
Our Other Sites

Industry Partners

Boehringer Ingelheim is a long-standing partner of International Cat Care’s veterinary division, the International Society of Feline Medicine (ISFM).

Ceva is a long-standing partner and supporter of International Cat Care.

Hill’s has been working closely with International Cat Care’s veterinary division the International Society of Feline Medicine (ISFM) for many years. ISFM and Hill’s have the shared aim of “working together towards better feline veterinary care”.

IDEXX is a long-standing supporter of International Cat Care’s veterinary division, the International Society of Feline Medicine (ISFM).

MDC Exports is a long-standing supporter of International Cat Care and its veterinary division the International Society of Feline Medicine (ISFM)

  • MDC exhibit at ISFM congresses

Petplan is a partner and supporter of International Cat Care.

Purina displays the International Society of Feline Medicine (ISFM) logo on their packaging globally, and exhibits and sponsors at ISFM conferences.

Royal Canin has a long-standing relationship with International Cat Care, having provided consistent support for the charity in many different ways over the years.
Vetoquinol is a partner and supporter of International Cat Care.

Virbac is a long-standing partner of International Cat Care’s veterinary division, the International Society of Feline Medicine (ISFM).

Zoetis is a supporter of International Cat Care’s veterinary division, the International Society of Feline Medicine (ISFM).

Charity, Education and Partner Associations

The Pet Education Partnership is a collaborative initiative between the UK’s leading animal welfare organisations: PDSA, RSPCA, Blue Cross, Cats Protection, Dogs Trust, Woodgreen, USPCA and SSPCA. Our shared vision is to make animal welfare education accessible to every child aged between 5 and 11 in the UK, with the ultimate goal of incorporating it into the curriculum.

The Australian Veterinary Receptionist Association (AVRA) is a membership association supporting the role of veterinary receptionists through training, education and development to improve the standards of welfare and communication within practice for both clients and colleagues. AVRA and International Cat Care both recognise the importance of the role of the veterinary receptionist in making visits to the clinic as stress-free as possible for cats and their caregiver as well as providing caregivers with relevant and useful information on feline health and wellbeing.

The British Veterinary Receptionist Association (BVRA) is a membership association supporting the role of veterinary receptionists through training, education and development to improve the standards of welfare and communication within practice for both clients and colleagues. BVRA and International Cat Care both recognise the importance of the role of the veterinary receptionist in making visits to the clinic as stress-free as possible for cats and their caregiver as well as providing caregivers with relevant and useful information on feline health and wellbeing,

The British Veterinary Nursing Association (BVNA) is the representative body for veterinary nurses in the UK. They promote the interests of veterinary nurses and animal health and welfare through the ongoing development of professional excellence in veterinary nursing.

We have been working collaboratively with the Centre for Veterinary Education for many years. We partner with CVE in delivering the Feline Medicine Distance Education Course each year. This important partnership delivers high-quality education through an internationally accessible platform and the course has been hugely successful and continues to be developed and refined each year.

Together with providing the Feline Distance Education course, CVE and ISFM are working towards other collaborative post-graduate education programmes to benefit vets in Australia, New Zealand, Asia and wider afield.

The Veterinary Welfare Training Program supports Animals Asia and Chengdu Bear Rescue Centre’s mission to ensure the humane treatment of domestic animals while contributing to one of our core organisational goals of enhancing and developing the capacity of the local animal welfare community.

Focusing initially in China, we have been making meaningful progress in building the technical skills and knowledge of the Chinese veterinary community. Throughout the years, our team has spoken at multiple veterinary conferences, lectured for university and multi-city tours and hosted local veterinarians, veterinary interns and students on site. The impact of the work our team has accomplished in the last few years is great, as evidenced by the growing respect and confidence from colleagues, conference organisers, potential donors and collaborators.

The World Small Animal Veterinary Association (WSAVA) is an organisation with the goal of advancing the health and welfare of companion animals through raising standards of veterinary care around the world.  WSAVA fully endorses the owner advice information on this website.

Friends and Supporters

FlexiSpot is a company of experts who will help you enjoy standing while working at home or in the office. We believe it is easy for everyone to work smarter and healthier. It’s never too late to make a change from sitting to standing.

Ergonomics is the core of our products. Our goal is to create a healthy, productive and pleasant working atmosphere with our height-adjustable desks, desk bicycles and desk converters as well as with well-thought-out accessories. In addition, we want to transform conventional work areas into future-oriented and healthy work settings. Our products enable you to create an ideal workplace for you, regardless of whether you are in a single office, open-plan office or in a home office.

