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  2. Note to the devs: if you plague your game with challenges that don't properly work, just don't put em in there. Fuck that shit.
  3. Well 6 weeks in and only on Update 2 tells it's own story .A mixture of holiday and work have conspired to slow me down and then the Euros have almost finished my chances ! Played and completed Tunic although this wasn't a great fit for me and started Cat Quest which definitely is . I'm miles behind on everyone's progress too but I will make sure to catch up over the weekend Resistance Retribution 0%.......>100% Cat Quest 0%.......>11% Inscryption Final Fantasy VII Remake 14% Tunic 11%. ..........>100%
  4. I look forward to tomorrow when I re-read the event and see all the typos and worry that everyone thinks I'm an idiot for not spell checking enough. Goodnight everyone, hope y'all have a good weekend.

  5. Ok so after a long thinking process i started the game In 2days ive got alot done Great game But my issues r some of the items/challenges To get 1 trophy i need to win 50 games for my certified item?? And i need a ion booster or halo? Any idea where to get them or easy ways to win 😕 im a noob and it shows I have also finished multiple matches online in champions field no trophy tho
  6. It's just a design that looks like it makes the letter V (for Viper obviously). And Black and Green have always been my colors, so with it being transparent...if you're using dark mode, it gives that effect. Plus, I don't like the circle avatars, so this being a diamond gives it some character. I've actually been using this Avatar on Discord for like 3 years now...it was probably a year-ish ago that I decided to use it everywhere on the net. Here and PST, as well as other places I roam on the net. I guess it's kind of like my "brand" logo now. Would be amazing if someone could make me a sig that matches it...but no one seems to make forum sigs and avs anymore, sadly.
  7. I don't know enough about the games to find if they have UGC in them, but if you can provide evidence of it then all your submission ideas are valid One thing that is only going to be relevant for you though is that I said no DLC lists and Hitman 2 Additional Expansions is all DLC lists. Because of this I'm willing to make a exception, but there's a caveat, you must complete all the DLC in the Additional Expansions pack to earn the point. Those are all the notes on the games, the others are 100% valid.
  8. It's really easy for 20, you can just move the piles in the bonus route of the cave up to the next area. Your only trouble is acquiring the extra 4, but if you're diligent, you'll get them to the bottom as well. The rocket boxes help immensely. Once you're in the area with the bin, you can either do a 1-2 set up and make 2 big stacks of like 7 and combine them from that ledge OR just keep running into the trash/bin area and they'll all appear in the same area. I did it solo. However... The "A Big Mess" trophy is giving me trouble. I've destroyed 10 boxes by the trash/bin and by water, but no trophy. Why? Any chance anyone has a spider/squash/umbrella location guide as well? 😅
  9. Yeah the guide should probably be updated to say do fatalities - takes slightly more time but is more consistent. I just ran seasonal tower at level 32 and did all fatalities and ended up with 11 million points for that achievement.
  10. You can't do that because all infos are stored on nexon servers,if something goes wrong you can even see your account is lv 1 like some guys today experienced after logging in You cant start this game offline anyways There is tracker in game in Journal challenges,and number displayed is correct to my prestige on bunny,they need to connect it to the trophy and all people who invested 10 catalysts in single descendant should get autpoped trophy
  11. Also ended up missing my chance and am now stuck waiting for next season...but whatever I'll keep grinding until then lol.
  12. Hello, I moved your post here to get you help with this bug. If you could please update your post with the information in the green banner or post them in this thread, that would help a lot.
  13. I didn't experience any freezes. I had one crash and that's about it.
  14. I really thought people were exaggerating the rngness of the crafting trophy in Star Ocean 6, but honestly it is way more annoying than the other ones, and those required 100% vs 90% in this one. 

  15. Hi, Like I said, the message appears every time I launch the game and I'm completely stuck. I cannot play the game at all, so anyone had the same issue ? thks
  16. Today
  17. Dirt 2 PS3 server has been shut down for nearly 10 years. Dirt 3 has had it's VIP pass delisted so is unobtainable except for the Complete Edition disc version. I was wrong about them shutting down the challenges for Dirt 2.0, they must be generated automatically and costing them zero to maintain. It's almost certain they will in the not so far future so leave the online challenges at your own peril.
  18. My post is just a timestamp to record that I thoroughly looked over the rules of the event.
  19. Playing Symphony of the Night for the first time now - -
  20. Yeah, make sure you connect your ALT to battle log and have an EA account, and it should then work as I have recently not long done it using multiple consoles so it definitely works.
  21. The trophy list looks like the game has quite a few mechanics that would make it fun, but these "fill-in-the-blank simulator" games all seem like trash to me. I'm not interested in playing a janky, outdated mess just for trophies.
  22. Was one of the most painful games I ever platinumed as well. Vita version crashes constantly
  23. In most situations that’s true, but in a checkered deck run, and combined with Four Fingers or Shortcut, it is actually an awesome one! I finished the Completionist++ today, and I would recommend that once you have specific jokers you are looking for, (say, the last 20-30 you want) the best way to go is Checkered Deck, and do everything you can to get Flushes levelled up as fast as possible. Use Space Joker (if possible, combined with Blueprint / Brainstorm, and an Oops All 6’s), Telescope to get consistent Jupiter from Celestial Packs, and lots of Blue Seals (from Standard Packs, or Certificate). By doing that, you can pretty consistently be upping the hand level by 3-6 levels per round, and have Flush hands at Lv25-35 by Ante 8. At that level, you really only need a single xMulti card, and a glass card to beat the final boss… …so you basically have 2-4 slots you can swap out for Jokers you need. That strategy, working well, will allow you to carry at least 1 joker from the start, and be carrying at least two “dead weight”, “useless” Jokers all the way from like Ante 5 onwards, so if you see the specific ones you need, you have the best chance of picking them up and carrying them successfully.
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