Nanomite warheads

Nanomite warheads

Nanomites, also known as nano-mites or nanites are extremely microscopic robot forms usually measuring in the incredible scale of nanometers. They have been used by both Joe and Cobra forces in their never-ending battle to stop each other. Military use is not the only way to utilize these amazing machines as there are also more beneficial applications such as in the field of medicine and construction.

Warheads containing nanomites feature as the main weapons used in the film G.I. Joe: The Rise of Cobra. The film also features soldiers enhanced with nanomites known as Neo-Vipers, who feel no pain and obey orders without question.


A Real American Hero comics continuity - Devil's Due[]

The son of Destro, Alexander McCullen, used nanomites to infect his father and render him immobile and hidden away, thus, allowing Alexander to masquerade as him. Upon staging a coup on Cobra, he used the same nanomites to put Cobra Commander in a hallucinatory and docile state. He then had the nanomites tweaked with a more destructive capability in a bid to take over Washington D.C.. It took every resource the Joes could muster to find a way to stop him and his mad plan.[1][2][3][4]

Rise of Cobra (2009 Movie)[]

Movie Eiffel01

Small in size but powerful enough to bring down even the Eiffel Tower.

Originally conceived to isolate and kills cancer cells, the nanomites are project of M.A.R.S. Industries. The company has redesigned them into perfect weapon fore eating metal, capable of devouring anything from a tank to an entire city if allowed to spread unchecked. The only way to stop the nanomites is to use a special coded kill switch device.

James McCullen sells four nanomite warheads to the U.S. military, with a squad commanded by Duke to protect them. The squad is very nearly taken out entirely by Cobra, but Duke and his fellow soldier Ripcord manage to protect the case and are eventually saved by the elite squad G.I. Joe. The two then join this team, but Cobra attacks G.I. Joe's base, the Pit, and this time succeeds in stealing the warheads.

Using the technology at DeCobray Industries, Cobra weaponizes the warheads and uses one on the Eiffel Tower of Paris. Duke is able to stop the spread, saving Paris, but the Eiffel Tower is damaged to the point that it collapses on a nearby bridge. Cobra then makes a move to attack three other targets: Beijing, Moscow and the White House in Washington D.C. Snake-Eyes shoots down the missile targeting Beijing as it is taking off and Ripcord, flying a Night Raven jet, intercepts the other two missiles.[5]

Nanomites Specs

Display showing the specs of the nanomites

In addition to their use as weapons, the nanomites are versatile tools in other areas as well. The Doctor uses them to create nanomite-enhanced Neo-Vipers, soldiers who are completely obedient, fearless, and feel no pain. The nanomites can also expunge any toxins from the body, making them "perfect little healers," and are able to heal almost any injury. The Doctor had also used nanomites on his sister, Ana Lewis, brainwashing her into becoming Baroness, but she is able to overcome her programming through incredible willpower, something the Doctor believed to be impossible. Nanomites are also used to alter Zartan's appearance into that of the President of the United States, allowing him to infiltrate the White House. Finally, the Doctor uses him them on James McCullen, giving him a metal face, and declaring him to now be "Destro" and himself the Cobra Commander.[6]

Retaliation (2013 movie)[]

The G.I. Joe Team's success in defeating Cobra's nanomite plan is said to be the end of the "Nanomite wars." Despite this, nanomites continue to power Zartan's disguise as the President, as well as the continued operation of Cobra's Neo-Viper agents.[7]

External links[]

  • Nanorobotics - Wikipedia article covering nanite technology.

