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  1. Update number 5: After completing Star Wars: The Clone Wars I started Assassins Creed II and I have gone through 5 sequences already and half way through the 6th and already completed 3 off the Assassins Tombs been a while since I played this but I do enjoy playing as Ezio as its been a long time since I originally played back in the Xbox 360's days. So will continue playing through this 1.) Assassins Creed II- 0-50% 2.) Sea of Stars- 0% 3.) Deliver us to Mars- 0% 4.) Last of us Part 1- 0% 5.) God of War Ragnorok- 3% 6.) Jax and Daxter Precursor Legacy- 0% 7.) Forspoken- 8% 8.) Plague Tale Reqiuem- 0%
  2. Small little update this time round, played Star Wars: The Clone Wars and loved it. It's short but was a really good game so not a bad little palette cleanser during the big game grinds 1.) Assassins Creed II- 0% 2.) Sea of Stars- 0% 3.) Deliver us to Mars- 0% 4.) Last of us Part 1- 0% 5.) God of War Ragnorok- 3% 6.) Jax and Daxter Precursor Legacy- 0% 7.) Forspoken- 8% 8.) Plague Tale Reqiuem- 0% 9.) Star Wars: The Clone Wars- 0%-100%
  3. Platinum 79- Star Wars: The Clone Wars I never got to play this the first time it was released on Original Xbox and Playstation 2. This was a fun short game and it's interesting to see what was the blueprint for the first Star Wars Battlefront games. I'll be honest the controls are a little bit janky at times and can take a while to get used to but once you get used to the different controls but once you get that it's really fun and quick game to play.
  4. Update number 4 Ghost Of Tsushima has been completed and I really enjoyed my time with it, clocked just over 61 hours but I think that is also due to ideal time so I imagine it would have took probably 50-55 hours roughly. Not replacing this time round as want to go through a couple off more before considering replacements, might try doing two games on the go as my normal tactic is I go for one game and stick at it which for this challenge might not be the best way. 1.) Assassins Creed II- 0% 2.) Sea of Stars- 0% 3.) Deliver us to Mars- 0% 4.) Last of us Part 1- 0% 5.) God of War Ragnorok- 3% 6.) Ghost of Tsushima- 0%-22% (base game)-100% 7.) Jax and Daxter Precursor Legacy- 0% 8.) Forspoken- 8% 9.) Plague Tale Reqiuem- 0% 10.) Star Wars: The Clone Wars- 0%
  5. Platinum 78- Ghost of Tsushima I just want to say I can't believe it took me nearly 4 years to actually give this game a chance and what a game it is. First of all I want to praise the overall look off the game as you go through different seasons, the landscape is so beautiful and might be one off the best looking games I have played. The story is so good and draws you in from the start off the war with the Samurai's and the main antagonists of the game, The Mongols. You play as Jin a member of clan Sakai. You are introduced as the nephew/ward of Lord Shimura who is the Jito (translated as Land Head as they are appointed by the Shogun) of Tsushima. At the start of the game Lord Shimura is taken captive by General Khotun Khan who is apart of the Mongol Empire. During the story you meet allies who lead to side missions called Tales of which add to the overall side stories called Tales of Tsushima which works out as roughly 69 side stories that are needed to be completed. You meet Yuna, Taka, Lady Masako, Kenji, Norio and Sensei Sadanobu Ishikawa who guide you during the fights against he Mongols. I won't spoil the story because I can't give it justice in words but it is worth playing. The combat is really fun and adds to the experience as you have different stances you have to master whilst going through the game. Throughout the game you will also end up with one on one duels which work out as boss fights and mini boss fights, which is where the combat really adds to the game. I really enjoyed my time with this game, I would say it's worth playing if you haven't already.
  6. Update 3. Almost completed act II of Ghost Of Tsushima really enjoying the game so far and visually it might be one of the best looking games I have ever played its just so much fun. Also had an issue getting Middle Earth Shadow of Mordor to play so, have decided for now to shelf it and replace with another game. So thats my first 1/3 swaps used and hopefully will be the last. 1.) Assassins Creed II- 0% 2.) Sea of Stars- 0% 3.) Deliver us to Mars- 0% 4.) Last of us Part 1- 0% 5.) God of War Ragnorok- 3% 6.) Ghost of Tsushima- 0%-22% (base game) 7.) Jax and Daxter Precursor Legacy- 0% 8.) Forspoken- 8% 9.) Plague Tale Reqiuem- 0% 10.) Middle Earth Shadow of Mordor- 35%-*Swap* Star Wars: The Clone Wars- 0%
  7. Platinum 77- Gotham Knights This was an okay game with a poor trophy list. The story itself is actually pretty good in parts as you dive into the history of the court of owls which is one of my more recent favourite arcs in the batman comics. So to have it play out in Gotham Knights was cool to see. Some interesting side stories with Clayface, Mr Freeze and Harley Quinn add a nice break from the main story as are fun side missions to go down. It's nowhere near the levels of the Arkham games but still an okay title. The trophy list was pretty poor in fairness outside off the main story and side missions. Some stuff was just added in there for no real reason. Looking at you Solid Albi. The getting to level 40 is actually really easy I managed to get it done by doing random crimes and predetermined crimes during the first two acts so didn't have to replay too much off the main story again. The defeat x amount of enemies was going well at first up until the talons are introduced as these are predominantly rng based and aren't guarnteed to be at predetermined crimes or even the crimes you stop in the game. Overall I would probably say this an okay title at best but wouldn't say it's must play even if you are a fan of Batman or the extended batman family.