Completely Cats is the creation of Beth Haslam and Zoe Marr – two passionate cat fans who decided to use their writing, editing and publishing skills to help cats. Their latest anthology of cat stories – ‘Completely Cats – stories with Cattitude’ topped the Amazon charts – and 20% of profits will be donated to International Cat Care. We are enormously grateful for their generous support. Click here to find out more and to purchase the book.

Katzenworld is a cat blog run by a team of feline enthusiasts, headed up by Marc-Andre and Iain Runcie-Unger. The blog includes stories about cats, product reviews and more. Katzenworld supports the work of iCatCare and hosts an iCatCare stream of posts that focus on the latest in feline science and cat care. Find out more about Katzenworld by visiting the blog.

Lucy Daniels is a wonderful artist, designer, illustrator and photographer (to name but a few of her artistic talents). Her fabulous studio Dippy Egg is based in Cardiff but her reputation stretches much further. You can find her work in places like Harrods and Fortnum & Masons and other discerning purveyors of lovely things the length and breadth of the UK. Lucy is also a serious cat fan and she generously donated a beautiful illustration to help raise funds for International Cat Care. A special series of cards is in the pipeline too, so watch this space!

ProtectaPet is established as the UK’s leading supplier of cat containment products. The company’s success has been based on a passionate commitment to intuitive design for pet owners, high specification UK engineering, intelligent innovation and outstanding service. Share ProtectaPet’s vision of a cat-safe territory while supporting International Cat Care. Follow this link to ProtectaPet’s online shop and they will donate 10% of your order value to iCatCare.

National Partners

Asociación Argentina de Medicina Felina

Our National Partner In Argentina

The Asociación Argentina de Medicina Felina is a nonprofit organization established in 1998, whose goal has been and still is to provide the veterinary community with high-quality continuing educational resources on feline medicine in all its aspects in order to give our cat patients the best possible attention according to their unique medical and behavioral traits.

Associazione Italiana Veterinari Patalogia Felina (AIVPaFe) / Veterinary Association of Feline Pathology

One of our National Partners in Italy

AIVPaFe is an Italian veterinary society designed to deepen knowledge and spread information about issues of feline medicine. Originally the study group was set up within AIVPA (the Italian Small Animal Veterinary Association) in 1989, but it now assumes its own identity.

AIVPaFe offers up to date information, resources and materials sourced from the international veterinary scene.


Our National Partner in Finland

Catus is a feline medicine group set up within the Finnish Association of Veterinary Practitioners (SEPry) and run by a group of practitioners with an interest in feline medicine. Their main goal is to improve knowledge on feline medicine and welfare of Finnish cats.


Our National Partner in Belgium

Established in 1997, Catvets are a group of cat-loving vets that come together four times for interactive discussions on specific cat diseases or conditions.

The Feline Medicine Specialty Committee, under the Small Animal Medicine Branch of Chinese Society of Zootechnics and Veterinarian, is called the Chinese Feline Medicine Specialty Committee (CFMSC).

CFMSC is devoted to promoting the welfare of cats, concentrating on clinical research and diagnosis of cat disease, and on the training and certification of feline specialized personnel.

CFMSC is established by the mainstream feline medicine specialists in China and currently has 300 members; the fringe organizations have around 2000 members. The core members of CFMSC, i.e. the council members of CFMSC, almost contain all essence of Chinese feline medicine; therefore, CFMSC has sufficient representativeness.

Czech Association of Feline Medicine

Our National Partner in the Czech Republic

The Czech Association of Feline Medicine is an official group of veterinary surgeons and students of veterinary medicine interested in feline medicine formed in 2017. Their aim is to improve cat health care in the Czech Republic. They organise educational events for veterinarians and students and are hoping to create an education programme for veterinarians to gain the national specialisation in feline medicine in the future.

Deutsche Gruppe Katzenmedizin

Our National Partner in Germany

The Deutsche Gruppe Katzenmedizin is a group of veterinarians interested in feline medicine. Our aim is to increase knowledge about feline medicine and behaviour and to spread the ideas of ISFM about cat welfare among vets in Germany. Also, they aim to establish the Cat Friendly Clinic scheme in Germany.

Die “Deutsche Gruppe Katzenmedizin” ist eine Gruppe von Tierärzt(inn)en, die sich besonders der Katzenmedizin verschrieben haben. Unser Ziel ist es, die Gedanken der ISFM in Deutschland bekannt zu machen, die Besonderheiten der Katzenmedizin und des Katzenverhaltens zu erlernen und weiterzugeben, um das “Katzenwohl” auch in Deutschland zu verbessern. Außerdem träumen wir davon, das “Cat Friendly Clinic”-Programm auch bei uns zu etablieren.

