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  1. So I went into this without reading the guide and I didn't think I could push the bomb truck around but that made me find a way to help create infinite time to basically destroy everything if you wanted to so nothing stands in the trucks way. Right at the start of the mission theres a dump truck to the left. Get in it and park it behind the bomb truck long ways. Tie a cable quickly to the back of the truck. If successful, the dump truck should fall sideways and eventually get stuck in the ground preventing the bomb truck from progressing. Now it will just spin its wheels in place and not move until you cut the cable. So now you can clear out anything and everything in the area that will basically guarantee an easy win. Just depends how long you want to spend clearing the area out. It is possible you may have to nudge the truck a little bit after releasing it but should be far easier than trying to rush it. Also Ideal to save right when the truck is stuck in place and whenever you make significant progress to just before releasing it from the cable.
  2. The only way I could see an account being valuable is if it belonged to some famous person, streamer, influencer, etc who sold it just to brag they own what that person created. I’ve been trophy hunting since the patch arrived on PS3 and sure no one but me cares what’s in my trophy library. I don’t have any ultra hard ones, I have my fair share of easy ones and a mix of respectable ones. But to many grind ones for my liking. I just play what I think I will enjoy. I do remember on PS3 when players were account sharing, people were constantly asking me to get trophies they couldn’t get themselves for their accounts.
  3. Was unaware but seems like a process but its something. Thanks for sharing
  4. Should have made this message a long time ago but theres a glitch getting this platinum. I remember when the game got its first patch and at the time its only patch, it prevented one trophy (Believe its Mile High Club) from unlocking. The only way to get that trophy to unlock is to revert the game back to version 1.00 which you can do if you have the disc version of the game as you can install in offline mode to prevent the update from installing. This is not possible on the digital version of the game as any patches are auto installed when the game downloads. If you have the disc version and want to run for the platinum, best to save that trophy near the end.
  5. I just now got that lucky run. It may take a quite a few matches but just stick with it. A tip, when you do get the Monster Truck power up ready, save it till your around multiple cars. Using it when one one or 2 (unless you're almost dead and they're chasing you) is a waste. I had one match where I got 2 kills, then played 5 straight without a kill then got the 10 kill run. Also any power ups your teammates get contributes to the whole team.
  6. Yeah that sounds bad. My worst grind I can remember was from WRC6 I think. Had to do 1000 events but had to grind the same shortest event nearly 800 times. Took weeks for me to do. Grinds are just a poor way to keep you playing even well beyond what the game offers. This is the only GRID game I gave up trying even though it’s the last trophy.
  7. Yes, I did the same. Has to be Medium to both continue and get the trophy for that level even though you did fully complete it but doesn’t pop on Easy.
  8. Noticed today they added a patch which voids any trophy if cheats were active at the start of a level. If you were using cheats against Dark Tooth for example you could get to his head stage deactivate the codes, die and respawn and would still unlock after finishing him off. Now that doesn't work anymore. You have to do the full Dark Tooth fight without any cheats active at the start of the fight. Cheats up to the final fight is fine. Just cant start the fight with any cheats active or voids any character completion trophy when beating Dark Tooth. Best to write down the code so you can go right back to this fight in case you die or the trophy didn't pop. A little hack if you're having trouble with Dark Tooth. At the start, grab as many missile weapons you can and then jump into one of the 2 subway tunnels near the harbor part of the map. Go in a little and point towards the opening. Dark Tooth will eventually appear at the top and you can unload on him. Most of his attacks won't connect so have a good chance beating the first stage without losing a life. Do be careful as there are 2 trains and will cause damage to you if they hit you. Dark Tooth will destroy them if he touches them. If you have all 3 lives still you can beat the head pretty easily but get some missiles.
  9. Same, unlocked right when I bought the squeaky toy but I found him above the station you build the machines. He's between 2 pipes but looking at him or tossing anything does nothing. Guessing the toy brings him down.
  10. I did it many times and died a lot when I got around 250 and one time spamming X to get into the store to accidentally buy a grenade wasting 50 coins so be careful spamming X to get into the store. One thing that really helps is getting and holding onto at least 1 Air Strike so avoid grabbing grenades if you get an air strike near 200 coins. If you get 2 that really helps because you can mop up a lot of coins but be careful I had a zombie or 2 somehow survive the airstrike and killed me. The Flame Thrower also helps a lot since it has a wide spread and you can walk forward to collect coins. Other than that keep getting Shotguns or machine guns. Without an airstrike or flame thrower its going to be hard because they spawn non stop near 250. I hate to say it was just the luck of the run, the items that spawn. Sometimes I got a lot of weapon drops and others I got few. One more thing. If you get the map with the fences, use the fences to your advantage because most zombies will walk into it and you can collect coins through the fence. Only bad thing that puts you away from the store when theres a big swarm of them so when you get close and have an air strike try to camp around the store if you can. Hope this helps.
  11. -Arcade Royalty #418 - Arcade Paradise Really interesting game with all the various arcade games within it plus the overall story lines was good. Has a good challenge to it but not too easy but not too difficult. Its really getting to understand the rhythm of each game and on some you may need just a little luck.
  12. Agreed. I feel this game could benefit from at least an extra life system. It took me many attempts to get 250 coins but was so overwhelmed with Zombies to even get to the store to purchase the mini gun. But the other little things that bugged me with this game in particular was you cant see zombies hiding behind buildings so sometime they get stuck and you cant see them then get unstuck when you go around the building. Then theres those fast zombies. They always come at the wrong moment like when your reloading.
  13. It's just more rare of a drop. One batch of zombies I had dropped two. I have noticed when I tried other characters some got more drops than others but not sure if that was the character or that run just happen to have a lot of drops. But just glad it does drop after you purchase it once. Getting 250 and getting to the store was a pain for me.
  14. It's tough, one in particular was a super pain for me but just keep trying. Walking away for a bit like MrDeath91 said does helps. The main thing I did was just practice each section in stages over and over then try to chain them together. It comes down to timing, just may need to hold that one millisecond longer.
  15. I have a goal but not trying to hit it before the end of the year because that would be a little stressful. My goal is to get my 400th platinum trophy on trophy #20,000 so be 2 big milestones at the same time. When I decided to do this, I was at Platinum #360 and trophy #19,000 which means I have to play a lot of easy games to just keep the trophy counts down. Too many games over 25 overall trophies will push me over the 1,000 needed. The game I'm thinking of being #400 is Ghost of Tsushima Directors Cut since I kinda blitz through the PS4 version not taking it all in.
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