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  • TMD Update and Resignation


    Kyritic Kyritic
    Hey all,

    TMD Update

    We have some very exciting news for TMD. This update is mainly a revamp update. Every location has been given an update in one way or another and season 9 locations have also been added (including the infamous pike scene) The prison got an update, the also sanctuary got relocated, and finally, any building that was empty you can now access it. Some areas did get remodelled completely, however.

    The changed locations are as follows:

    Vatos - New
    Greenbrier - New
    Whisper Camp - New
    Season 9 Pikes - New
    Carnival - New
    Whitefox - New
    Curbstone - New
    Telltale season 2 Cabin - New
    Whisperer Bridge - New
    Newnan High (Otis Death) - New
    Glenn and Maggie season 4 Tunnel - New
    Savior BBQ outpost - New
    Terminus - Relocated
    Sanctuary - Relocated
    Satellite Outpost - Relocated
    Griffin - Revamp
    Gabriels Church - Relocated
    Big spot - Revamp
    Vault 99 - Revamp
    Gils Truckstop - Relocated
    MallowBridge Sz - Updated
    Berx Sz - Updated
    Brooks Sz - Updated
    Visk Sz - Updated
    Killfloor - Relocated
    Alexandria - Updated
    Kingdom - Updated (Fair)

    We’ve also increased the walker spawn rate whilst making them a tad bit faster. We have an entirely new voting system and random supply drops every 30 minutes!

    These changes will take part over the next couple weeks.


    Finally, I’d like to take this opportunity to announce my resignation. I would like to thank each and everyone one of you for my time on Havoc. You may or may not remember but a couple of years ago I was a very toxic individual and caused drama for the sake of it. The owners saw potential in me, took me on and that’s really changed who I am and how I present myself online. I am really grateful for that because without them I wouldn’t have the skills or friends needed to move onto what I am about to begin.

    I’m not just quitting Havoc though I am quitting Minecraft entirely. Minecraft as a whole has made some really questionable decisions since being sold to Microsoft that have negatively affected us. This game is no longer creator-driven due to Buggy updates, EULA, The Minecraft marketplace, etc. If it wasn't for Hytale showing me the potential out there I probably wouldn’t have left. If Minecraft didn’t produce buggy updates that made most servers stay on an earlier update we could have grown and introduced more game modes and whilst I believe that each group of people on this server has had some sort of part to play as to where Havoc is today, I believe that we wouldn’t have had those issue if we were given the opportunity by Mojang to expand and develop.

    The Owners are human, The Builders are human, The Moderation team are human and your fellow Players are human. Please recognise this. We’re programmed to make mistakes but we’re also programmed to judge others. We all have different lives which dictate how we present ourselves and what we do. In whatever direction Havoc takes after my departure I would like to request that everyone gives everyone a second chance. Without second chances I would have never have become community manager, I would have never become a builder. If I didn’t become builder there wouldn’t be a map because Jb and I rebuilt the build team from the ground up. Change begins with you. Owners should be more open and transparent to ideas. Players should be more respectful when requesting said ideas. Make this a fresh start for everyone.

    If you wish to follow me in what I work on next my Youtube Channel will be in my signature but that’s up to you.

    Thanks for reading everyone!


    JBentley694 JBentley694
    Ky, my friend, my brother
    This is very sad and although I will still be seeing you around often on discord and other things its still a sad moment to watch you leave.
    Massive respect to you man and ye you helped us a lot pull this server out of sinking hole not long ago and I among others at Havoc are very grateful.

    (Insert happy sad song here)


    New member
    F. Enjoy yourself man, do what makes you happy. Thanks for all you did and tried to do to repair and maintain this server.
    Thank you for everything man. You made alot for everyone on Havoc and great maps along with other builders. Maybe I was banned but that doesnt matter. I still played because I enjoyed the server and I loved the maps and idea. You did great as Builder and CM. I hope that your new project will become as you want it and I hope you will be happy. Thank you Kyritic


    Captain_Furno Captain_Furno

    Just got a message about this from a friend that still plays Havoc. I know the work you’ve done Kyritic and you’ve helped build this special little hideaway for people to just have fun. I wouldn’t have some of my closest friends. I wouldn’t be here sending this message if I thought it wasn’t important. So, with that, I say “thank you.”

    Go kick some ***.


    Creative Team
    Rejante Rejante
    yikes, man, haven't been on in some time, and ig sometimes we all move on, and damn, feels like yesterday i was chilling in ravenwood, miss the days kyritic, you've left your mark here, thanks fam


    Call_MeJack Call_MeJack
    How am I just seeing this?!

    Dylan, dude, it was great to work with you, we didn't share much time together on the staff list, but I hope to see you around sometime, whether its on other projects or just randomly in the future, I wish you the best of luck in your endeavours.

    Until Next Time,





    PogItsThunder40 PogItsThunder40

    RIP Kyritic. Hope you find good luck and good fortune in your journey. Vae victis, my friend.

    No Eastman's cabin? Oof. Oh well, good to see places like Vatos and The tunnel make an appearance. And best of all, every building can be accessed. And what about the hospital Rick woke up in? It sure wasn't Gradys, Dawn wouldn't have given him a chance. Or is that a location already here or on the list...?


    JBentley694 JBentley694

    RIP Kyritic. Hope you find good luck and good fortune in your journey. Vae victis, my friend.

    No Eastman's cabin? Oof. Oh well, good to see places like Vatos and The tunnel make an appearance. And best of all, every building can be accessed. And what about the hospital Rick woke up in? It sure wasn't Gradys, Dawn wouldn't have given him a chance. Or is that a location already here or on the list...?
    Eastmans cabin and the king county hospital have been on the map for a while now xD


    Cat_Squirrel_Inc Cat_Squirrel_Inc
    Well ****.

    Gunna miss you b. I guess we'll have to keep in touch on discord. You've been one of the best to me, helped me on the Build team, stuck up for me on the staff team, and you were (and still are!) a good friend. Sad to see you go <3

    Good luck, my dood.


    PogItsThunder40 PogItsThunder40
    I was looking at the map earlier, so I have seen the King Country hospital, thanks anyway. I now see Eastman's cabin. Danke schoen


    Lmusic0505 Lmusic0505
    i haven't played in about 2 years, but i'm still really sad to see what has happened to the server. thanks for keeping the server semi-alive for all this time and its amazing to see how much you've changed since late 2016/ early 2017.


    New member
    So I've been playing on the server and I just got to shirewilt estates and I was wondering if its ever going to be a community like Alexandria or Hilltop?

    p.s.: right now im stuck in a house at shirewilt surrounded by walkers and whisperers lol.