
Fae Farm Impressions, Firewall Ultra, Crossfire: Sierra Squad | Gaming Trend Podcast

Fae Farm Impressions, Firewall Ultra, Crossfire: Sierra Squad | Gaming Trend Podcast

This week, Noah Rigsby gives his in-depth Fae Farm review thoughts and David talks to us about two VR shooters from inside an airport — Firewall Ultra and Crossfire: Sierra Squad. This should go well. They also discuss an interesting Would You Rather question.

Podcast Editor | [email protected]

Anthony Shelton hosts and produces the Gaming Trend podcast and creates opinion videos occasionally on YouTube. He carries some of the strongest opinions among the staff and is generally harder to impress. But if impressed, he sings developers' praises just as loudly. He typically plays everything except horror and most RTS, but genres he gravitates towards are platformers, FPS, racing, roguelikes, fighting, and loot-based games. He has quit Twitter and uses Threads. Follow him at iamashelton.

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