Plumbing Digital Marketing Services

Own Your Marketing With Our Relentless Plumbing SEO Services

We like helping companies be more profitable and selective because they have MORE and BETTER leads – we do that with a handful of strategies 100% dedicated on earning more traffic and leads from Google organic search engine.

  • We target keywords people are searching with technical SEO and Content Writing.
  • We earn links back to your website (huge for getting higher on Google & for local SEO)
  • We make gorgeous plumbing websites dedicated to converting visitors into leads.
Lets Get Started

 100+ 5-Stars



Low-quality service providers shouldn’t outrank you on Google. That’s just wrong.

“Just understand Google is God when it comes to home service.” – Tommy Mello, A1 Garage

  • Search Engine Optimization is an extremely powerful tool and can lead to an ROI of over 200%.
  • Our team is committed to consistency and results. You’ll always know what we’re working on.
  • Our “stuff not fluff” attitude has to lead to over 55 – 5 Star Reviews on Google.


We do competitive analysis and keyword research and  write blog content and landing pages targeted at topics  people are searching.


We earn links on a regular basis  back to your website (huge for getting higher on Google & for local seo)

Technical SEO

Our team ensures your site is organized well, crawlable & technically sound. We stay up to date on algorithm changes and take advantage of new opportunities.

Monthly SEO + Reporting, and a Live Marketing Dashboard = Starting at [Contact Us for Pricing]/month

Contact Us Now

Fill in your information below and we’ll reach out the schedule a time to talk about your goals for your contractor company.

Plumbing Search Engine Optimization that’s an Investment in your Website’s Future

The best part about Search Engine Optimization is that you’re not just paying for ads that go away once you stop paying.

Check out this article on Forbes – about why SEO is smart for plumbers.

Search Engine Optimization is an investment in the long-term future of your website’s traffic and leads.

Plumbing companies have a big opportunity to increase their online presence. The key is – not choosing a low-quality provider who can put your website at risk, but rather choosing someone who has in-house writers, and long-term minded tactics and monthly reporting.

Always have a dashboard at your fingertips that gives key metrics, and what your SEO team is up to, get a plumbing SEO free consultation now.

Why are we so passionate about Home Services?

We’ve created clear processes internally to serve home services companies, and are very good at setting expectations for both our team and yours.

Our sales process is well-organized, and we’ll only get you a quote if we have an understanding, a good relationship, and we feel we can make your company significant money from our Plumbing SEO services & local seo.

We’re looking forward to chatting, and hopefully providing value in our free search engine optimization demonstration!


Plumbing SEO Services: How do we do it?

Great that you ask!

We love providing plumber SEO – and honestly, we’re not scared to tell you are secrets.

Local SEO isn’t about just knowing the secrets of the internet, it’s partly about:

  • Diligently doing certain activities that are most likely to increase traffic + leads
  • Having a great looking, persuasive website that helps convert people when they do get to the site. 
  • Not giving up doing those activities once the leads increase (that’s why you need some accountability.)

But here’s what you need to look for (or do) if you’re looking for the best SEO for plumbers:

  • Heavy duty content systems like location landing pages, blog posts, and ways to ever-increase the width of the sales funnel, by increasing the possible entry points to the website. 
  • Heavy duty linking systems like guest post outreach, Help a Reporter Out, Local directory listings, and creative blogging to go after things writers want to link to (Statistics and graphs are one example.)
  • Technical SEO like using Rankmath WordPress plugin to de-index thin and duplicate content, cleaning up site speed with caching, and regularly updating content with H2’s, bolding sentences with keywords, adding alt text to images, and increasing the ease of navigating around the site and the URL structure to increase interlinking and relationship keys from different pages with that and internal linking. 

Yes that’s a lot! 

But that’s why we’re here to do everything for you on a regular basis. 

Plumber SEO - Infographic, statistics, marketing - Plumbing Marketing Graph

Quick plumbing marketing stats: 97% of customers research a plumbing company on the internet, 88% of customers will call or visit a store with 24 hours of making a search, and 69% of all clicks on Google go to the first 5 organic results!

Resources to learn more about Plumber SEO if you want to dive in yourself

There’s a wide, beautiful world out there that is available to those who want to dive and and get really heavy-duty on SEO, even by themselves.

