What is it?

  • Federated Sites: Newspack’s term for grouping multiple publications belonging to a single organization. There are currently two federated site options — multibranded or network.
    • Multibranded: Allows for a single site to represent many brands, with unique colors and logo for each. Content is assigned a parent brand to determine the appropriate styles, but placement of the content can be shared across many or all brand landing pages and archives.
    • Newspack Network: Each publication is a standalone site with a unique URL, but are all connected in a single network with an aggregated database. Network relies on Distributor to share content across the multiple sites.
      • You’ve heard other words for this like “hub and spoke” or maybe “mesh”, but “network” will be the term we use going forward to represent any configuration of a shared network of sites.
      • Distributor: An open-sourced content sharing plugin built and maintained by 10up. This is the content sharing backbone of our Network solution.