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  1. Great month! A lot of awesome games which I wanna tackle. Also win for size matters
  2. This. I've got 5100 from 6000 points for Awesomeness 11 and I'm a little bit sad because I'm almost done with this great game. Can't recommend this enough. I try and mostly get gold and just so the dailies and Awesomeness level 11 will come naturally and every point is a point so there is no reason to sweat Gold on every daily challenge. I'm also okay with silver
  3. Turkey was shit? You can't deny that this game was very interesting from both sides. Especially the last minutes were very exciting but I'm no expert and I only watch football casually. I would have thought that Netherlands would beat our ass and score more goals haha. And please win against England. Those games were boring as hell. I wished Switzerland would win.
  4. Yeah they will never Patch that but good luck with the platinum. I loved and platinumed every RGG game but this is the first game in the series I dropped because the grind is goddamn boring. I just completed the game and moved on.
  5. Exactly. 1 playthrough and collectible clean up but some guides also mention the first playthrough as a "enjoy the game" playthrough.
  6. Disco Elysium (or at least the trophy) is done. I couldn't get into it but the requirement for the trophy changed. You can start on hardcore immediately. So I got the trophy and moved on. Aaaaand that's it from my side. Thanks for this event.
  7. I have finished Assassin Creed 3. I will give Disco Elysium another chance but this will be my last game I'm interested in Tier 4. Let's see If I could get into it.
  8. That's why I bought a PS5.
  9. Yeah I don't care about the story in AC games. Gave the series 2 times a chance to enjoy it but it's not my cup of tea but I love the locations and parkour through the city the only ubisoft games were I really enjoyed the story was WD 1 and 2 but the series us dead I only platinumed Mirage it had a perfect length and I usually only plat games I enjoy or just play the story and move on and this event is perfect for it
  10. Okay that was fast. Finished Sable. Now I see why you gave this game a 1 because you don't need to collect every mask to finish the game. I loved the Art style and wished the Performance would be better. A shame that the rest worked so well and it was bad received because of the Performance issues and stutter.. whatever. Will play AC III next.
  11. No free PS5 upgrade -.- I stay and play the ps4 version instead
  12. Yeah you can play the whole game. But 1 or 2 level were broken.
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