Email: [email protected]

Estonian Society of Feline Practitioners

Our National Partner in Estonia

The Estonian Society of Feline Practitioners is a new group currently being established. It aims to bring together Estonian vets with an interest in feline medicine, benefiting the health and welfare of cats throughout Estonia.

Feline Vet Friends

Our National Partner in the Netherlands

FVF is founded in 2023 with the aim to provide more in depth knowledge for veterinarians about feline medicine and to increase the awareness of the specific needs of the cat, both physically and emotionally.

Our website should be a portal for veterinarians with an interest in cats to:
  • get this knowledge directly
  • provide links to other organizations which offer feline congresses and courses, or have valuable feline content on their website
  • get access to forums or a social media group

Vet nurses and vet students can also access to the information on our website. Our goal is to organize regular working meetings for small groups of veterinarians.

Grupo de Especialidad de Medicina Felina de AVEPA (GEMFE)

Our National Partner in Spain

GEMFE was born in 2000 in response to the growing number of cats owned as pets in Spain and the interest in feline medicine. GEMFE shares interests, training and research with our counterparts in Europe (ISFM – International Society of Feline Medicine, iCatCare – International Cat Care) and the US (AAFP – American Association of Feline Practitioners).

Although currently GEMFE is a speciality group, it has always been aware of the importance of being a ‘working group’ in both its original definition to support its individual members, and as a group of people where there is an equitable division of labour and responsibilities. Today, GEMFE has several tools that allow it to maintain active communication and a framework to exchange ideas. Among them:

  • An exclusive internet forum for its members
  • Annual Meeting of Working Groups
  • Annual Masterclass with an international speaker
  • Regular meetings of partners in different cities.
  • Biannual newsletter with case reports and review articles
  • GEMFE Annual Conference
  • Group profile on Facebook. An open door to where pet owners can consult veterinary accurate and verified information

Groupe de réflexion et d’intérêt félin

Our National Partner in France

The GRIF was created in 2017 by eight French veterinarians. All of these veterinarians are passionate about cats. Six work in cat-only clinics, in different regions of France.
The group aims to:

  • spread good practices for feline medicine
  • share recommendations to the entire veterinary community, relying on the expertise of its members and specialists in different areas of veterinary medicine related to cats
  • develop veterinary establishments in the feline field
  • integrate new technologies and use them for better feline medicine
  • help owners better understand their cat and live better together

The group meets 4 times a year and discusses feline matters regularly.
Conferences or webinars are held for vets who want to better their knowledge of cats.

Grupo de Interesse Especial em Medicina Felina da APMVEAC (GIEFEL)

Our National Partner in Portugal

The Special Interest Group on Feline Medicine (GIEFEL) started in 2013 with the main objective to improve the quality of feline medicine in Portugal. Formed by a dozen of founding members, aims at growing and motivating those who have an interest in this area, sharing knowledge and experience and promoting the cat’s well-being.

As such GIEFEL cooperates with international organizations, like the International Society of Feline Medicine and other counterpart bodies, promotes formation activities, advertises generic information through different communication channels, adopts technical guidelines, keeps an electronic discussion group and organizes meetings to strengthen the link among their members.

GEIFEL is part of APMVEAC (Portuguese Small Animal Veterinary Association).

Hellenic Veterinary Medicine Society (HVMS)

Our National Partner in Greece


Our National Partner in Sweden

Jamaren is the Swedish Veterinary Feline Study Group and was formed in 1996. Its purpose is to spread knowledge about cats and feline diseases among Swedish veterinarians. Jamaren organizes two courses per year, often with foreign lecturers. We also try to combine business with pleasure.

Japanese Society of Feline Medicine

Our National Partner in Japan

Japanese Society of Feline Medicine (JSFM,ねこ医学会) was established by Japanese Feline intellectuals. Dr Takuo Ishida is the founder and president of the society. He has deep academic knowledge, understandings and passion to cats. JSFM has two main aims, encourage raising standards of Feline Medicine and support Cat Friendly thoughts to be infiltrated among vets, vet nurses and cat owners. JSFM provides continuous professional development seminar on a regular basis and collaborates with major vet congresses in Japan. JSFM would play a key role to create a reliable and strong foundation to level up feline medicine worldwide.

