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  1. A bit late, but congrats for this one another game that's on my loooong list of "someday I'll conquer the world via a videogame" list! But, you mentioned one other game that caught my attention big time. I am also aiming to complete this little Firaxis marvel: So hope you don't mind if I browse around in your 2019 posts, because I do see you had a hell of a blast with it hope my UFO Aftermath experience will help with this one...
  2. Hah no worries, I had this game on my list before you told me about it I would have played it at some point. And yes, the ideas were good there...but I don't know, I just simply can't excuse crappy cameras anymore πŸ˜‚ I know it's hard to program but really I could not see what I was doing half the time. That was the biggest gripe I had, because if the camera was just slightly better I would have been more chill with the rest of the issues. But yeah let me know what you think, should you give the PS4 version a go the Pursuit story will sure be an unexpected blast.
  3. It's July, I played this game in January and it's still the best game I have played in 2024 so far. Can't wait for Cassy to say it's the shittiest Souls she ever played πŸ˜‚ Also congrats for this game! Dreamals somehow reminds me of Hampuzz, a little puzzle game where you control an adorable space hamster that tries to reach his ship by solving puzzles. You have to push 3 of a kind blocks instead of collecting animals, but it kinda feels the same
  4. Bingo update! First card: Second card Historical Fiction or Mythology - Vikings Wolves of Midgard [NEW] - Norse mythology mixed with the Holy Roman Empire...not a great game Developed in a Foreign Country - Abyss Odyssey - developed in Chile In a Series New to You - Recommended by a PSNP Member - Gigabash[NEW] - mentioned by Yuber6969 Oldest in your Backlog - With Minigames in it - The Legend of Korra - It has Naga Running Sequences (autorunner) and Pro Bending minigame Aliens or Robots - Astro's Playroom - Astro is a robot Metroidvania or Rogue-like - Xeodrifter - Metroidvania Racing or Sports - KartRider: Drift - Kart racing With Online Features - Tekken 8 That Gives You the Feels - Has snacks - Viking Squad - destroyed barrels drop pieces of meat and snacks that will heal you Player's Choice - Non-human sidekick - That Takes "Forever" to Beat - Ultra Rare Platinum - By an Independent Developer - 911 Operator - Developed by Jutsu Games Released the Year You Joined PSNP - Non-Violent - One Word Title - Wet Adventure - Lara Croft and the Temple of Osiris[NEW] - It has the Adventure tag Award-Winning - Sci-Fi or Fantasy Themes - Fight of Steel Infinity Warrior[NEW] - Robots are fighting in a Sci-Fi futuristic setting Cult Favorite - Soulcalibur II HD Online - The most beloved Soulcalibur, has a dedicated fanbase. That You Started but Didn't Finish -
  5. Time to update the list here too with a Black entry - Vikings Wolves of Midgard
  6. πŸ’― No. 90 - Malicious Fallen Hardest Trophy - One who has returned from the Abyss - Clear "Pursuit" in Story Mode Difficulty - 8/10 As part of the A-Z non-plat challenge, I picked Malicious Fallen for the M entry. It was an UR, it looked like a neat combo between NieR Replicant and Asura's Wrath, I said there's no failing with this game. I was wrong πŸ˜… In Malicious Fallen you play as the Spirit Vessel, a blue haired boy who was summoned by a group of old mages in order to stop the Malicious, an evil creature who threatens to destroy the world. In order to battle Malicious, you have to first defeat 5 other bosses and gain their powers. Getting ready to fight an army of medieval knights and their...gatling gun boss. Sure, I guess.. The bosses in this game are fast, fierce and hit very hard. If you played games like Asura's Wrath, you will likely find these fights familiar: each boss is surrounded by a horde of grunts who will not pose too much of a threat, but jut enough to be really annoying while you deal with the big guy. Defeating these grunts will instead yield an energy source called Aura, which can buff your attacks. And you will want to buff your attacks because holy hell these bosses take no prisoners. They hit incredibly hard and have a few gimmicks up their sleeve. Each of them has a second phase that they trigger at certain moments, where they go even more aggressive or have new movesets. To counter this, you have your Vessel garb, a mantle that can transform into various weapons. At first you only have Magical bullets and melee fists, but you can unlock more weapons by defeating the bosses: a