About Gazette

Meet Gazette, a clean and flexible theme perfectly suited for minimalist magazine-style sites, personal blogs, or any content-rich site. It allows you to highlight specific articles on the homepage, and to balance readability with a powerful use of photography — all in a layout that works on any device.

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I add the Social Links to the footer?

Gazette allows you to display links to your social media profiles with crisp, perfectly sized icons. Learn how to set up your social links menu. Linking to any of the following sites will automatically display its icon in your menu:

  1. Create a new Custom Menu, and assign it to the Social Links Menu location.
  2. Add links to each of your social services using the Links panel.
  3. Icons for your social links will automatically appear if it’s available.

Available icons: (Linking to any of the following sites will automatically display its icon in your social menu).

  • CodePen
  • Digg
  • Dribbble
  • Dropbox
  • Email (mailto: links)
  • Facebook
  • Flickr
  • Foursquare
  • GitHub
  • Google+
  • Instagram
  • LinkedIn
  • Path
  • Pinterest
  • Polldaddy
  • Reddit
  • RSS Feed (urls with /feed/)
  • Spotify
  • StumbleUpon
  • Tumblr
  • Twitch
  • Twitter
  • Vimeo
  • Vine
  • WordPress
  • YouTube

Social networks that aren’t currently supported will be indicated by a generic share icon.

Quick Specs (all measurements in pixels)

  1. The main column width for posts is 540.
  2. The main column width for pages is 870.
  3. A widget is 270 wide.
  4. Featured Images are 1920 wide by 768 high.