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43rd Global Privacy Assembly – Mexico City, Mexico, 2021 (virtual event)
List of Voting Authorities
Report to the GPA from the International Working Group on Data Protection in Technology (Berlin Group) 2021
GPA Updated Part II (2021) Compendium of Best Practices in Response to COVID-19
GPA COVID-19 Working Group Matrix of Deliverables – 2021
Annual Report of the GPA Executive Committee 2020-2021


42nd Global Privacy Assembly – At your desk, 2020 (virtual event)
List of Voting Authorities
List of Delegate Authorities
INAI (Mexico) 43rd Global Privacy Assembly 2021 Presentation
Compendium of Best Practices in Response to COVID-19
Annual Report of the GPA Executive Committee 2019-2020


41st International Conference – Tirana, Albania, 2019
Speech and presentation by Dr. Ing. Konstantinos Karachalios, Managing Director IEEE SA, at Closed Session Topic A: Practical workshop follow-up to the AI and ethics debate at the 40th Conference – From Theory to Practice.
Privacy, Voter Surveillance and Democratic Engagement: Challenges for Data Protection Authorities. Research by Professor Colin J. Bennett from University of Victoria, B.C., Canada, presented at the Closed Session.
Video of keynote speech by Brad Smith, President and Chief Legal Officer at Microsoft, at the Open Session.
Keynote speech and presentation on Accountability by Christopher Docksey, Hon. Director-General of the European Data Protection Supervisor, at the Open Session.
Presentation by Joe Cannataci, UN Special Rapporteur on the Right to Privacy
Report of the International Working Group on Data Protection in Telecommunication (Berlin Group)
List of Voting Members
Conference Report


39th International Conference – Hong Kong, 2017
Closed session agenda
List of voting members
Closed Session in-depth discussion: session description
Closed session presentations: Government information sharing
Drivers and barriers to information sharing and where governments are heading: Stephen CurtisViljar Peep
How government shared use of information can trigger public concerns about discrimination and
protection of sensitive information: Rhema Vaithianathan
Report by Joe Cannataci, UN Special Rapporteur on the Right to Privacy
Enforcement Cooperation: Group of Experts on legal and practical solutions for cooperation – Presentation by UK
Full Unabridged Report from the ICDPPC Group of Experts on Legal and Practical Solutions for Cooperation
Abridged Report from the ICDPPC Group of Experts on Legal and Practical Solutions for Cooperation
Berlin Group Report
Future Size and Membership of the Conference: Presentation by FRDiscussion paper by OPC, Canada      [FR]
Hosting handover
A selective account of Tweets by the Secretariat


38th International Conference – Marrakesh, Morocco, 2016
Closed session agenda      [FR]
Opening statement (in French) by the hosting authority, Said Ihrai
Opening statement by the Chair, John Edwards
List of voting members
Closed session presenter profiles
In-depth Discussion Sessions: Outline – Run-sheet – Objectives
Closed session presentations:
Artificial intelligence and robotics: Prof Ian Kerr, Prof Dr Mireille Hildebrandt, Prof Nadia M. Thalmann
Encryption: Dr Christopher Kuner
Robotics and artificial intelligence session – Informal reflections on policy questions
Closing remarks by the Chair, John Edwards on day 1 of the closed session
Report back from the International Working Group on Data Protection in Telecommunications
Report back from the Enforcement Cooperation Meeting – March 2016
Enforcement Cooperation Handbook      [FR]
Future size and membership of Conference: Papers by CNIL, France and by the Executive Committee Chair
A selective account of tweets by the Secretariat
Report on evaluation survey results


37th International Conference Amsterdam, Netherlands, 2015
Closed session agenda
List of voting members
Closed session presentations:
Genetic and Health data: Dr Yaniv Erlich, Mark Taylor
Data Protection Oversight of Security and Intelligence: Sir David Omand, Cheryl Gwyn, Ira Rubinstein
Report back from the Enforcement Cooperation meeting
Enforcement Cooperation Handbook      [FR]


36th International Conference – Fort Balaclava, Mauritius, 2014
Closed session agenda
Executive Committee recommends Netherlands to host 37 Conference in 2015
Global Cross Border Enforcement Cooperation Arrangement
Schedule One of the Global Cross Border Enforcement Arrangement


35th International Conference – Warsaw, Poland 2013
Closed session preliminary agenda
Strategic Plan 2014 – 2015


34th International Conference – Punta del Este / Canelones, Uruguay, 2012
Closed session agenda
Framework for International Enforcement Coordination      [FR]


33rd International Conference – Mexico City, Mexico, 2011
Closed session agenda
Report of the Interim Executive Committee on Conference Organisational Arrangements


32nd International Conference – Jerusalem, Israel 2010
Administrative resolution
Closed session agenda
Closed session provisional agenda


31st��International Conference – Madrid, Spain 2009
Closed session draft agenda


30th International Conference – Strasbourg, France 2008
Closed session agenda
Press release


29th International Conference – Montreal, Canada 2007
Closed session overview (First)
Closed session overview (Second)
Terra Incognita Commissioners’ Closed Session


27th International Conference – Montreux, Switzerland 2005
Provisional agenda      [FR]      [DE]


26th International Conference – Wroclaw, Poland, 2004

Data Protection and International Organisations – Report Back on Resolution adopted at 25th Conference

Closed session agenda


25th International Conference – Sydney, Australia, 2003
Closed session agenda


24th International Conference – Cardiff, Wales 2002
Issues Arising from September 11th 2001
Provisional agenda


18 International Conference – Ottawa, Canada 1996
Options paper concerning future shape of conference


17th International Conference, Copenhagen, Denmark, 1995


List of Data Protection Authorities


14th International Conference, Sydney, Australia 1992
Program for closed session


11th International Conference, Berlin, Germany 1989
Preliminary agenda


10th International Conference, Oslo, Norway, 1988


9th International Conference – Quebec, Canada 1987