spear, a sword, the ability to fly, list goes on. You can also combo weapons, for instance if you hit with the fists 3 times and then switch to your sword, you will spin around with your sword. You also have the classic dodge and parry mechanics, that you will have to master this time around if you want to survive the onslaught this game throws at you. However, getting each weapon comes with a caveat - every time you defeat a boss, the other bosses become stronger. You can pick any of the 5 available bosses but bear in mind that whoever you pick, the other bosses will become more of a pain. So make sure you don't leave the hardest boss for last (like I did, with a floating fortress in the middle of the battlefield, a horrible boss). Now on paper, this game sounds like a total blast. In reality...maybe I shouldn't roast the devs since this is an indie game, but hell, it is what it is, this game sucks: Hope your eyes can handle the light show... you barely will know what you are fighting anyway First of all - the camera. Oh the dreaded, the abysmal, the "nobody can make this work" camera. If you want to even have a semblance of control, better go into the options menu and crank that Camera sensitivity to max. It's the most optimal way to even keep track of what happens on the screen. Everything flies around, you included, all lights are exploding and you will wonder wtf are you even doing half the time while you are getting whomped by the bosses. Speaking of bosses - there's a shitty mechanic added by the developers, and that is getting stunned. You know, your regular stun. Except you rarely know WHEN the boss is going to throw a stun punch or kick at you. Most bosses have a good set of attacks that you can parry or dodge and ONE out of nowhere shitty punch that throws you across the map and staggers you for a good 5-6 seconds. The boss can also be unpredictable though, so you can get sucker punched, thrown around, stay in dizzy state only for the boss to rush at you and punch you into your dizzy state again. I got stunlocked like that in quite a few fights, it was NOT fun. In order to barely control the camera, you have a lock-on button. Holy crap this lock-on button is bad. First, you have to tap TWICE on the button for it to actually LOCK on a boss. However, you tap once to lock off, in case you need to run away. And sometimes, the damn button won't even recognize your inputs. So it's all a matter of "hope this damn game recognizes my lock-on input! And honestly...fighting the bosses is just not fun. You can either cheese each of them with the spear L1+square button, which just tears through them....or you don't use the spear in which case they become the most frustrating bosses ever. The one boss that I enjoyed fighting, The Mad Queen Now, if it only was the main game that I had to complete, all would have been fine and chill. However, Malicious Fallen is an upgrade of the PS3 game Malicious, which has 3 new campaigns - Rebirth, Pursuit and Demise. And oh boy are these something else entirely. Rebirth has no requirements, you only have to finish the mode. It does have the most painful bosses in the game though - some twin dancers that will kick you around and not let you breath for one second (there's only one combo that absolutely demolishes them but I discovered it way later) and the final boss - a blob/spider/whatever the hell am I even fighting there that throws everything and the kitchen sink at you. It also has several instakill attacks so yey, fun times... The Twin Dancers. Looks 10/10. Frustration also 10/10 Demise is the final story segment and the one where you fight a sort of energy monster created from all the Malicious that appeared throughout the history. I'd say that this Story has the best bosses so far and the one segment that I truly enjoyed. However this segment also asks you to defeat the final boss on Normal under 5 minutes and boy is that a bitch to do!. The boss is utterly BRUTAL, has 3 phases, can murder you in 1 combo and it will not let you breathe for a second. Worst of all, his second phase completely removes your lock-on feature, which makes the fight hard enough, the added timer being just the salt in the wound. If you are curious how the fight goes, I recorded it. Did it in a very respectable and blaze-worthy 4:20 minutes. And then...there's the intermediate story "Pursuit" that I left for last. This happens between Rebirth and Demise and you chase the boss at the end of Rebirth as he's falling through an Abyss. You have a countdown that starts at 99999 . During this time you have to defend a Core system from