Technical SEO Agency

Improve Your Visibility At Scale With Technical SEO Services

Technical SEO Agency
Some Technical SEO clients we've worked with...

What Is Technical SEO?

Technical SEO is the process of improving the technical elements of a website for improved visibility in the search engines. Technical SEO improvements can make it easier for search engines like Google to crawl, index and properly understand the contents of a website. While a broad range of initiatives fall under technical SEO, it could include improvements to JavaScript indexing, sitemap files, crawling directives, structured data, internal linking, architecture and much more.

A Guide To Shopify Sitemaps

Crawling And Indexation Technical SEO Expertise

No matter how great your content, if Google can’t properly crawl and index your pages, your visibility will be hindered in the search results. For this reason, it’s imperative that you ensure search engines are properly able to access and understand your content. However, sites with complex frameworks, large numbers of URLs, legacy technology and more can make it more difficult for Google to interpret your pages correctly. Our technical SEO agency can perform detailed reviews of crawling and indexation issues.

We perform reviews such as:

  • Audits of Search Console’s Index Coverage report
  • Site crawls to understand indexation directives such as canonical tags, noindex, nofollow and more
  • Reviews of your robots.txt to ensure proper crawling rules have been set
  • JavaScript auditing to understand if Google is properly indexing your content
  • Crawl depth audits to find sections of the site that might be too deep in your site architecture

Technical SEO Site Migration Support

While launching new sites can be extremely exciting, they can also bring a large amount of uncertainly when it comes to search visibility. For this reason, site migrations require careful planning as improper migrations can result in losses of rankings and organic traffic.

Our technical SEO agency can help provide you with a strong site migration roadmap that helps eliminate the risks that come with these changes. We can help your team with initiatives such as creating a migration plan, mapping redirects, auditing new and existing content, updating internal links and much more. With support from Go Fish Digital, you can ensure that your site migration is properly planned, executed and measured.


Site Performance Reviews

One of the most common technical issues that we run into are slower sites or ones that need Core Web Vitals improvements. Sites that don’t perform well might not only impact you from an SEO perspective but can also hinder the conversion performance of other channels such as PPC, email and social. Conversely, a well performing site can give you a leg up in the search engines and help lift conversion rates from all other channels.

The team at Go Fish Digital will perform reviews and work with your development teams to identify and fix elements that cause slow performance. Our technical SEO agency reviews thing such as:

  • Google PageSpeed Insights reviews
  • Audits for proper CDN usage
  • Identification of slower third party technologies
  • Core Web Vitals improvements
  • Opportunities to improve image optimization
GFD on Iphone

Mobile Technical SEO

With the rise of mobile-first indexing, Google now crawls most website from a smartphone perspective. This means that a strong mobile experience is no longer just an option – it’s a necessity. At Go Fish Digital, we specialize in mobile SEO, ensuring your website performs seamlessly across a multitude of devices.

Our strategies are designed to cater to the ever-evolving mobile user landscape. We focus on enhancing page load speeds, implementing mobile-friendly UX, and making sure your content is indexable by search engines no matter the screen size. We’ll provide in-depth mobile audits and reviews to ensure elements such as your navigation, images, website copy, internal links work seamlessly on mobile devices. This provides a good experience both user and search engines.

How to Map 301 Redirects to Relevant Content

Internal Linking To Improve Technical SEO

The power of internal linking is often underestimated. However, Go Fish Digital understands that a well-planned internal linking strategy not only provides your users with a roadmap to discover related content but also helps search engines understand the structure of your website and provides pathways to navigate it.

Our technical SEO agency meticulously designs an internal linking strategy to ensure that the important pages on your website are easily accessible. We strategically place internal links to guide users on their journey, help search engines crawl deeper in your architecture and help spread link signals.

We harness the power of internal links to evenly distribute equity throughout your site, thereby strengthening your overall SEO foundation.

Chris Long and Danielle Boone At US Search Awards

4x SEO Agency Of The Year

Go Fish Digital is a proud to have been named”Best SEO Agency” four times by the US Search Awards. Our unique approach to solving problems and innovative technical SEO work has been a large factor in helping us earn this recognition.

How Does Technical SEO Improve Your Site?

  • Scalability: One of the best things about technical SEO implementations is that they scale across your entire website. One adjustment can impact hundreds or thousands of pages by scaling across an entire page template. This makes technical SEO improvements extremely efficient from both a time and cost perspective and can help you see improvements faster than many content changes.
  • Improved Indexation: Larger sites can incur the biggest SEO opportunity costs from poor indexation. In many instance, poor technical SEO can limit your key pages’ ability to be indexed by the search engines. This means that Google won’t be able to show them and your customers won’t be able to discover them. Improving indexation with technical SEO ensures that your most important content are always accessible to your users.
  • Enhanced Understanding: When website’s use technologies such as JavaScript that complicate the crawling process, this makes it harder for search engines to understand the site content. As a result, Google might miss content on your pages such as images, internal links and key sections. Technical SEO can ensure that search engines have an easier time crawling your site’s content and improve the contextual understanding of your pages.

Technical SEO FAQs

Technical SEO services involve any initiative that helps improve Google better crawl, index and understand your websites content. Technical SEO services generally include:

  • Search Console audits and reviews
  • Sitemap.xml improvements
  • JavaScript indexation reviews
  • Crawl budget optimization
  • Structured data enhancements
  • Site performance / Core Web Vitals improvements
  • Website architecture analysis
  • Internal linking initiatives

Technical SEO is a specialized component of SEO. General SEO has a much wider scope that often includes initiatives such as on-page optimization, keyword research, content gap analysis, link-building and more. Technical SEO has a more narrow focus that looks at the crawl and indexation of websites.

No, you do not need to know how to directly code in order to improve technical SEO. However, technical knowledge of website fundamentals and general coding frameworks can help. With technical SEO, it’s extremely beneficial to understand how search engines crawl, render and understand content. This can help you identify issues that may occur during this process and how to fix them.

Technical SEO scopes depend on a variety of factors such as the size of the site, technologies used, engineering resources and more. In general, larger sites are going to demand more resources then smaller ones. If you’re interesting in learning about technical SEO pricing, contact us today!

Technical SEO Case Studies

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