I’ve curated some of the top resources for learning SEO – even if you don’t hire Hook Agency, or another highly-rated plumbing marketing agency with proven processes

  • SEO Basics: 3 Things I Would Do If Nothing Else
  • – in-depth resource curated by Aleyda Solis
  • A Guide to Blogging – high-level – you need to identify plumbing keywords people are searching, then create in-depth pages to help those people with their searches, and actually ‘fulfill the intent of the search,’ by making a better page or post than the other top 3 posts on that topic. 


As of writing this we have several companies we’re doing plumbing SEO for and that number is growing

Why do we love plumber SEO?

For one – there’s not as many plumbing SEO companies out there, as some niches.

We also know how to dominate for plumbers.

We’ve been helping home service businesses win online for 8+ years, but niched into home services only in mid 2021. This allows us to get hyper focused on what works on Google Business profile / Google maps + what actually produces leads for our clients.

  • We not only track your leads, but we also check each one to make sure they are legit.
  • We not only do keyword research for you, but we write 3,000 words a month to take the needed steps to actually rank on Google.
  • We not only make suggestions on the design and development of the website for SEO, we will make them.

We want to take more off your plate – not just come up with ideas to rank

We’re a ‘get shit done’ company – and you’re a ‘get shit down’ plumber. 

It’s a perfect marriage made in heaven. 🙂 

No but for real – for all of our irreverent, down-to-earthness, we really love helping home service businesses and we have it plastered all over our walls:

  • Take stuff off of home service businesses plates.
  • Get more and better leads for them.

If you want that for your business, you’ve come to the right place. 

So many plumbing SEO companies say they do SEO, but they do the bare minimum

They hide that lack of effort with paid ad budgets.

Many big businesses don’t notice and extra 2-3k in the budget that’s supposedly going towards SEO because they’re spending 10-20 grand.

We started with the smallest businesses that cared about every dollar – so we learned that if there’s 1-2k invested in something, there needs to be a serious return.

Yes – SEO legitimately takes time.

No – That’s not an excuse to not say exactly what the SEO company is doing every month, and to show early indicators of moving towards success along the way. 

To combat this problem – we’ve made the following improvements

  • Live dashboard with all of your stats year over year
  • Monthly reporting with exactly what we did
  • A Google drive folder with deliverables from every month of work.
  • Lead tracking and lead verification. 
  • Writing the content, earning the links, and actually doing the design and development.

Don’t get caught up with a fake SEO agency – work with a company that’s as transparent as you are about what you got done.


Complete Guide to Plumbing SEO: Optimizing Your Plumbing Business for Search Engines in 2023

In today’s digital age, plumbing businesses face fierce competition and must rely on a strong online presence to attract customers. Plumbing SEO is your key to unlocking the door to higher search engine rankings, increased visibility, and a steady flow of leads. Ready to dive into the world of plumbing SEO? This comprehensive guide will walk you through the essential components, strategies, and tools to optimize your plumbing business for search engines in 2023.

Short Summary

  • Plumbing SEO is a specialized approach to improve website visibility and ranking in search engine results.

  • It involves On-page, Off-page, Technical and Local SEO strategies combined with content marketing and leveraging Google Business Profile & Maps for local customers.

  • Tracking performance through measurable goals & KPIs is essential to ensure desired outcomes are achieved while making necessary adjustments along the way.

Understanding Plumbing SEO: The Basics

plumber, handyman, repair

Plumbing SEO is the process of optimizing plumbing websites for search engine algorithms to increase their visibility and generate more leads. With the growing competition in the plumbing industry, it has become vital for businesses to invest in SEO to stay ahead of competitors and reach more customers. A plumbing SEO company can provide services such as keyword research, website optimization, and content creation to help you achieve higher rankings in search engine results.

It’s essential to understand that website quality plays a critical role in plumbing SEO. A well-optimized website for search engine algorithms is more likely to achieve higher rankings in search engine results, ensuring a strong online presence in both the plumbing and HVAC industries. Implementing effective HVAC SEO strategies can further enhance your online visibility.

What is Plumbing SEO?

Plumbing SEO is a specialized search engine optimization approach designed specifically for plumbing companies. By incorporating relevant plumbing keywords into your Google Business Profile, website, and plumbing blogs, you can improve your web pages’ search engine ranking, making it easier for customers to discover your plumbing company. With the help of plumber SEO services, you can effectively optimize your online presence and attract more clients.

