Dead by Daylight
  • 148 Playing
  • 2.8K Backlogs
  • 137 Replays
  • 22.2% Retired
  • 69% Rating
  • 678 Beat
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comradeK's Avatar'


Solo queue survivor is awful, but the game can be really fun with friends of similar skill and mindset. It can be miserable trying to bring someone new into the game though.
Updated 5.5 Days Ago


Dazerin's Avatar'


143h 9m Progress
Tremendo juego para jugar con panas. Divertido y tenso, pero a la larga si no te gusta mucho mucho va a terminar cansando
Updated 1 Week Ago


Recono357's Avatar'

85%Xbox Series X/S

896h 40m Progress
Horror fan's dream. Awesome game that has outlived it's criticism, somehow. Started a long line of copycats that, to this day, none of them have compared.
Updated 1.5 Weeks Ago
PurpleWolf's Avatar'

30%PlayStation 4

Chato pra caraikkkkkkkkkkkk
Updated 1.5 Weeks Ago


eternights's Avatar'


1h Progress
too confusing
Updated 1 Month Ago


Wriggles84's Avatar'

90%PlayStation 5

One of the best multiplayer horror titles around, great use of licensed characters including Freddy, Leatherface, Ghostface, Myers and more. I keep coming back and the devs keep supporting it years after release.
Updated 1 Month Ago


CharlieN47's Avatar'


1300h Progress
good game terrible developers
Updated 2.5 Months Ago


Groffles's Avatar'

80%PlayStation 4

453h Progress
This is only such a high ranking because I enjoyed playing this so much. It is not a game I would recommend to someone who doesn't like horror games, asymmetrical multiplayer, or basically hide and seek. Its infinitely better when playing with friends and also that much worse when playing by yourself. Racking up this much time came by literally playing 2 - 4 hours after work while hanging out with friends and drinking a beer. The type of stuff you might do by going out to a bar and shooting the shit.
Updated 2.5 Months Ago
AefirThrift's Avatar'


370h 49m Progress
Dead By Daylight is a clever reverse horror/survival horror where you work to either capture all of the survivors or escape your would be murderer. There are a vast variety of playable characters, however, it is extremely rinse and repeat in gameplay. The community is a very trolly group of players as well. I encourage you to dive in and play the free content to decide if its worth playing more for you.
Updated 3 Months Ago


Seelty's Avatar'


196h 43m Progress
The game i hate that I always come back to.
Updated 4 Months Ago


Glinwick's Avatar'

70%PlayStation 4

Great game with fun gameplay. It's performance fails in comparison to the PC version, but if you never play that version the PS4 version will be great!
Updated 4.5 Months Ago


Glinwick's Avatar'


Great online game to play, especially with friends. The survivor side is a fun game of balancing priorities of tasks while the killer side is a great game of cat and mouse.
Updated 4.5 Months Ago


MakotoHamaya's Avatar'

10%Xbox One

- terrible balancing
- horrible perks
- ugly graphics
- terrible optimization

BHVR has horribly managed any and all aspects of this game and it seems like it’ll remain that why for some time unless they get their act together.
Updated 5 Months Ago


Leonellus159's Avatar'

65%Xbox One

It's a very great game with friends on Survivor or alone on Killer. Although, since I started playing it, the maps, balance, and perks have been awful. Without mentioning the "meta perk" or "killer" being too good sometimes and needing to be bought.
It's one of the few remaining of a dying gender, the asymmetrical horror type game, so it has at least credit for that.

Good game, but the more you play the more you get its flaws.
Updated 5 Months Ago


adam54678's Avatar'


257h 19m Progress
Was great 2 years ago. Now the game is very killer sided and matches are not as fun. I still want to support tho and still comeback every so often
Updated 6 Months Ago


Tresangamercz's Avatar'

85%PlayStation 4

Tupá, bezmyšlenkovitá multyplayerová střílečka... tedy, snaží se mít svůj skillpoint systém a funguje to. Ale jinak, prostě bud máš štěstí, nebo ne. Jako u každé hry multyplayerové záleží, kdo se nepojí a pokud nemáš přátelé, jako já, tak to prostě proteče na pár hrách a tím to hasne. Není to špatné, má to krásnou atmosféru, ale je to prostě jen bezcílná hra.
Updated 7 Months Ago


BomBom's Avatar'

75%PlayStation 4

18h Progress
pretty fun with friends
allawy's favs
Updated 7 Months Ago


Degraves's Avatar'


Development, and idea wise, the team behind Dead by Daylight have done a phenomenal job. It's a shame how negative the community can be sometimes, though I find it's worth pushing through, as this is easily one of the greatest horror themed games of all time.
Updated 8 Months Ago


FJK's Avatar'


180h 25m Progress
Эх, раньше ман мог ебать всех, сейчас над маном только издеваются :(
Updated 11.5 Months Ago