  8. Update number two. Can happily say I have finally gotten Gotham Knights off my backlog and my first platinum off the Summer. I span the wheel as previously mentioned and Ghost Of Tsushima was drawn out I am looking forward to playing this. 1.) Assassins Creed II- 0% 2.) Sea of Stars- 0% 3.) Deliver us to Mars- 0% 4.) Last of us Part 1- 0% 5.) God of War Ragnorok- 3% 6.) Ghost of Tsushima- 0% 7.) Jax and Daxter Precursor Legacy- 0% 8.) Forspoken- 8% 9.) Plague Tale Reqiuem- 0% 10.) Middle Earth Shadow of Mordor- 35% 11*) Gotham Knights- 87 (base game)%-100%
  9. Update number one: I had to carry over Gotham Knights as I am so close to getting this boxed off my list, I have disliked this game so much after completing the story its just been so repetitive beat x amount of crimes, beat x type of enemy as part as x faction and I'm in the final stages off the collectible hunt completed the art murals, the time trails and the batarangs now just got the court of owl and historical landmarks to do then will be getting Red Hood to level 40, which I'm hoping will be done shortly. Once this game is complete, I may eventually do the DLC but I will need to put it on the back burner. I'll be looking at starting this list properly but I'm torn with what to start first. So I might do like a random wheel generator with the other games so it chooses for me what to do first. 1.) Assassins Creed II- 0% 2.) Sea of Stars- 0% 3.) Deliver us to Mars- 0% 4.) Last of us Part 1- 0% 5.) God of War Ragnorok- 3% 6.) Ghost of Tsushima- 0% 7.) Jax and Daxter Precursor Legacy- 0% 8.) Forspoken- 8% 9.) Plague Tale Reqiuem- 0% 10.) Middle Earth Shadow of Mordor- 35% 11*) Gotham Knights- 87 (base game)%
  10. 1.) Sea of Stars- 0% 2.) The Quarry- 8% 3.) Alan Wake Remastered- 5% 4.) Assassins Creed II- 0% 5.) Football Manager 2024- 63% 6.) Dragon Ball Z: Kakarot- 5% 7.) Gotham Knights-58%-72% (base game) 8.) Jak and Daxter: the Precursor Legacy- 0% Getting closer and closer to finalizing Gotham Knights kept getting stuck with some off the predetermined crimes as seemed very glitchy but finally boxed off. Just on the collectible run now alongside some off the other side activities
  11. 1.) Sea of Stars- 0% 2.) The Quarry- 8% 3.) Alan Wake Remastered- 5% 4.) Assassins Creed II- 0% 5.) Football Manager 2024- 63% 6.) Dragon Ball Z: Kakarot- 5% 7.) Gotham Knights- 33%-58% (base game) 8.) Jak and Daxter: the Precursor Legacy- 0% Focused on Gotham Knights more onto the last case file and completed all the side missions for Harley Quinn and Clayface. Coming to the point which is going to be really tedious part for the collectibles, crimes and defeating x amount of enemies.
  12. 1.) Sea of Stars- 0% 2.) The Quarry- 8% 3.) Alan Wake Remastered- 5% 4.) Assassins Creed II- 0% 5.) Football Manager 2024- 63% 6.) Dragon Ball Z: Kakarot- 5% 7.) Gotham Knights- 21%-33% 8.) Jak and Daxter: the Precursor Legacy- 0% Not really played much in terms of progression for trophies but this weekend booted back up Gotham Knights and did a couple of trophies, mainly combat based as well as finishing Mr Freeze's side case. The main loading page tells me I'm 66% through the main story so going to finish off the story mode hopefully this week and foucs on the clean up after this. It's a bit lacklustre so far, the stories been fine but the rest of the gameplay is just pretty average
  13. I'll join again why not I like trying to challenge myself. This is the list I've decided will by summer gaming. 1.) Assassins Creed II- 0% 2.) Sea of Stars- 0% 3.) Deliver us to Mars- 0% 4.) Last of us Part 1- 0% 5.) God of War Ragnorok- 3% 6.) Ghost of Tsushima- 0% 7.) Jax and Daxter Precursor Legacy- 0% 8.) Forspoken- 8% 9.) Plague Tale Reqiuem- 0% 10.) Middle Earth Shadow of Mordor- 35% 11*) Gotham Knights- 73 (base game)% Edit: Added a star next to Gotham Knights as so close so it may be my unofficial 11th game as it will be carried over from my last list as highly unlikely will be finished by the end of the last challenge and after this grind its worth carrying over to this list.
  14. 1.) Sea of Stars- 0% 2.) The Quarry- 8% 3.) Last Stop 0%-15%-100% 4.) Alan Wake Remastered- 5% 5.) Assassins Creed II- 0% 6.) Football Manager 2024- 63% 7.) Dragon Ball Z: Kakarot- 5% 8.) Gotham Knights- 21% 9.) Jak and Daxter: the Precursor Legacy- 0% Finished the last couple of chapters off Last Stop today, actually found it quite interesting to play through it's a short title but after the massive collection thon that was Hogwarts Legacy and my slightly glitchy experience off Guardians Of The Galaxy this was a nice pallet cleanser. I'm looking through my backlog and some of the games on this list, which I might be removing for the Summer one, I've not fully decided yet but I'm hoping to get another one completed before the end of this one. To stop myself getting burnt out I've done quite a bit of pro clubs this month on EAFC 24 which has been a nice break at times.
  15. Platinum 76- Last Stop Had this is my collection from PSN for a couple of months, found out it was on off the games due to leave PSN in May so thought now was a good time to get into it. It's very similar to the tell-tale style games in where there's different dialogue options as well as choices, there a some missables that if you select a different option would be cancelled out but the game is easy enough to play for a chilled game. You play three different stories that at first don't connect until right at the end. If you want a nice pallet cleanser with a short story which is interesting enough to keep you playing then would recommend this game before it leaves PSN its rough about 7 hours give or take but most chapters are like 10-15 minutes long
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