Long-form content plays a vital role in enhancing the duration of time a user spends on the page, leading to better search engine rankings and increased visibility.

Why Plumbing Businesses Need SEO

In an industry as competitive as plumbing, SEO is essential for raising your online presence and drawing in more clients. To identify your competitors in plumbing SEO, investigate the top listings when searching for relevant keywords such as “plumber in [my city]” and “local plumber near me.” Additionally, researching individual plumbing companies to determine directories they are listed on, social media platforms they utilize, and content they share with their audience can be beneficial.

Investing in plumbing SEO can bring several advantages, such as:

  • Engaging a plumbing SEO specialist

  • Submitting website URL and other pertinent information to be featured in specific categories online

  • Listing your business name, address, phone, and site

However, without investing in plumbing SEO, the likelihood of obtaining a top ranking in search results is minimal. In other words, SEO is the lifeline that keeps your plumbing business afloat in the digital ocean of competition.

Key Components of Effective Plumber SEO

bathtub, bathroom, washroom

Successful plumber SEO comprises four essential elements.

  1. On-page SEO

  2. Off-page SEO

  3. Technical SEO

  4. Local SEO

Content is a key factor in determining the ranking of a plumbing website in search results. By developing a multi-step digital marketing process specifically designed to assist businesses in improving their position in Google’s search ranking, you can ensure your plumbing business stays ahead of the competition.

Off-page SEO pertains to all SEO activities headed outside of your web page. These efforts help determine the website’s ranking, credibility and trustworthiness on search engines. To achieve the best results, it’s crucial to combine all these elements into a cohesive SEO strategy tailored to your plumbing business’s unique needs and goals.

On-Page SEO for Plumbers

On-page SEO for plumbers involves optimizing title tags, meta descriptions, and incorporating relevant keywords into plumbing websites. By constructing service pages for each of the services provided, like drain cleaning, and optimizing them with title tags, meta descriptions, and pertinent keywords, you can enhance your plumbing business’s online visibility and attract potential customers.

On-page SEO can help a plumbing business achieve higher rankings in organic search results. By focusing on creating high-quality, informative, and engaging content that caters to the needs of your target audience, you can ensure your plumbing website stands out in the crowded digital landscape and attracts the right kind of traffic.

Off-Page SEO for Plumbing Companies

Off-page SEO for plumbing companies involves link building, guest blogging, and social media marketing to enhance a plumbing business’s online reputation and authority. High-quality backlinks, originating from websites with prominent authority, can have a beneficial effect on your online visibility and search engine rankings. The increasing competition in the plumbing industry has led to a heightened competition for organic rankings in plumbing SEO, making a strong backlink strategy crucial for staying competitive.

Creating relevant content that others may want to link to is one effective link building strategy. Furthermore, guest blogging on reputable sites or running social media ads can also help build the necessary links. By focusing on building a robust off-page SEO strategy, you can enable your plumbing business to achieve higher rankings on search engine results pages, leading to increased website traffic and potential customers.

Technical SEO for Plumbing Websites

Technical SEO for plumbing websites entails factors such as site speed, mobile-friendliness, and website architecture, which are essential for providing an optimal user experience and achieving higher search engine rankings. The optimal website loading time for plumbing SEO is less than three seconds. If your plumbing business’s website load time is longer than five seconds, you should consult an SEO expert or web developer to address the technical issues that may be causing the slow loading time of your site.

Site speed is critical for plumbing SEO as it guarantees that the website loads promptly for users, thus reducing the bounce rate. By addressing technical SEO factors, you can ensure your plumbing website provides a seamless experience for users and ranks higher in search engine results.

Local SEO Strategies for Plumbers

Local SEO for plumbers involves optimizing a plumbing business’s online presence for local searches to attract local customers. Local optimization is essential for plumbers, as local businesses gain revenue from consumers within their service area, and local leads hold great value. Joining local business directories such as the local Chamber of Commerce, creating local citations, and utilizing On the Map Marketing can increase visibility for potential customers searching for local businesses.

