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Pickysaurus last won the day on June 12

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Nexus Mods Profile

About Pickysaurus

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    Community Manager
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    United Kingdom
  • Currently Playing
    Helldivers 2

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Community Answers

  1. Please see the solution from the pinned thread here: https://github.com/Nexus-Mods/Vortex/wiki/MODDINGWIKI-Users-Troubleshooting-NET-6-Install-Issues
  2. Not all mods will appear in the load order. Try installing another mod.
  3. Both of these mods have been unblocked. It's best to contact [email protected] Please don't upload RAR archives if you can help it. These get quarantined incorrectly often. Uploading as a ZIP or 7Z will dramatically decrease the chances of the security scans failing.
  4. Yes, this is an option. Obviously this only covers plugins (not mods without plugins)
  5. Is your HDD still considered D:\? Windows may have given it a different drive letter after reconnecting it. Go to "This PC" in a File browser to see a list of connected drives. If D:\ is no longer valid, you'll need to manually update the path to the game using the option in your last screenshot.
  6. I'm afraid so. Profiles are gone forever if they get deleted. The mods should still be in Vortex though, just not enabled on your default profile.
  7. There is no plugins tab for Bannerlord. Any problems on a new install are either a problem with you C++ Redistributable or .NET framework. Both are covered in the thread above.
  8. So you saw the profile in the UI when you started up and then it was gone? Perhaps you hit delete by mistake? Unfortunately if this is the case deleting a profile is not reversible.
  9. To anyone having this problem please read this comment. We need more information from you as we cannot replicate this.
  10. Vortex doesn't do this by itself. What did you do last time it was opened? Did you swap from per user to shared mode in settings? Did you put your staging folder inside the Vortex install folder? Did you get any new notifications after starting up?
  11. I have no idea how you got into this state. Vortexposer's suggestion of two lists getting merged sounds plausible. There's no harm in them being there from a technical perspective. You might want to check the actual files which are at: %appdata%\Vortex\fallout4\userlist.yaml %appdata%\Vortex\skyrimse\userlist.yaml If the rules exist in both files, it's safe to remove them from the UI in Fallout 4 without impacting Skyrim's list
  12. Regarding the X button, on the "Mods" side it's mostly just there for consistency but if you look at the "Collections" or "User Profiles" part of the website you'll see how it's actually intended to work.
  13. This is a problem in your setup. See the post below for more https://forums.nexusmods.com/topic/13483143-vortex-keeps-purging-when-i-download-and-install-a-mod/?do=getNewComment
  14. @doodlebirdI've merged your topic into an existing thread about the same issue.
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