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About GamingToups

  • Birthday 03/04/1988

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  1. Congratulations and welcome to the club
  2. Yeah it's very obviously AI, disappointing. Easy trophies for a nickel sale price at least
  3. Sometimes you just want to turn your brain off for an hour and play something simple. Extra props when it ended up costing less than 25 cents more often then not lately. Also historical PlayStation Rewards used to give out points for trophies earned, so any platinum that cost you under $1 ended up being basically free
  4. Anyone have a good guide or walkthrough? Started this ages ago but the steam guide I was using back then was never finished and I can't find any completed ones
  5. Gave up after 90% of level 1, no thanks
  6. Lots of OP classes that work well, ultimately depends on your play style. You prefer ranged or melee?
  7. That completion % @Tosmasta00 wow, also love all the Nep plats
  8. Just tried that and it didn't work for me, also tried all the others I had and still no pop. The only one I'm missing from the 8 mentioned (plus the extra 2 you mention) is Vex so I'm fairly certain it's needed.
  9. Been stuck on Mines of Death for years now, so frustrating lol. Maybe I should try again since it's been a while now
  10. Limited Run Games did physicals and Best Buy has a variant cover of it still in stock and on clearance (so likely not in stock for too much longer) https://www.bestbuy.com/site/stranger-things-3-the-game-standard-edition-playstation-4-playstation-5/6395589.p?skuId=6395589
  11. Was delisted at some point last year. There are physical copies cheaply available though
  12. Easy but clunky, as far as Beat 'em up games go it's not a very good one but hey it's easy cheap at least
  13. They get rad poisoning if you don't have enough clean water. In general you want your production double that of your usage (you can check under stats)
  14. Was already considering it but you convinced me to go ahead and buy it
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