hordes of enemies and bosses alike whose sole aim is to destroy this Core. Not only that, you also get struck with various debuffs throughout the fight. To counter that, you also have shrines with buffs, activating each buff requiring a set amount of Aura. I hated this piece of shit mode. It is a sort of "Bloody Palace" from DMC, except the bosses are utter pieces of shit. They spawn at set intervals and if you don't defeat them as fast as possible you will be overrun by bosses and monsters alike. The debuff stones are a nuisance too, at level 45000 all hell breaks loose with the debuff stones that cut your Aura to 999 (from a maximum of 9999). Not only that, in the final threshold (15000 - 0) you have like 4-5 bosses spawning at the same time so you will have to micromanage the hell out of your buffs and PRAY that the camera and lock-on system work well enough that you will focus on the right boss. Thankfully, should you survive, the boss at the end is a complete joke. Just kill some blobs and you're done. Again...I have a video with this, although I warn you it's 26 minutes of eye damage. Half of the fight I only knew where to go, I didn't actually see a damn thing. Conclusion - Don't bother with this game. Not only is it nauseating because of the camera, it's straight out not fun to play. Unless your jam is obscure Japanese indie games with poorly developed mechanics, in which case who am I to stop you I'd say there's better games out there though. THE GOOD: Good system on paper A decent soundtrack THE BAD: horrible execution most of the time you'll be "well I hope this shit hits" the lock-on feature the inputs randomly not working the stunlock stuns too much! Pursuit Story mode should be in a hell of its own RECOMMENDATION - Mitsurugi Kamui Hikae Another indie game with schoolgirls that duke it out with katanas and wonky cameras, however I find this game an absolute treat to play. Wish the devs did more games like this one.
  7. As expected, I completed a game that wasn't on the list that I wrote...I am a slave to my moods πŸ˜‚ Malicious Fallen done Tier 1 Jump Force Stick Fight Jet Car Stunts πŸ’― Quake Sifu PS5 +πŸ’― Tier 2 Wet - Viking Squad - πŸ’― Mirror's Edge - + πŸ’― Ender of Fire - πŸ’― 60 Seconds! Reatomized - Tier 3 Hi-Fi Rush + πŸ’― Abyss Odyssey πŸ’― Xeodrifter πŸ’― KartRider: Drift πŸ’― Brawlout Tier 4 Gigabash Plague Road πŸ’― Lara Croft and the Temple of Osiris πŸ’― Source of Madness Vikings Wolves of Midgard A very weird and nonsensical Diablo-like who I bet is UR just because it drove players insane with its randomness. I actually enjoyed it a lot but I am not sure I could recommend it to anyone πŸ˜‚ Now for Tier 5...uh....sure let's throw some stuff there Tier 5 Red Faction XCom Enemy Unknown Catherine (lmao) Obliteracers Malicious Fallen πŸ’― This game is a Boss Rush type of game, heavily inspired by Asura's Wrath and NieR Replicant. You have to beat several bosses, each boss giving you a new weapon, however the remaining bosses get tougher. Unfortunately I did not like the game that much. Camera is an absolute nightmare, controls are rather unresponsive and the stun damage in this game is insane. If a boss randomly sucker punches you, it puts you in a stun state for 4-5 seconds. If the boss decides to stun you again...well that's how the stunlock term was invented Game's also rather tough, with few to no information online about it. Not really recommending it, unless you like super obscure indie games where you kill stuff and don't even know why.
  8. Well...in true Thanos fashion...since I didn't get any replies in 1 day πŸ˜‚ and the Internet being awfully quiet... After 1 day of bashing my head at this mode and not managing to understand how others managed to pull it off...I think I finally found a sort-of strategy which involved lots of running around, choosing specific attacks...and praying. Lots and lots of praying. So for those who stumble on this game and wonder what the hell do they have to do...I hope this post will help them. This is by far the hardest challenge in Malicious Fallen. "Pursuit" tasks you to defend a core against a horder of enemies and bosses alike, while constantly being debuffed. You can trade Aura at various buff shrines mid-combat in order to survive the onslaught. The entire mode is careful management of resources and knowledge of combat and boss behavior. You also unlock One who has returned from Abyss, which is a nice UR trophy General tips before starting this mode: make sure you have 9 continues unlocked. You unlock these by either dying too many times in other modes or finishing "Demise". Not