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  1. Past hour
  2. (Arkham Origins) So I'm playing the game, thinking to myself "I've only just started, but yeah, I definitely love and prefer the Xmas theme over City's dirty Garbage Bag one, and I'm sorry I didn't appreciate it the first time through."


    But then game froze on me. AGAIN.

  3. I am so ready for The Last Ronin's R-rated release.



  4. Today
  5. McDonalds or Burger King

    Type this emoji for McDonalds - :gold:

    Type this emoji for Burger King - šŸ‘‘ 

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. armamac14


      Quarter Pounder > Big Mac

    3. PHIL_DADDY1




      Quarter Pounder > Big Mac

      I like either, depends how I'm feeling

    4. CelestialRequiem
  6. I look forward to tomorrow when I re-read the event and see all the typos and worry that everyone thinks I'm an idiot for not spell checking enough. Goodnight everyone, hope y'all have a good weekend.

    1. UnIvIIIrsum


      Relax! Typos? I wish my problems was if I mdae a tpyo. ;) 

    2. PHIL_DADDY1


      Looking forward to seeing what the event is about

  7. I really thought people were exaggerating the rngness of the crafting trophy in Star Ocean 6, but honestly it is way more annoying than the other ones, and those required 100% vs 90% in this one. 

  8. Yesterday
  9. Are there any specific pre-release thoughts on the three PS Classics this month you want to share?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Helyx


      I was excited About Intelligent Qube, but nobody believed me for months until it was confirmed. 


      Never even downloaded it.

    3. zizimonster


      Haven't played any of them.

    4. Sendai-Horatio


      Summoner trophy list is either going to be really easy or really hard. The game is buggy and there is a lot to do in the game.

  10. With any luck, both the PSNP users with the BtG initials will be down Ā£100 by October :D 


    But seriously thanks for threatening the site with your income. Hopefully you've encouraged more folks to join in :) 



    Wow Im bad with typos


    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Beyondthegrave07


      Like I said, all or nothing. I think it'll be more interesting that way and make it more thrilling despite having a max of 2 submissions per person.


      I have a funny feeling PSNP won't disappoint. 

    3. Breakingthegreen


      @Beyondthegrave07Glad you could understand what I wrote,  I reread it and completely forgot the joke I was making as I wrote it.


      Technically there's  have 10 submissions, but folks are limited to 2 categories, smart players can get it done with only 11 people.

    4. Beyondthegrave07


      Oh, right. I'm making this more confusing than it needs to be. Yes 2 categories. Not 2 submissions. 

  11. The weird thing when you care more for the lore than the gameplay šŸ˜‰. It arrived today and is more beautiful than i expected.




    1. CelestialRequiem


      My copy too!


      I didn't work on this guide, but I used to work at Future Press. I was an author on the Armored Core VI book. Can't wait to get the Bloodborne reprint.

    2. UnIvIIIrsum


      Awesome! Dark Souls lore is next level! I spent so so soo many hours on just the lore :D

      VaatiVidya ftw!



  12. Honkai Star Rail Update #2 :


    Honkai Star Rail is an amazing game i would recommend a hundred pourcent

    It's cross progression between phone, computer and playstation 5.

    currently around 90h into, which i played approx 50h on playstation.


    Graphic : 8/10

    Story : 9.5/10

    Gameplay 9/10


    Overall it's a good 9/10.


    I still need alot of grind for the platinum, playing the DLC actually !

  13. Preordered the upcoming Alan Wake II physical for $53, courtesy of Target's prorated discounts on its b2g1 sales!

  14. (Batman Arkham) been playing through all of them at the same time.


    Asylum) I loved both the story and gameplay. Already up to the penitentiary my third time through.


    City) I liked what they added gameplay wise, but didn't care for the story. Too much villian bloat, dumb plot twists, and the seeping in of the BatJoke wank.


    Knight) I play off and on, cant go for long sessions because of the stupid bat-tank. Also, the batjoke homoeroticism is at its peak here.


    Origins) just now restarting. Gonna see if I'm like alot of people and find something worthwhile I didn't notice before.

    1. thiagobhz12


      I have played in order of release date, Azylum, City, Origins and Knight.
      I liked all the Arkham games series, for me they are amazing, the combat system is unbelievable.
      It's normal, all games have positive and negative points. I believe my favorite game is Arkham Asylum. It has a dark scenario obviously due to the asylum.

    2. Amber__Kate


      City is by far my favorite. I love the expanded arsenal of weapons, the story is cool, I loved playing as Catwoman and I also really liked the side missions especially the mad hatter and identity thief missions. 

      Good luck on your playthroughs! I love the batman arkham games. :) 

    3. RedRodriguez87


      lol Oh Origins. First time I get outside there's slowdown followed by a game crash trying to select an upgrade.


