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  1. I started a new driver career, choosing Pourchaire and replacing Bottas at Kick Sauber with Pourchaire 10 race season, 5 laps per race, one shot qualifying, 30 difficulty. the rivalry with Verstappen was for the championship points, the rating rivalries would pop up with other drivers. With the Verstappen rivalry, I would take the lead in points, then I would finish far enough behind Verstappen for him to take the points lead in the next race.. I kept going back and forth with the championship points, trading the lead. The rivalry reached heated before the end of the first season, and reached career defining halfway through season 2. By choosing Kick Sauber and winning pole positions and race wins, I got to 90 focus within just a few races of the career start.
  2. I can confirm this technique when it comes to the rivalry trophies. I played as Pourchaire in Kick Sauber, 30 difficulty, 10 race season, 5 laps per race, 1 shot qualifying. I would occasionally drive the practice sessions, most of the time I did the simulated practice sessions. I rarely chose the specialist tasks or primary specialist role. I was able to earn all of the rivalry trophies, the level 3 specialist, & the 90+ focus within 15 races.. 1 1/2 seasons of the shortened career mode. Pourchaire ended up at 82 or 83 overall, with 99 focus after 15 races. The best way to earn focus is to be in a very low level team and just obliterate the competition, while not upgrading the R&D enough to bring the team out of the bottom of the rankings. 1,500-1900 focus xp at basically every race will lead to a lot of focus very quickly. Using this type of format (short races, one shot, simulating practices.. and not worrying about the championship rivalry) is probably the way to go when attempting the climb to 99 overall.. the objectives appeared to be basically the same as the created driver.. especially the overall totals Regarding the above question about how to get the championship rivalry to heat up: After the first 2 or 3 races of the shortened career, a rivalry between Pourchaire and Verstappen appeared. For every succeeding race, I tried to flip the championship ranking of the drivers back and forth. In one race, Verstappen would take the overall lead.. the following race had Pourchaire take the overall lead. I followed this even when the ai took grid penalties or had very slow starts. When it was my time to lose, I made sure that the points total would give Verstappen a narrow lead. When it was my time to go up, I made sure that my points total remained close (no more than 5-10 points) until the rivalry reached the necessary level for the trophy pop. The rivalry reached the 2nd tier by the end of the first season and concluded by race 5 out of 10 in season 2.
  3. My boosting was with one person on PS5, and the other on PS4. Cannot speak as to folks on PC or XBox
  4. Whenever you are ready to tackle single player.. keep in mind that you can replay missions for the gold medals (must complete all optional objectives within a single mission playthrough) Yes, it’s good to get the golds out of the way whenever you can, but some of the gold requirements will mean skipping dialogue or cut scenes.. don’t worry about the golds until after completing a mission. As of a few years ago, there were pretty good video walkthroughs online for earning gold on each mission.
  5. I don’t think that you can start fresh with F1 world and choose them without popping a trophy. At launch, we had to complete the intro to F1 world, which required racing in 3 -5 races (and winning at least one). That will pop the race win trophy. I don’t recall off hand, but one might also be required to equip an item in the f1 world garage, which is also a trophy. The ability to choose the Fanzone options was locked behind completing the intro to f1 world.
  6. From the in game help on the overall standings page: -“The Fanzone Championship Standings uses an Average Score method to ensure every Fanzone, no matter it’s membership size has a chance at becoming a Front Runner in the Championship Standings” -“At the end of the season, the Winning Constructor and Driver Fanzone Members will have their F1 World Profile changed to Gold for the next season, including Gold Online ID and trophy icon. In addition, winners will receive a commemorative winners trophy, which can be added to the trophy cabinet for others to see” This certainly sounds like choosing on the last few days may be a gamble at best.. and that it is indeed planned to be only the overall winners.
  7. It’s a very poorly worded trophy at best (given how actual gameplay elements are poorly described and buggy, this trophy just appears to be par for the course for this game). It looks like we (as a community) will need to monitor the standings on the last few days of the season to try and figure out if last minute choosers really have any impact on the standings. Hopefully people who guessed right and received the trophy will be willing to share their choices and how they went about it for season 1
  8. A boosting partner and I were able to do it in a friends only multiplayer grand prix lobby.. with just the two of us participating
  9. I did the multiplayer race win through a friends only lobby in F1 world.
  10. We all need to keep in mind that: -there’s a long way to the end of season 1.. many of the constructors are separated by only a few thousand points, and those who guess the results of the real life race weekend get 500 points each (presumably for each race weekend). -if the EA CSR was being honest (and actually knows the subject), then there is a good possibility of the criteria for this trophy being adjusted. Hopefully, they change it to make it more accommodating and not more grinding. At the moment, it’s all just speculation until late July.
  11. Maybe I'm way off with my interpretation.. but the above info from EA sounds like they set this up for a cooperative team by team effort.. not based on individual performances in individual rooms. The winning constructor gets the trophy, same with the winning driver (at least as of their initial launch plans)? If that's the case, then the strategy of waiting until the end of the season before making a selection might end up being very useful if a trophy hunter gets desperate.
  12. As of 2 months ago, yes.. that trophy was still earnable. (Most recent trophy as of this posting is from 8 days ago) Trying to do it with randoms will be almost impossible due to the lack of players. Your best bet for these and the other online trophies is to get a partner and boost them.
  13. An Update: So far I have completed all of the online trophies. Cannot purchase pit coins, but the first chance for gloves is within the first 10 levels of the podium pass system. Online is still functional as of March 4, 2024.. only found 1 other player other than my boosting partner in a few hours of queuing for Ranked.. Boosting partner is basically required.
  14. Hello all, I have a copy of the game, never played it before (I do have experience in other F1 titles). Is the Platinum achievable if starting from 0 in March 2024? I assume that the only issues might be online connectivity and the item shop, but want to verify before getting started. Thanks! SRiley77
  15. Been having the same issue on multiple Vitas using the same network to access PSN (NA region). One Vita had to be activated, other one was re-activated with the same result. Store shows purchase history, some games show up on the store and can be downloaded directly from their listing. No funds in PSN account, no card on file.
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