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  1. Hi, Opening Vortex today, I couldn't find anymore my Fallout4 in the Managed Section. Tried to install it manually but my mods were no longer active , and an error message appears : "Failed to set game mode Fallout4". Tried to install manually the path but it said "this directory doasn't appear to contain the game" . Just for info : the day before, I removed the external hard drive D:/ and put back before opening my computer again. At the bottom, some screenshots of the drama Vortex version 1.11.7 (11.06.2024) Fallout 4 nextGen something like 43 mods ( still have my downloads history). Windows 10, 16 RAM, x64. Everythink worked perfectly since I installed F4 and mods) hope someone could help me ! PS : don't really know something about computers... re-PS : english is not my native language, hope U will understand me well !
  2. The following is about Fallout 4. There's an armor I really like but it looks ridiculous as an armor (but would look great in a raider joint as a plain outfit). I'm lucky enough it doesn't have a male version so my PC get in his undies while donning it (still having gained its stats). I installed Classic Underwear Replacer and it almost looks as a plain outfit, although a glaring issue for someone adventuring like that is no footwear, not even slippers. Do you know of something which would replace default underwear with something not looking like Wellingham would scream at you to leave the upper stands? Alternatively, something not taking an outfit slot (torso + limbs) which would cover an outfit, eg a cloak or raincoat? Hmm... That still leave naked feet showing. Still better than seeing underwear underneath. Thank you kindly for your help
  3. Hi everyone, I was able to successfully build a new outdoor location for Fallout 4. I've had experience in this area of things in fallout 3, NV and Skyrim. but there is only one thing I can't seem to figure out for Fallout 4's creation kit. That is how to actually change the pipboy worldmap? In Skyrim it referenced the actual mass of the whole LOD of the world. In Fallout 3 and NV it required a .DDS file exported as X1. I have made a .DDS file the same size as bostons and exported as X1. I've set the new worldspace to use the worldmap I have created but for some reason it still shows boston and says "commonwealth" in the pipboy map screen. It does hide all the locations that were in boston so the only problem i'm having is getting the correct worldmap texture to display. What could I be missing? Any help would be greatly appreciated as I'm working on a very large project and this seems to be my only barrier.
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