, tools, courses some have been worth it, other not so much. And that’s why I created this blog to help you avoid some of the expensive mistakes I’ve made.

I’m no guru, but I’m a sales funnel fanatic so don’t be surprised to find plenty of sales funnel content.

I’ve used several tools to build sales funnels from ClickFunnels—the famous all-in-one sales funnel builder to its close competitors such as Kartra and BuilderAll.

And while they’re all amazing tools I still find myself going back to –spoiler alert, ClickFunnels to build my sales funnels.

Enough about me, here’s a break down of what you’ll find out on this blog, but first, a quick primer on the elephant in the room.

Sales Funnels 101

Sales FunnelA sales funnel is a theoretical marketing model that tries to outline the steps a customer takes towards purchasing a service or product.

To paint you a clearer picture assume the sale process starts at a point A and ends at a point B, where point A is where your customers are aware of a problem and point B is where they’ve purchased a solution.

A sales funnel helps you take your customer by the hand from point A and lead them to point B where they’re begging you to take their money.

Okay, perhaps not as dramatically as I laid out it for you, but I’m sure you get the gist of it by now.

With a sales funnels, you’ll be able to turn a prospect who’s just met you or found out about your business into a paying customer.

And the best part about it, is it will be at no extra cost, other than the software you’ll be using—which we will get into later on.

The main takeaway here is that without increasing your marketing or Ad spend, a sales funnels can help you generate more sales, increase your average order value, and improve your overall ROI.

All right, that’s great Sen, but how do you actually build these automated selling machines?

Building Sales Funnels

saas company feature iconsUntil a couple of years ago, if you wanted to build a sales funnel, you had to integrate a variety of tools, and you needed the help of a reliable web developer and designer.

And of course, like everything else in life, it’s not free, so you’d have to chuck a couple a grand to test out your idea. But that’s not the worst part.

The worst part is that you’d be short a couple of grand on an idea that you have yet to test out and it would be several months before you broke even, if it successful.

Ah, entrepreneurship, right? Don’t you just love it? Keeping the cheesy sarcasm aside, there are a lot of moving parts involved in a sales funnel, and it was such a hassle setting up one.

Because of this, experienced marketers and entrepreneurs like Russel Brunson decided to come up with a solution, and that was when ClickFunnels was born.

ClickFunnels boasts of being an all-in-one marketing solution to help you grow your business.

But that one-sentence definition really doesn’t do it justice, there’s just too many features to go over and you’d be better off reading our ClickFunnels review.

That said, at its core, ClickFunnels is a very intuitive sales funnel builder that comes with all the bells and whistles needed to build, grow, and make your online business thrive.

It handles everything from building front-end funnels to follow-up funnels designed to cultivate and nurture the relationship with your audience and turn them into paying customers.

And like most families, it wasn’t the only one to come out of the womb of necessity and others likes GetResponse, Kartra, Builderall among many others weren’t too far behind.

Nowadays, like mushrooms, sales funnel builders keep popping up out of nowhere with pretty enticing features at a hefty monthly subscription fee.

It can be difficult choosing the right tool for the job; that’s why it’s important to know your marketing objectives, or you risk using a shotgun to kill a fly—metaphorically speaking.

To help you make the right decision we prepared some awesome guides and reviews on some of the best sales funnel builders.

Here are some of our favorites…

Best Sales Funnel builders Reviews

sales funnel illustrationWhile Russell Brunson has done a fantabulous job of selling ClickFunnels and making it out to be the one marketing tool you can’t do without.

It’s by far not the only sales funnel builder on the market, only among the best.  So are we saying that there are better options out there?

Maybe, but for our blog to be unbiased, it’s only right that we include a few honorable mentions and so we did in our best sales funnel builders review.

These include the relatively new kid on the block that’s slowly growing, Kartra, as well the famous Instapage, known for its unique trademarked landing page builder, Instablock.

As great as it is to mention them, it doesn’t really give you a clear picture of what they can do for you or your business.

So to help you out we’ve done in-depth reviews of some of the best sale funnel builders on the market so be sure to check them out in the links below. 

ClickFunnels Review

Like we’ve already mentioned, we took out ClickFunnels for a test drive, and it was love at first sight. And in case you’re wondering what’s under the hood, here’s out checklist…

etison editor dashboard

  • Landing page builder? check,
  • Marketing automation? check,
  • Email marketing? check,
  • Affiliate programs? check,
  • Memberships? check and so much more.

Still here? Be sure to check out our review by clicking the link below. 

Kartra review

Having been started only a year ago, Kartra is a rising star in the sales funnel builders world, but comes with plenty of features to help you grow your business online.

Like ClickFunnels, its full of marketing automation features to compensate for what it lacks in experience.

It is jam-packed with features that help you build amazing sales funnels, but is it really worth your money?

Click the link to the right to find out in our full Kartra review.

But we don’t stop there, we’ve also pinned some of our favorite posts on the website that we think you’ll find a lot of information from.