Cette extension n’a pas été testée avec plus de trois mises à jour majeures de WordPress. Elle peut ne plus être maintenue ou supportée et peut avoir des problèmes de compatibilité lorsqu’elle est utilisée avec des versions de WordPress plus récentes.

Course Migration for LearnDash


Avez-vous déjà fait face à des problèmes où votre créateur de contenu de cours crée le contenu sur une installation locale de WordPress ? Voudriez-vous migrer le contenu de nouveau vers le site en direct ?


Votre développeur effectue toutes les modifications de code et de contenu sur une installation locale et les pousse vers le site en direct.

It’s a real hassle moving the content back and forth via CSV files or manually especially when you maintain separate live and staging sites.

In any of these(or similar) scenarios, Course Migration for LearnDash comes to the rescue.

One click migrate your course content back and forth off your staging(or local) and live setups effortlessly.

  1. Simply install the plugin on both receiver end and sender end. You’ll see a new menu in the wp backend called Course Migration.
  2. Go to Security Key submenu on the receiver’s end and click on Generate Key and save changes.
  3. On the sender’s end go to the Course Migration submenu, and enter the receiver’s URL and the security key generated via the receiver’s end.
  4. Then select the course which you want to migrate. All the course topics and lessons will be displayed
  5. Simply check all the required topics and lessons and click on migrate. You’ll see a tick on the step that has been migrated successfully.
  6. If the migration doesn’t work, please check if you’ve added proper URL to the whitelist on the receiver’s end.
  7. Si vous rencontrez néanmoins des problèmes, vous pouvez me contacter dans la section « Support ».

There is a Pro version in the pipeline with advanced features such as maintaining associations between lessons, topic, and a feature to migrate LearnDash quizzes.
If you wish to contribute to this plugin, drop me an email.

Captures d’écran

  • This is the screen used to transfer courses
  • Ceci est l’écran des listes blanches, utilisées pour autoriser les hôtes à accéder au site pour y mettre des données.


How to use this plugin.

Il suffit d’installer l’extension du côté de l’émetteur et du récepteur.


Si vous rencontrez des problèmes en utilisant cette extension et que vous ne parvenez pas à les résoudre, vous pouvez envoyer un commentaire ou un e-mail.

Si vous souhaitez des fonctionnalités personnalisées pour cette extension ou si vous voulez personnaliser une extension ou un thème pour votre site basé sur WordPress, envoyez-moi un e-mail et nous pourrons en discuter.


29 octobre 2020
This has got to be the worst plugin I’ve ever worked with in terms of conflicts and making simple adjustments. Between LearnDash & Buddy Boss Platform it is horrible.There are very few effective customer support representatives available. I have struggled with their products for over a year. It is saddening how terrible it is that the education system in America did not make great efforts to teach everyone coding to prepare for the disastrous monopoly on software. Software and applications like the ones released by LearnDash and Buddy Boss Platform are really good for people who have a lot of money and developers on call. But for the majority of us independent creators who they mostly market & sell to, the software is so bad that it could completely derail great projects by exhausting and discouraging well intentioned creators. I absolutely do not recommend their products in its current state. If you could afford it, go ahead and release your courses on a platform like thinkific or whatever. The owners don’t give af about us. Course migration is a complete disaster that will rob you of months of energy and time. It does not migrate well and you will find yourself unable to get simple answers no matter how precisely you offer them. Buddy Boss is exactly the same – they promise a smooth migration but you end up going through hell with overrides or messiness from both sides. If you’re lucky they’ll keep bouncing you back and forth between the 2 companies for support – because they’ll blame the conflicts on the other software. Ridiculous.
23 juin 2020
I hate to be the first one to post a bad review but here we are. So, the plugin did move an entire course over, including the lessons, BUT, the lessons were not nested into the course and there is literally no way to get those lessons into the course. Which means I need to manually add each and every lesson and delete the orphaned lessons. I tried to move a second course over and nothing happened. This is unfortunate – it could have saved me a ton of time if this had worked.
Lire les 2 avis

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Ceci est la version initiale de l’extension.