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discussions Search Results · repo:facebook/create-react-app language:AppleScript

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532 results
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532 results

infacebook/create-react-app (press backspace or delete to remove) here is my site publish on github and nothing is displaying on my browser here is the project file

Not sure if this is the place to post it, but looking for a solution for over a day, couldn t find anything that will help. We just started building an app using the create-react-app using TypeScript, ...

I like the require syntax much more than import/export but it doesn t seem supported in React or Webpack, and both or just one could be contributing to this issue. require( react ); and other modules like ...

Iam using import.meta syntax for calling a webworker url. This is causing issues with Jest unit tests. How to fix this issue any idea.? const worker = new Worker(new URL( {worker_url} , import.meta.url)); ...

Upgraded and now I m getting a lot of Failed to parse source map from warnings. How can I resolve or just ignore these ? image

Hi team, We are having having some issues always that we run the react project as it s showing some post-resolve-url warnings. I have replaced postcss ^8.4.5 for ^8.4.32 and didn t work. I tried with ...

I don t care if this will get dislikes or not but I m sick and tired of Vite and there s literally no alternative to a react project without meta frameworks. Vite is marketed as a next game changer replacement ...

Blackduck security issue(High) reported for braces 3.0.2 that is coming from react-scripts 5.0.1 which is new version already. Any update in fixing this issue in coming releases. Issue Description: The ...

PS C:\Users\Dell\Dropbox\My PC (DESKTOP-0IC33LH)\Desktop\3D PortFolio npm install --legacy-peer-deps @react-three/fibre @react-three/drei maath react-tilt react-vertical-timeline-component @emailjs/browser ...