The Business Opportunity of AI | Microsoft AI
Get this eBook to see how enterprise organisations worldwide are realising an average of 3.5× return on their AI investments, according to IDC research.
The Business Opportunity of AI
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The Business Opportunity of AI

Explore the approaches and strategies enterprise organisations worldwide are using to realise an average of 3.5× return on their AI investments – and find out how 5% of organisations are realising an average of 8× in returns, according to IDC research.

Get The Business Opportunity of AI to:

  • Discover the profile and attributes of organisations that are realising business value with AI.
  • Learn about developing an AI strategy with business measurement practices that accurately show the business opportunity and potential benefits for your organisation.
  • Explore principles for responsible and secure AI build, deployment and scale.
  • Find out why Microsoft is a trusted partner to help you accelerate your AI transformation and realise business value.

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