NAP (Name, Address, Phone) consistency is a significant ranking factor for local SEO, as it demonstrates to search engines like Google that the information regarding your plumbing business is reliable and authentic. By optimizing your plumbing business for local SEO, you can tap into a valuable source of potential customers right in your service area.

Content Marketing and Plumbing SEO

Plumbing SEO - optimizing plumbing services for better online visibility

Content marketing plays a crucial role in plumbing SEO, providing a platform to generate engaging, informative, and optimized content to increase search engine rankings.

Long-form content on a plumbing website should:

  • Provide users with information based on their Google keyword searches

  • Delve into a pertinent topic in depth

  • Address user queries

  • Offer solutions to common questions in the plumbing industry

Consistency is key when it comes to publishing content for plumbing SEO. By regularly creating high-quality, intent-based content that fulfills the needs of both users and search engines, you can position your plumbing business as a trustworthy industry expert and boost your search rankings.

Blogging for Plumbers

An image showing a plumber working on a sink while optimizing the website for plumbing SEO

Maintaining a plumbing blog is beneficial as it increases search engine visibility, demonstrates proficiency, and offers informative content to potential clients. Enter target keywords into Google to find topic ideas for your plumbing blog. Utilize Google autocomplete to identify what users are searching for. The frequency of blog post publishing should be dictated by your goals, whether it’s organic traffic or brand awareness.

Having a plumbing blog on your website can:

  • Tell potential customers that you are an industry expert

  • Help boost your search engine rankings

  • Effectively position your plumbing business as a go-to resource in the industry

By creating valuable and engaging content that resonates with your target audience, you can achieve these benefits.

Optimizing Service Pages

Generating service-specific web pages assists plumbing businesses to appear in search results when customers search for a particular service. Each service page should include a description of the service, relevant keywords, and other on-page SEO elements to ensure optimal visibility. For content ideas, we recommend researching the top plumbing blogs on the web.

Optimizing service pages for plumbing SEO can be achieved by:

  • Constructing service-specific web pages with comprehensive descriptions and pertinent keywords to boost search visibility

  • Providing detailed information about each of your plumbing services

  • Making it easier for potential customers to find and choose your business

Leveraging Google Business Profile and Google Maps for Plumbing SEO

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Google Business Profile and Google Maps are highly effective tools in plumbing SEO that enhance a plumber’s online presence and facilitate potential customers in locating their services. Including the service area, address, and list of products and services are essential elements to include in a Google Business Profile for plumbing businesses. Google Maps extracts data from a plumbing business’s Google Business Profile to assess if and how the business may appear in local results.

Google Maps can provide plumbing businesses with increased visibility by displaying their location, opening hours, and reviews, thereby allowing potential customers to make informed decisions about their services. By leveraging the power of Google Business Profile and Google Maps, you can effectively boost your plumbing business’s online presence and attract more local customers.

DIY vs. Hiring a Plumber SEO Agency

digital marketing, seo, google

Managing plumbing SEO internally can be cost-effective, but it also comes with its own set of challenges and risks. On the other hand, hiring a professional agency can provide industry expertise, proficiency, and access to cutting-edge tools and methods, ensuring a more successful SEO strategy.

It’s essential to weigh the potential risks and rewards before deciding whether to undertake plumbing SEO independently or engage a professional agency. Factors like time commitment, expertise, and budget should be considered to make the best decision for your plumbing business.

Pros and Cons of DIY Plumbing SEO

DIY Plumbing SEO has both advantages and disadvantages. On the positive side, it can be a cost-effective option and offer an opportunity to gain knowledge about SEO. Conversely, it can be hazardous and less effective if one lacks plumbing expertise or capabilities.

The advantages of engaging in DIY Plumbing SEO include cost savings and gaining knowledge of SEO. The potential risks associated with DIY Plumbing SEO include the possibility of making errors and the substantial amount of time required to gain an understanding of SEO.

It is essential to evaluate the potential risks and rewards before determining whether to undertake it independently or engage a professional.

Benefits of Working with a Plumber SEO Agency

Collaborating with a plumber SEO agency can offer advantages such as industry expertise, proficiency, and access to sophisticated tools and techniques. Having industry knowledge, experience, and access to advanced tools and techniques can enable a plumbing SEO agency to gain a better understanding of the plumbing industry and devise more effective SEO strategies.