      I knew I wasn't misremembering things.

  15. looks like i'm able to keep my apartment after next month. though food help will probably be cut because the rent is that low. i was prepared to go to a assisted living home if it means to stay out of the street.

    1. funboy1246


      its getting rediculous when people have to jump through hoops just to pay their rent and keep a roof over their head. I'm glad you got it all sorted though. keep ya head up bro

  16. Health Update: The stitch is out! I have a nasty scab that must wash away by itself but (thankfully) no infection. I still need wraps that require 2 days to remain on my left foot (not as cumbersome as my old ones at least) so it will be some time before I resume "regular" activities... whatever that means. I'm still plenty sore (no surprise there) but happy to be talking with everyone here and not be in an ER with complications (these things do happen with vein stitches after all).

    1. armamac14



      Hope you fully heal soon mate

  17. Link's Awakening Castaway is coming to PlayStation in August.



    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Helyx


      Oh shit, Link's Awakening was one of my favorite GB games.

    3. Dreggit


      @Helyx Yacht Club is also working on a game in a similar vein if you like this aesthetic/style of title



    4. LukeTheGooner


      the style of this game just reminds me of Pokemon

  18. Just started playing Spiderman 2 (Miles Morales) and didn't realise it was set during Christmas, now I have an urge to stop playing and pick it up in December, platinum it by the 25th so it's my Christmas game. Only started it (Currently at the apartment where he gets everything ready including putting on the Christmas tree).


    I also don't want to forget how to play by then haha. Maybe I'll wait anyways, (I like to play games that are set during Christmas when it's the same in real life too). Well, I got plenty of other games til then. Then I can have Christmas treats while playing during then too. (The whole game is set during Christmas right?)

  19. My mother and I could really use some prayers right now if anyone's the type. šŸ’–

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. UnIvIIIrsum


      Not the type but I wish you and your family well.

    3. Kristen Danielle

      Kristen Danielle

      Thank you!


      Y'all's friendship is of great value, too.


      "Oil and perfume make the heart glad, and the sweetness of a friend comes from his earnest counsel." (Proverbs 27:9 ESV)

    4. LukeTheGooner


      hope whatever is going on you both get it sorted <3

    1. PHIL_DADDY1


      Did your sticks die already???

    2. DaivRules


      Nope. I had one pop off its tracks from taking a hard fall, but I fixed that. Iā€™m just excited to see not only a replacement but an upgrade thatā€™s just 10 screws. 


  20. :platinum:86: Ripto's Remorse (Spyro 2: Ripto's Revenge)


    i put this game on the backburner as I got back into Destiny 2 for the final expansion after I started playing it so it took me a long while to get the platinum for it but I liked it as much as the first remake, it improves on the original in almost every aspect from level design to boss fights so I look forward to seeing what the third game has to offer 



  21. Why I'm not surprised?



    1. MidnightDragon


      Because people like cute animals?

    2. KenjiCBZ


      Including me šŸ» 

    3. Jeanolt
  22. šŸ˜‚



    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. KenjiCBZ


      "Spammer noob

      Learn to play Tekken"


      Literally said one guy after I beat him in one round and he rage quit

    3. CelestialRequiem


      Dang dude, congrats with your win against LTG!

    4. Copanele


      I swear, rollback netcode has ruined the traditional lag from Brazil. We are losing important values here!

      Also I have to share this else I wouldn't feel good. 


  23. Happy Friday, PSNP! What's everyone doing this weekend? Seems like almost every time I've said what I'm going to do lately, it doesn't work out, so I'm going to try and not say for once to see if it does. :lol: 

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Amber__Kate


      Planning on playing some saint's row the third on ps3, maybe participate in the splatoon 3 splatfest, and boost some Resident Evil 6 online trophies with my girlfriend :) 

    3. PHIL_DADDY1


      Boring weekend of household chores & repairs

    4. zizimonster


      Despite atrocious controls, I've decided to keep playing Toy Story 2.

  24. So Microsoft increased the price of every GamePass tier and messed around with them to extract even more money to cover their acquisitions. Goes into effect right before the next CoD drops. Gee, who would have expected that to happenā€¦


    1. Show previous comments  10 more
    2. Ashande


      Iā€™m not too upset by the price hike - realistically, still more cost effective for me to reup my GamePass when and if something I want to play comes out and then cancel when Iā€™m done than it is to buy whatever it may be - but the amount of willful blindness in certain fandoms - starting with the ā€œthey wouldnā€™t do that, theyā€™re our friends!ā€, moving on to ā€œwell, Iā€™m sure thereā€™s a reason,ā€ then ā€œyeah, but your team did it to!ā€ and a pile of whataboutisms - can be infuriating.