Greenbean_OW's Avatar'


41h 18m Progress
This is a really fun game when you are playing it with friends! However, I find it very boring when you are playing solo. My personal belief is that a multiplayer game should be fun regardless of if you have friends who play it with you or not. This game does not pass that. Also, as an achievement hunter, I find it frustrating to try and get 100% just because of the grind. Compare this to other online games that offer some sort of lack of grind. Not for me, but for sure for other types of gamers.
Updated 1 Year Ago


rixy's Avatar'


Frustrating game with incompetent devs.
Updated 1 Year Ago


Tamin's Avatar'


17h 42m Progress
Hard to tell if i liked it or not, it was something i picked up only whenever other friend played it.
Updated 1 Year Ago


Theuin's Avatar'


Though the game does have some balance issues, as a person who really dislikes horror and horror themed anything, this game was a LOT of fun with buddies.

The asymmetrical mutliplayer genre is not well explored, and this game is a welcome addition.

Too bad the balance can be rough and microtransactions...well, you know. Feel bad.
I'd rather just buy the game.
Updated 1.5 Years Ago


thesamuraiman's Avatar'

80%PlayStation 5

Great game
Updated 1.5 Years Ago


Liber_lupus's Avatar'


Was especially fun for the first few years, definitely some ups and downs in the changes of gameplay, but came back to it recently and it is still enjoyable all new updates considered! - 11/24/22
Updated 1.5 Years Ago


zoombip's Avatar'


93h Progress
Scary and fun.
Updated 1.5 Years Ago


notaterrurist's Avatar'


killing poeple has never been so much fun
Updated 1.5 Years Ago


SixSonatas's Avatar'


I'm terrible and it's too scary. However, I have a Neon Lunchbox that helps keep me safe.
Updated 2 Years Ago


Xeldena's Avatar'

50%PlayStation 4

I've got over 1k hours in this game overall, it's extremely fun to play with friends, it's awful to play with friends, it's very well designed, it's very broken and needs alot of patches.

This is a great game server on a broken plate split into three pieces, You'll enjoy the meal regardless but it's going to get all over you and annoy the hell out of you.

At it's worst, 3/10, at it's best 8/10
Updated 2 Years Ago
goopycarbonara's Avatar'


396h Progress
i hate this game. its fun tho
Updated 2 Years Ago


Vaesive's Avatar'


181h 35m Progress
Got this for free when purchasing DEATHGARDEN: Bloodharvest (RIP) and finally gave it a try a few years later and was pretty "meh" about it. It mostly just made me miss DEATHGARDEN...

Then a buddy got into it and a bunch of streamer friends started playing so I decided to join them and I found it to be FAR more enjoyable when playing with friends. The general community of DBD can be troll-y or pretty toxic but it's a lot of fun when you're just goofing off with some mates. Solo queueing is pretty hit-or-miss because the matchmaking system of the game is actual garbage. I'm brand new (level 19, level 20 is where you start and lower number is higher rank) solo queuing and it's constantly putting me into matches against level 6/7/8s?! I could understand if it was every now and then but it happens so often that it quickly becomes frustrating going up against skilled and seasoned players that literally just troll you for their own amusement...

You can watch my livestream gameplay with friends and other streamers on my [url=]YouTube Channel[/url]!

Clips from the game:
[url=]🧥 BLACK JACKET CAMO! 🤫[/url]
[url=]👻 Spirit Surprise! 😱[/url]
[url=]👶 Babies First Kite! 🪁[/url]
[url=]🤦‍♂️ Co-operative Failing 🤣[/url]
[url=]🥶 Hide in Plain Sight 🥶[/url]
[url=]🐷 Pig Gives Chase! 🏃‍♂️[/url]
[url=]⛑️ Rescue Mission! ⛑️[/url]
[url=]💨 PERFECT SABOTAGE! 💨[/url]
[url=]🏃 Sacrifice Not In Vain! 🏃[/url]
[url=]😱 Ghostface Jumpscare 😱[/url]
[url=]🤫 Ugly Sweater Camouflage 🤫[/url]
[url=]😱 Another Ghostface Jumpscare 😱[/url]
[url=]😳 ...Oops... 😳[/url]
Updated 2 Years Ago


TheBlirdSister's Avatar'


Wonderful concept. Good map creation. The bugs and balancing between killer and survivor is what made me quit. Was fun for a long time tho
Updated 2 Years Ago


BrotherOsas's Avatar'


This game's concept is amazing but is executed poorly considering the number of bugs or overpowered perks, killers, etc. My peak on survivor was rank 2 in the old ranking system and I have hundreds of hours so no, it wasn't a skill issue. When I first got the game, it was so much fun because people weren't playing like degenerates to win. A problem in this game is that killers can play dirty and completely tunnel you out of the game by targeting you or camping when you've been hooked. Although there are anti-tunnel perks, it makes the game repetitive because players will run the same perk lineups almost every match. I want to run fun builds but sometimes I just can't when people play so hard to win. The meta in this game does not get altered much which is one of my biggest complaints. This game has a neat progression system with the blood web and how there are teachable perks. If the developers fixed the bugs and made the meta fresh, then this game would be outstanding.
Updated 2 Years Ago