really sure what unlocked 9 continues for me, but they came in handy. use the Guardian Raiment garb. Every time you get destroyed, you revive with more attack/defensive powers. It only works in Story Mode. Alternatively, you can use the Black Slayer Garb, it raises attack at the cost of defense. the actual challenge of this mode is surviving until the end. After the timer depletes, you will face a boss. You won't have to defend the core anymore, which means you can take your time with the fight. The boss itself is nothing special compared to the other bosses in the game. You will have to focus on performing these actions during Pursuit, in order of importance: Aura autoheal buff > Attack buff > Kill the bosses > destroy the debuff stones > kill the white angels that approach the core > build up your Aura meter. The Pursuit survival mode can be split into 2 parts itself. At the 45000 mark, the mode has a significant jump in difficulty, all hell breaks loose there. RANGE 99999 - 45000: Focus on building your Aura and activating the Aura Auto-Heal buff and the Attack Increase buff. These are the only buffs you will need for yourself. In order to build the aura effectively, while having the sorcerous bullet equipped, mark enemies with triangle then hold L1+triangle to kill the enemies. Go into "Forbidden Power" mode and remain in that mode for the entirety of this part. Focus on defeating the bosses as fast as possible. If they linger too long, they will explode and severely damage the core. You can defeat most bosses with the Spear, L1+Square should do the trick. However there are 3 bosses that should be defeated with another combo. Use punches-sword combo (square x3 , left on the d-pad) for the following bosses: Big armored guy, Scorpion, twin dancers. This combo will absolutely melt their health, especially for the twin dancers, who are probably the worst bosses to fight in this mode. for the debuff stones, use the punch-bullets combo (square x3, up on the d-pad). In Forbidden Power mode you destroy the stones in one combo. If you have the resources, use the Nuke buff to clear the screen and the Core heal buff to repair the core if it got damaged. RANGE 45000 - 0: make sure you defeated every single boss at this point and you have the Attack buff on. 3 debuff stones will appear that will reduce your Aura to 999. Destroy them immediately. They are always spawning at the edge of the arena, so fly to them and destroy them. at this point you will likely die once or twice since the bosses become more aggressive. Charge your aura up to level 3, do not go into Forbidden Power mode anymore. Continue applying buffs to yourself, increase your Aura with the Bullets' L1+triangle attack once the Priest enemies spawn, kill them immediately, they will Aura drain you. At range 37000 you will have a lot of debuffs on you. Try to get 6000 Aura and use a nuke to destroy everything on the screen in one go. Around range 15000 and 5000 the bosses will go in a self destruct mode. If you managed to defeat most of them, your Core will barely survive. Heal it with the Core Heal buff or try your best to kill as many bosses as possible before they self destruct. Since they will hug the core all at once, you will be able to damage them with punch-sword combo. BOSS FIGHT: apply buffs on yourself and build your aura with Bullets triangle attack. You can take your time here. Destroy the blue orbs that shield the head. Target the big monster head, to reveal the actual weak point. Destroy the 2 blue grin heads and you are done! This will take a few tries and the worst part will be the camera and the stupid controls. But it can be done Best of luck! If you want to see a video proof of my stumbling, I have it right here. Any other tips are welcome. I hope this will help others that might get stuck at this mode.
  9. Adding an UR entry for M with Malicious Fallen 911 Operator (UR) Abyss Odyssey (UR) Broforce (UR) Call of Juarez Gunslinger (UR) Darkstalkers Resurrections (UR) Ender of Fire (UR) Fu'un Super Combo (UR) Guilty Gear Accent Core Plus (UR) Hawken (UR) International Snooker (UR) Jet Car Stunts (UR) KartRider Drift (UR) Lara Croft and the Temple of Osiris (UR) Malicious Fallen (UR) Neighbours Back from Hell O Plague Road(UR) Q Ricochet HD (UR) Samurai Shodown 6 (UR) The King of Fighters 2002 UM (UR) Uno (UR) Viking Squad (UR) W Xeodrifter (UR) Yu-Gi-Oh! Master Duel(UR) Zeno Clash II(UR) NON-ENGLISH - パズルハムスター -εœ°ηƒε†’ι™Ίθ¨˜- (Hampuzz) I envy those who had access to Marvel vs Capcom 2. I had to struggle with this stupid game instead
  10. πŸ’― 90 - Malicious Fallen