Kedi Hekimliği Derneği (KHEDİ) 

One of our National Partners in Turkey

KHEDI started in January 2017, with the goal of improving the knowledge on feline medicine in its different aspects. This includes; continuing education for our colleagues and nurses, symposium and interacting about development in cats medicine with cat owners and an annual congress organised for practitioners. KHEDI is aware of the importance to maintain active communication and the exchange of ideas and regularly survey their network and provide internet forums and social platforms for their members. The objective is to develop quality and standards and to bring to this field their best knowledge.


One of our National Partners in Turkey

Association of Volunteer Cat People and Feline Veterinarians is a non profit organization which was established in 2015 with the aim of bringing together volunteer cat people and feline practitioners who passionate about cats.

The objectives of the group are:

  • Raising awareness about cats in the society
  • Improving the welfare of all animals especially stray cats
  • Organising events about cats
  • Caring and treating cats
  • Furthering the skills of the practitioner
  • Organising congress about feline medicine

Korean Society for Feline Medicine

Our National Partner in Korea

The Korean Society of Feline Medicine (KSFM) was established in 2012 with the goal of advancing cat treatment and improving cat welfare through education and research activities. Members of KSFM, nationwide veterinary doctors, strive to share knowledge and experience through conferences, advanced education, and professional seminars every year and continuously improve themselves. Based on the support of these members, KSFM has been approved as a subsidiary of the Korean Veterinary Medical Association (KVMA), and we will do our best to establish excellent cat treatment standards through consistent educational opportunities, research, journal publication, and active exchange with overseas organizations, making both people and cats happy.

Our National Partner in Latvia

Latvian Society of Feline Medicine (LSFM) is a veterinary organisation which focuses on feline medicine and welfare. Our mission is develop a friendly and supportive place where we share knowledge and educate about feline health, comfort, physical and mental needs in a cat friendly approach. We aspire to establish contact and motivate professionals across various fields, including veterinary staff, behaviourists, volunteers, boarding catteries, breeders, cat guardians and care workers in shelters. Through collaboration and shared passion, we aim to elevate the standards of cat care and contribute to the overall betterment of felines.


Our Slovenian National Partner

Russian Society of Feline Medicine (RSFM)

Our National Partner in Russia

Société Francophone de Médecine Féline

One of our National Partners in France

The French Society of Feline Medicine is a medical and scientific society whose objective is to establish the highest standards in feline medicine in French speaking countries.été-francophone-de-médecine-féline-sfmf/

Slovak Society of Feline Medicine

SSFM is a group of Slovak veterinary practitioners with an active interest in feline medicine and welfare.

Società Italiana di Medicina Felina (SIMEF)

One of our National Partners in Italy

SIMEF is the Italian Society of Feline Medicine. SIMEF was established in July 2000 with the unconditional support of SCIVAC, and was formed by a group of veterinarians who care about feline medicine. The initial group was formed by Prof. Andrea Boari and Doctors Stefano Bo, Cristina Crosta, Cristina Picco and Tommaso Furlanello. The establishment of SIMEF was the natural development for all who attended the initial feline medicine study group within SCIVAC, coordinated by Dr. Stefano Bo. SIMEF hold regular meetings and publish a biannual newsletter. Members also participate in important epidemiological surveys such as the one on the spread of FIV and FeLV in Italy, sponsored by IDEXX.

Romanian Society of Feline Medicine (SRMF)

The Societatea Romana de Medicina Felina is our National Partner in Romania

Taiwanese Society of Feline Medicine

Our National Partner in Taiwan

TSFM is a non-profit association founded in 2018 by clinical veterinarians in Taiwan. The purpose of TSFM includes:

  1. Furthering feline disease treatment standards
  2. Furthering feline disease knowledge and skills of clinical veterinarians
  3. Educating the general public about health care concepts for cats
  4. Promoting international academic exchange
  5. Subsidizing feline medicine research
  6. Rewarding specialized professions or contribution of veterinarians and animal hospitals involved in feline veterinary care

Thai Society of Feline Practitioners (TSOFP)

Our National Partner in Thailand

The Thai Society of Feline Practitioners (TSOFP) was established in February 2006 by a group of practitioners with an interest in feline medicine including Assoc. Prof. Dr Parnchitt Nilkumhang, Dr Rosama Pusoonthornthum, Dr Naowaluck Suriyapatanapong, Dr Thanin Santiwatanatham and Dr Araya Phonsuwan.

The aims of TSOFP are:

  • To enhance academic interaction
  • To network
  • To exchange and share information and expertise among feline practitioners
  • To develop clinical management and care for the wellbeing of cats for the veterinary profession in Thailand