      If a given person finds value in it, more power to ā€˜em; subscribing to either, both or neither is an entirely subjective choice. I get my moneyā€™s worth out of PS+, but I acknowledge others may not. I do not feel I get much out of GamePass, but I am aware others do. Iā€™m also not violently against price hikes - things cost more. Prices go up, and honestly the gaming industry has been better about it than some sectors. When people defend one price hike (or act like it didnā€™t happen) while crucifying another is when I get a little irritatedā€¦ and given that the PS+ price increase brought with it an expanded library - which, again, I am aware is not for everyone; Iā€™m one of like three people that gave a damn Ghosthunter or Alone in the Dark 4 are available, Iā€™m sure - without disturbing the features of the lower tiers - Essential still functions identically to how PS+ has always worked - while Microsoft strips and alters features and promises I just raise an eyebrow.

    3. MidnightDragon


      Saw it coming from a mile away, yet Iā€™ve seen people honestly shocked about it.

    4. Grotz99


      Barely a shock since inflation is a thing in the US lately.

  25. Ahhh.....


    the sweet, sweet madness of only having one joker left to gold stake, but the fucker just WILL NOT appear in your runs šŸ˜‚



    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. DrBloodmoney
    3. Breakingthegreen


      Well done on finally getting it:


    4. Jeanolt


      This is dedication. It reminds me of my pages filled with GTA cheats, I still have them somewhere.

  26. :platinum: #181 - Ultra Street Fighter IV; :platinum: #182 - Street Fighter V; :platinum: #183 - Street Fighter 6


    I finally did it!!!!


    Ultra Street Fighter IV


    The best of the bunch! Since it took me forever to get the platinum in Vanilla Street Fighter 4 I thought I was done with with that franchise or better said, with anything that comes close to the difficulty of SFIV. But I am also a stupid man who goes for trophies and is looking for annoying challenges :D. So, I just had to come back to this title and it was a huge blast. Crazy trophy list but mad fun, even (or especially?) the trials. Besides C. Viper's trial #22 everything was alright. I am not saying that it was easy but the knowledge of SFIV helped a lot. It took me 20 hours online, 60 hours for the trials and like 20 hours for everything else. The game itself is amazing! It still looks great plays awesome and you have a ton to see and play.





    Street Fighter IV


    The worst of the bunch. I've played this game a lot for PC when it came out but never really touched it for the PS4. After a couple years I gave it a try and it improved a lot! Way more characters, way more stages, different mechanics and a new graphics style. However, the game still feels like an unfinished mobile port with endless loading times and weird menu structures. The fighting itself feels good but it's not even close compared to Ultra IV. The platinum is super annoying too. Getting to the golden league can be really tough but with a little help from other players it s kinda alright. What makes this platinum so annoying is the endless grind for fight money. You have to play the survival mode so many times that you actually question why you do that. Trials are not really needed and they are so much easier compared to its predecessor. I think it took me like 90 hours to get every trophy. Overall an okay fighting game.




    Street Fighter 6 (why did they change the Roman numerals?)


    The latest entry of Street Fighter and definitely a good one! This game feels so much better than Street Fighter V and makes many things better. The new mechanics are great and are a lot of fun! The trophies however kinda suck. Yes, in general they are way easier compared to the other entries but they are so bland, boring and in one case, unfair. The majority is just navigating through stuff and the biggest hurdle for me were the tournaments where you had to win 10 rounds. The game almost never gives you tournaments within your league but rather completely random ones with weird mechanics or requirements. So, you end up with Jamie in a match against a Master player (highest rank online) where you are just destined to lose. The key for me where league tournaments which only popped up once a month or so. Before that I just ate dust all the time! This gave the game a worse reputation for me, even though the trophies alone do not decide if a game is great or not. And in the case of part 6, the core gameplay (the fighting itself) is amazing! It's just the trophies which I don't appreciate. Great game overall and I am excited what Capcom will do in the future.




    Btw. I never really saw myself as a good fighting game player. A huge fan, since my childhood yes but actually good? I don't know. Anyway, this is my biggest achievement in trophy hunting since I started this hobby in 2009...

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. effdeegee


      Wow! Awesome update with some crazy stats attached. Good job on the 3 new plats and hundys. :) 

    3. Amber__Kate
    4. ihadalifeb4this
  27. I have begun my final Star Ocean 4 platinum run. Once I finish the EU stack I will have 3 SO6 stacks to complete and then I will own every last Star Ocean trophy. It's been a long time coming, but the finish line is now in sight.

    1. ThatMuttGuy


      Ayyyyo you're crazy man!!! I just did SO4 for the first (and only) time. Good luck but you got it!

    2. MidnightDragon
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