    Well...I think I found the stinker of the year for me. Malicious Fallen is a "boss rush" game, where you play as a boy (or a girl later on) with a magical mantle and you have to defeat various bosses. Every time you defeat a boss, you get a new power up, but the remaining bosses become more powerful. 

    In theory, the game is pretty interesting. It is a mix between NieR and Asura's Wrath in terms of combat, with some unique bosses, half of them being more puzzle focused than combat focused. You have the classic combos, weapons like swords, spears or punches but also technical abilities like just guarding.


    In practice however...this is a painful indie game. Or at least it was for me. The camera, cursed be its name, feels like it was deliberately mishandled, because it loves to hug the enemies' crotch. Controls are a complete pain, half of the inputs not registering at all, me having to mash the damn buttons to death. Also the bosses have the awful habit of sucker punch you from out of nowhere, stunning you for a good 5-6 seconds Monster Hunter style while they prepare the next oomph attack. I really had to fight more with the camera and the wonky controls than the bosses themselves.


    The game is really hard even without these awful issues. The trophies are quite unforgivable, one trophy asking you to defeat the final superboss in under 5 minutes (you really have to pray to the gods that the boss stands still enough that you can hit him) while another trophy asks you to do a "boss survival mode" where not only you have to defeat waves of enemies and bosses alike ,you also have to defend a core. If the bosses remain on the field for too long, they will damage the core and you automatically lose the battle. This mode is similar to Bloody Palace from Devil May Cry except you don't have that level of control on your character.


    Overall...a stressful game :lol: I really did not have fun with this. Oh well, you can't win them all...

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. grayhammmer


      If you're generally a fan of boss rush type games I would recommend Titan Souls.

      It's an UR Platinum for one thing, but it's also a very different kind of game than most other boss rushes in the sense that almost every boss can be defeated in less than 20 seconds, all you have to do is locate the boss's weakpoint and hit it (which is easier said than done with most of them.)

    3. PHIL_DADDY1


      Congrats on 100% completion!

    4. Copanele


      @Honor_Hand yep that is the one!  The ps3 list is slightly easier than the ps4 one, hardest thing is that you have to S rank the bosses there. No survival mode though in that version.

      It looks interesting buuut I am pretty sure the camera will piss you off big time too πŸ˜‚


      @grayhammmer lol thanks for reminding me. I have that one, bought it years ago, utterly forgot that I should play it πŸ˜†