ConcussedDolphin's Avatar'


21h 46m Progress
Killer is hard to have fun on and devs suck hairy ballss!!
Updated 2.5 Years Ago


ae_zaqweerty27's Avatar'


82h 20m Progress
The actual game itself is quite okay. And i have a lot of fun when playing with friends. I'm excited, shocked and screaming everytime when i play survivors.

And every time I play the killer I felt like I had released the evil within. (Hahaha) with a first-person perspective, unlike the third-person perspective of the survivors. Made me so fun that I didn't want to go back and play with my friends again. The chase was fun. Even beginners still understand and can kill some other players.

This game also has tons of upgrades, perk, characters, abilities, equipment, customizing. and of cause, main and sub quest, even battlepass. Can say that there is really a lot to do.

But something that always upset me, is the madness server. That is ready to make the game that we have been waiting to play over 10 minutes must be void! Sometimes i play until the end of the game, i almost run to the exit door but the game has disconnected me. And find out it's say that i cheated the game(???)

Oh update. I have almost no problems with the server now (I assumed it was due to my own unstable connection). But performance issues persist. My laptop can play The Phantom Pain, GTA V, The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt in mid to high ranks. But with this game I have to adjust it low. Including reducing the image scale from normal again I don't understand why that is.

If you plan to buy this game, i suggest you find a friend to play together. Or you can play killer and have some fun with slaughter. Otherwise this game will be significantly less fun.
Updated 2.5 Years Ago


Cherry_JoJo123's Avatar'


Comprei por conta da marques, sou um grandississimo gado, mas o jogo é mt bom e divertido ri muito jogando

Multiplayer Online
Updated 2.5 Years Ago


Huxamalay's Avatar'

80%PlayStation 5

Reminds me of a game I used play at school called 'stuck in the mud', albeit a more adult/horror themed version. Lots of fun online in short bursts, especially now its cross play. However, its life span remains to be seen, because as soon as the servers dry up it'll become unplayable, unless they go the Friday the 13th route and introduce bots.
Updated 2.5 Years Ago


yecapsgaming's Avatar'

60%Xbox One

1800h Progress
It's alright but your fun can very much be decided by the enemy team.
Updated 2.5 Years Ago


Fjords's Avatar'

80%Nintendo Switch

Excellent multiplayer game.
Updated 2.5 Years Ago


ItsCabbie's Avatar'


I see why some people find it fun, but it's not a game for me...
Updated 3 Years Ago


laflamepts's Avatar'


28h 12m Progress
It encapsulates the vibe from 80's horror movies perfectly. The ambient is spooky with very dark tones and splatters of blood everywhere, the audio effects add to this and get your heart racing when you're trying to get away from the killer or hear a scream from across the map.
Unfortunately this very unique concept was destroyed by technical errors that keep people from fully enjoying the experience and the visual bugs take away from the immersion.
I'd still reccomend to try it out for yourself as it's still a good game with a lot of nice DLC's, but leaves you wondering "what could've been".
Updated 3 Years Ago


xekesz's Avatar'


1572h Played
A decent asymmetrical horror game but both of those terms are loosely used. It's an arcade game through and through where neither side is guaranteed any significant playtime. Survivors can be hooked and left to die before they even did anything and killers can have the objective rushed before they have even killed one person. It's a shame that a party game has a 'meta' but it exists and many people take this game seriously which sucks as it isn't anywhere near an esport or competitive. The closest thing you have to that is a rank that does nothing. Progression is also grindy as all hell but I didn't notice it because I began engrossed in this game when quarantine first started. I play it every once and a while but when it infuriates you, you take a break weeks at a time.
Updated 3 Years Ago


v1kman's Avatar'


Симулятор чинилы
Updated 3 Years Ago


AoiYozora's Avatar'


My friend doesn't play anymore, and I can't think of a reason why I should continue.
Updated 3.5 Years Ago




15h Played
Steam Profile >
Steam Group >
Website >
Updated 5.5 Years Ago
IGN's Avatar'

90%No Platform Specified

Dead by Daylight’s inventive concept for a competitive horror game strikes an incredible balance between two very different styles of play, and makes both compelling. Channeling the slasher movie spirit, each match feels like a mini horror movie on both sides. Whether you’re the efficient and unpredictable killer, or one of the strategically elusive survivors, the thrill of the chase and the ever-present threat that even the best-laid plans can go awry keep Dead by Daylight feeling timely, even after five years of thrill kills.
Updated 3 Years Ago