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  1. I'm stuck at 95.83% even after shooting all pigeons. I think I might unalive myself tbh
  2. Even though I already have the platinum, I'm trying to come up with an AFK method that would requires 2 turbo controllers https://youtu.be/EAQqI3_txO4?si=IFF2WK-KDlblokm0&t=1454 Watching this video, it seems that with the correct modifiers unlocked, in theory you can set up a 1v1 and just keep having the guest player instantly lose and earn a respectable amount of XP every match. But as stated before, you would need both players using a turbo controller with X being on said turbo mode in order to automatically select rematch
  3. I submitted the complaint to the Implicit Conversions Discord server. If anyone else wants to join, here's the link https://t.co/J426zgQQqC
  4. I've tinkered with the levels in Fire in the Sky. I haven't done too much trial and error, but as of now it seems only the levels in Raleigh can be exploited
  5. I accidentally earned the Nimble Solutions trophy, which requires you to beat the "Complete The Fire Down Below without grabbing any hooks" without actually beating the level. After going back in to the level to unlock the safe, I exited out the same door I came in and got the trophy. I imagine this was an oversight on Implicit Conversions (the emulation team), so it may get patched. I'll update if I can repeat the same with the other Sir Raleigh levels. Edit: Didn't work for Charming the Library (Complete A Cunning Disguise without using the barrel). I had to actually complete the level to unlock it. No biggy
  6. Half the trophies for Mortal Kombat 11 can be AFK'd with a Turbo controller. They are however, heavily RNG dependent and require some babysitting
  7. I'm on OP's side with this one. I'm not sure what it is, but this game is nowhere near as fun as Zero Dawn was. Zero Dawn pulled me in within the first few hours, and even after 200 hours I was begging for more. As for Forbidden West, I ultimately had to put the game on the easiest difficulty and brute force my way through for the plat late in the game. As mentioned by Culturegeek, the ragdoll physics are infuriating. It seems like even the smallest bump will have Aloy flailing around for several seconds only for her to fall down again after another machine blindsides you the moment you regain control. And I can't be alone and in thinking this game's difficulty was unbalanced af, right? I played the game on normal and I stg it seemed like every attack from every enemy was taking at least half of my health away. Custom difficulty came in clutch for me. Forbidden West was my most anticipated game during the PS5 reveal, but now I'm highly skeptical about the inevitable Horizon 3. Apologies for the rant
  8. Huge shoutout to this thread about the shutdown notice. I was able to cop a local GameStop's last copy for only $2 and achieved my second Madden platinum. These games' trophies are surprisingly easy for such a low completion percentage. And the platinum's become even more rare after shutdown. I look forward to doing the same for future releases
  9. I had to dust off and update the PS4 Pro for this one. The emulation is completely broken on PS5 and is honestly a safety hazard to play on there, and as op says, the guide is outdated and a lot of the info on there is wrong
  10. I was looking forward to double dipping on a physical edition if they decided to do one, now I'm not even gonna bother. To add insult to injury, I bought the game at launch for $25 and only got the PS5 version instead of it being a crossbuy purchase since there was supposedly a backend error that only granted one version of the game. Since then, the games MSRP has been lowered to $20USD and I never got my PS4 version. It's a shame really, because I've been following Javo for the past 5 years or so and I respect his dedication at wanting to bring gamers an alternative to Madden, but he has always seemed to be out of touch with the achievement/trophy hunting community. My advice to anyone who wants to pick up this game would be to stick to the Steam release if possible, since not only do the achievements work (IIRC), but you can download mods and rosters for more variety to ones experience. I hear the Switch version is all right as well but even that version might still have crashing issues.
  11. It's the end of the year and the games trophies are still unobtainable. I've reached out to King Javo & THS regarding the issue but to no avail. If you're looking for a good alternative to Madden, I'd say definitely buy this game. Otherwise, steer clear if you were looking for (what should've been) 2 easy plats.
  12. As the title suggests, I ran into a rather unique bug where I popped the Platinum, and yet I'm still missing a trophy. I recently got Fashion Passion via chapter select which is last trophy I needed, I got the notification saying I unlocked the trophy followed by the platinum, but when I go back to the XMB, check the trophies menu, update PSNProfiles, I'm only 96% and Fashion Passion was 'de-unlocked' so to speak. Has anyone ever had this happen? Would anyone have a suggestion besides replaying an entire chapter? I would go back and replay chapter 14 but I was done with this game long before my first playthrough concluded. Overrated game. Edit: So it seems turning my PS5 off and coming back to it a few hours later fixed it. And now the trophy is unlocked with the correct timestamp y/botman2020
  13. I guess I'll be playing the safe game and play on my second account until further notice. The Black Ops 2 flag wasn't even my fault, but I still had to hide the trophies just because some modder gave me the last trophies. Oh well, not too much skin of my nose
  14. I hope this isn't true. I'm already seeing people on here with unlocked trophies within the past year and I got a copy on the way right now. I'd hate to have to use my other account just to play this game
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