  11. After barely putting up with this game, I finally got to the mode that forced me to ask for actual advice - Pursuit Mode, that "Boss Rush" mode where you have to protect the core for 99999 ticks. Does anyone have a proper strategy for this mode? What are the best garbs to use? I can kind of survive decently well, beating bosses, healing the Core and having auras. And then somewhere around 42000 all hell breaks loose, a ton of bosses spawn, I can't hold the aura on for more than 3 seconds without a boss depleting it to 0 and the core dies instantly no matter how fast I heal it. Best I could reach was 35000. So, for those who finished this atrocious mode...are there any helpful hints? Also, should I finish the Demise Story before?
  12. No. 295 - Vikings: Wolves of Midgard Platinum Name - Platinum Hardest Trophy - Valhalla Champion - Finish the game on Valhalla Mode (Permadeath) on highest difficulty Difficulty - 6/10 There have been many times when I disliked a critically acclaimed game that others love, mainly because of personal preferences (see my eternal gripe with Shadow of the Colossus). However, I don't think there ever was a case where I absolutely loved a game that was regarded as bad or mediocre. Vikings Wolves of Midgard is a first for me. A game that was regarded as mediocre, half-baked or simply a lazy Diablo clone...actually was one of the 2024 surprises for me, as in "damn I actually enjoyed this game a lot!" Now, it doesn't mean that the game has no issues, ooh no this game has a ton of issues, most of them utterly hilarious but we'll get there. First of all, introductions: In Vikings, you can choose to play either as a warrior or as a shieldmaiden. During one of your hunts the village is attacked by an army of gremlins and giants called jotuns. After the chieftain gets a free ticket to Valhalla due to being hit with a door, you have to fend off the attack. Doing so gets you promoted as the newest chieftain, your next aim being to secure the village and get revenge on the bastards who decided to trash your mead hall. Later on you get tangled in some prophecies and Ragnarok-isms, so better buckle up, sharpen your axe and get the Steel Underwear +10 on you, because it's raiding time. Beginning of the game: Appearance - Warrior. Color - Warrior. Brain - 0. You pick your character, customize it, then choose which style of combat you want to use: Sword&Shield (Tyr), 2 Handed (Thor), Staves/magic(Odin), Dual Wield (Loki), Bow&Arrow (Skathi). You start hacking wolves, more of those gremlins, trolls and other weird creatures...and all you might start to think is "man, this really feels like a shitty Diablo II lookalike". The graphics are not really that amazing. The combat is wonky, spamming X kills the creature and the skills you unlock in your skill tree just kill the creatures faster. Most of the numbers make no sense and there's no way to calculate how much critical damage is 1.05 compared to 1.06. In fact, I still have no clue what "Damage increase +1.01" means. Do I get an extra damage point? 1/10 of a damage point? Questions for another time. The elemental effects....they just change the number color that pops on the screen. Some creatures are immune to certain elements BUT NOT ALWAYS e.g. I had fire giants be killed by fire arrows while "Immune to fire" were popping left and right. Why they were still damaged...I have no idea. Poison is not a damage over time debuff, it's just...green damage. Freeze at least has a sort of effect, slowing or even freezing the enemy into place. But really, most of the attacks are just "Hope to Odin that it fucking works" The important part is that the enemy dies. Numbers are just fluff. Seeing this game, you'd expect that the game is your typical "kill monsters, gather loot, kill monsters faster". You couldn't be more wrong. 99% of the loot that you gain on the maps is utter crap and its only usage is to be salvaged for money, iron and wood. Only after gathering the materials you go to the village blacksmith where you build your ACTUAL gear with which you'll do damage. Every time you create gear, you get a random quality value (normal, rare, unique and legendary) and a random number of rune slots, from none to 3. The better the quality of the equipment, the more bonuses you get on your armor. Adding runes that you get from maps or by trading also add more bonuses. In conclusion, it's better to craft anything by yourself than hope that you'll get that legendary bow drop from mangy wolves. This guy will be your most valuable ally for the entire game. Speaking of bonuses, most of them are practically worthless. Resistance to various elements won't do a damn thing, the only stats that really matter are the defensive stat, attack speed, critical rate and optionally slay chance. These stats are vital for every build in the game. As for how they work however...I have absolutely no clue. In theory, every enemy must be affected by these, but when you encounter an enemy with a level too high (you are level 47 compared to the enemy who is 55), the enemy becomes immune to these effects and you only inflict pitiful damage. EXCEPT IT'S NOT ALWAYS THE CASE. The most hilarious is the Slay chance modifier, where you have a super low chance to insta-kill an enemy. I had enemies 3 levels above me that were immune to this insta-kill...and in some maps, I one shot the boss by sheer mistake while he was 10 levels above me. This game has absolutely no rules or consistency One final thing that this game has and it's utterly annoying is the exposure meter. In some maps you have various status debuffs like freezing, catching fire, poison etc. Under your health bar a second bar starts to fill, if it's fully filled you start to get damage over time like you'd be poisoned. To counteract that, you have special areas in every map who lower that second exposure bar down. I found it to be mostly an annoying mechanic that simply bogs down the game further. Plus, it forces you to split your attention to "Exposure defense" equipment too, which is an additional headache when all you want to do is