Increased visibility, higher rankings on Google, improved online presence, and more qualified leads can provide a plumbing business with the opportunity to reach a wider customer base, enhance brand recognition, and create more leads. By partnering with a specialized plumbing SEO agency, you can ensure your plumbing business’s online presence is optimized for success.

Tracking Your Plumbing SEO Performance

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Monitoring plumbing SEO initiatives provides the opportunity to assess performance and modify strategies as required. Google Search Console and Google Analytics are two of the most widely used tools for tracking plumbing SEO efforts. Establishing business objectives with the SEO firm is the optimal approach to monitor progress. Additionally, monthly reports of the SEO campaign should be monitored.

The importance of transparency in digital marketing is paramount, as consumers desire to be assured that they can trust the organizations they engage with. By tracking your plumbing SEO performance, you can ensure your efforts are yielding the desired results and make adjustments as needed to continually improve your online presence.

Setting Goals and Key Performance Indicators (KPIs)

Goals refer to the desired outcomes that a business or project seeks to attain, while KPIs are numerical metrics utilized to evaluate progress towards those objectives. Goals and KPIs are essential for strategic and long-term performance measurement, thus guaranteeing that the business is progressing towards its desired outcomes.

To establish clear objectives and KPIs for your plumbing SEO strategy, focus on quantifiable and traceable metrics such as organic search traffic, website conversions, and keyword rankings. By setting specific goals and tracking KPIs over time, you can pinpoint areas of improvement and adjust your strategies accordingly to achieve better results.

Monitoring Progress and Adjusting Strategies

Utilizing analytics tools such as Google Analytics and Search Console can be beneficial in monitoring progress towards objectives. These tools can provide data on website traffic, keyword rankings, and other metrics that can be used to measure progress. Improvement areas can be identified by analyzing website performance data, which can assist in recognizing areas where the website is not performing optimally, such as low organic search traffic or inadequate keyword rankings.

To optimize your SEO tactics, follow these steps:

  1. Identify areas for improvement in your current SEO strategy.

  2. Adjust your content to include relevant keywords and improve readability.

  3. Create new content that targets specific keywords and topics.

  4. Improve your link building strategy by acquiring high-quality backlinks.

  5. Regularly monitor your plumbing SEO performance using analytics tools.

  6. Make necessary adjustments based on the data to ensure your online presence remains strong and competitive.


In conclusion, plumbing SEO is a vital component of a successful plumbing business in today’s competitive market. By understanding the basics of plumbing SEO, implementing key components such as on-page, off-page, technical, and local SEO, creating engaging content through content marketing, leveraging tools like Google Business Profile and Google Maps, and choosing the right approach between DIY and hiring an agency, you can effectively boost your plumbing business’s online presence. Remember to track your performance and adjust your strategies as needed, ensuring that your plumbing business stays ahead of the competition and continues to thrive in the digital landscape.

Frequently Asked Questions

Why is SEO important for plumbers?

SEO is essential for plumbers to appear in local searches, capture more potential customers, build brand awareness and trust, and establish their authority.

Without SEO, plumbers may miss out on vital business opportunities from online searches.

What does SEO do?

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is the process of optimizing a website to improve its visibility in search engine results. It involves configuring the website’s technical aspects, content relevance and link popularity so that it can rank higher in search engine results pages, thus leading to increased traffic.

SEO is an important part of any digital marketing strategy, as it helps to ensure that your website is seen by the right people. By optimizing your website for search engines, you can increase your visibility.

What is the best platform to advertise a plumbing business?

Facebook is the best platform for plumbers to advertise their businesses, due to its widespread reach and targeted advertising capabilities.

It has a wide reach, with over 2 billion active users, and its targeted advertising capabilities allow plumbers to target their ads to the right people. This makes it an ideal platform for plumbers to use.

What are the main components of an effective plumber SEO strategy?

An effective plumber SEO strategy should include on-page SEO, off-page SEO, technical SEO, and local SEO to maximize visibility and rankings.

How can I improve my plumbing website’s on-page SEO?

To improve your plumbing website’s on-page SEO, focus on optimizing title tags, meta descriptions, and incorporating relevant keywords into your content. Make sure the content is well-structured and free of artifacts, and use professional language to make a connection with the reader.

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