deliver more damage. HOWEVER...with all these flaws...I actually enjoyed this game. And only because of how ridiculous it is. Let's start with the main character - our Warrior. This Warrior is the epitome of a "dumb sack of bricks". All he wants is to kill, overthinking is too much for his tiny brain, his one-liners are so bad even Tommy Wiseau from The Room sounds like an academy award nominee, he's like the Bard in Bard's Tale if you convert all of his charisma points into alcoholism and braindead. Just to add to the irony, I played as an archer, which was super hilarious to see the dumb brute grunt after every arrow shot. Even in his interactions with others, if there's too many lines of dialogue, he'll just tap out . Not even the other NPCs like him that much but since he's the only killing machine available...gotta work with what you have. The Shieldmaiden is more reserved in terms of stupidity, she's your average stereotypical warmongering viking woman. But she lacks the lack of brain that the Warrior has, which diminishes the fun. This works perfectly with the ridiculousness of the story. You start shooting wolves and Jotuns, try to unite the barbarian hordes and end up fighting the Vanir...who are actually the Holy Roman Empire, packed with healing bishops and crusaders. Then you try (and fail) to ally with a giant just to beat the other giant that sacked your home, and by sheer chance you ally with a separate group of the crusaders, led by King Arturus and his helpful mage Myrthin...who have to save the sacred city of Albion. How the hell did I end up being part of King Arthur's tales, I have no clue, but I was in for the ride πŸ˜‚ Not even the wise Myrthin has patience for Viking tomfoolery Back to the combat...it's just too damn satisfying. With each hit, you actually feel that your stupid hero HAS THE POWER. This is also helped by the hilarious ragdoll effect, enemies can fly around if they are hit with a strong enough attack. 2 Handed warriors have it mad good here, every enemy can be considered a ball and your huge ass sword/mace/axe as the baseball bat. The critical attacks have that OOMPH behind them and if the Slay damage triggers...it's so funny to see behemoths fall from a spit of an attack. Even if I didn't have to kill every enemy on the map, I simply loved the "thump" of the bow and arrow, the impact of the hit followed by "I AM INVINICIBUL " yelled by an angry roided out Viking. If you kill with style, you can even trigger a slow motion death where the enemy simply is skewered or slashed into multiple pieces. And finally...this game has the vibe. This might be my love for eurojank, but really Vikings has low quality control and high passion power. It's a goddamn mess of a game. It makes no sense 90% of the time. You can't ever take it seriously. But somehow, it works. Whatever it aimed to accomplish, it was a success for me. I have no idea what it aimed but it worked. It's one of those games where you only enjoy if you sync with it, otherwise it would really bore the hell out of you. I really can't in good conscience recommend this game - there's really a lot better games than this, namely Diablo II and allegedly Path of Exile. BUT, and there's a big but - if you like trashy european games with a ton of crazy fun ideas and poor implementation, a story that has no brakes, full vibe and a constant "I have no idea what I am doing here but I am having fun" vibe, then yeah do pick this game up. It's one of those games where stars have to align in order for it to be enjoyable, but it just happens that they have aligned for me πŸ˜‚ End of game: Rank - Peasant. Armor - whatever the hell rock that I found. Brain - still 0. Badass - 100 THE GOOD: Your Viking really is a dumb brute wacky but compelling story killing monsters feels good a game that uses vibe in order to survive THE BAD: Sadly, if you don't have the vibe, the game is trash numbers make no sense Exposure damage just clogs the game down random difficulty spike in the final map new game + deletes all your resources...WHY? percentage based damage works on an arbitrary rule the loot drop is absolute garbage RECOMMENDATION - The Bard's Tale The funnier, snarkier and more solid alternative to Vikings. The Bard is simply just carrying the entire game at this point.
  13. A small update Platinum: 39 - Vikings Wolves of Midgard - UR 100% 8 - Plague Road - UR PLATINUMS (50/55 , 29 UR) 100% (19/21 , 12 UR) DLC (13/13 , 9 with UR trophies, COMPLETED)
  14. The Epsilon hunt continues, adding Vikings Wolves of Midgard as the UR V entry 60 Seconds! Reatomized(UR) Arcana Heart 3(UR) Brutal Legend (UR) Call of Juarez: Bound in Blood (UR) Devil May Cry 5 (UR) Eldest Souls (UR) For Honor (UR) Guilty Gear Xrd: Revelator (UR) Hi-Fi Rush (UR) Injustice: Gods Among Us Ultimate Edition (UR) Jotun (UR) King of Seas (UR) Lords of the Fallen (UR) Mount&Blade: Warband (UR) NieR Replicant Overwatch 2 (UR) Persona 4 Arena (UR) Quake (UR) Rifftrax Skullgirls 2nd Encore (UR) The King of Fighters XIII (UR) Ultimate Marvel Vs Capcom 3 (UR) Vikings Wolves of Midgard (UR) Wet (UR) Xenon Racer Yakuza 0 (UR) Ziggurat(UR) (optional)Japanese title-ブレードをークス FROM シャむニングEX (Blade Arcus from Shining EX)(UR) All that's left is N. R and that dreaded X entry pretty close!
  15. Fifth game of Tier 4 done - Vikings Wolves of Midgard Tier 1 Jump Force Stick Fight Jet Car Stunts πŸ’― Quake Sifu PS5 +πŸ’― Tier 2 Wet - Viking Squad - πŸ’― Mirror's Edge - + πŸ’― Ender of Fire - πŸ’― 60 Seconds! Reatomized - Tier 3 Hi-Fi Rush + πŸ’― Abyss Odyssey πŸ’― Xeodrifter πŸ’― KartRider: Drift πŸ’― Brawlout Tier 4 Gigabash Plague Road πŸ’― Lara Croft and the Temple of Osiris πŸ’― Source of Madness Vikings Wolves of Midgard A very weird and nonsensical Diablo-like who I bet is UR just because it drove players insane with its randomness. I actually enjoyed it a lot but I am not sure I could recommend it to anyone πŸ˜‚ Now for Tier 5...uh....sure let's throw some stuff there Tier 5 Red Faction XCom Enemy Unknown Catherine (lmao) Obliteracers Quantum Conundrum
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