Views for WPForms

v3.3.2 (8th July 2024)
Improvement: Display Table headers when No results are found in View.

v3.3.1 (11th June 2024)
Improvement: The view layout will now be preserved when updating the view source.

v3.3 (31st May 2024)
New: Added WPForms Smart Tags support for Email field subject & Body text. Now you can use any smart tags in body and subject of Email.

v3.2.9 (18th May 2024)
Fix: Fixed search getting cleared if sorting is done from table headers.

v3.2.8 (23rd April 2024)
Fix: updated pagination class name to "views-pagination" from "pagination" to prevent theme CSS conflicts.

v3.2.7 (22nd April 2024)
New: Added option to set column width for table view.
Fix: Fixed Duplicate View not working when double quotes are present in lables.

v3.2.6 (20th Mar 2024)
Fix: Clear button in the Search form was not clearing date-time fields.

v3.2.5 (29th Feb 2024)
Fix: Trashed Entries won't show in View.

v3.2.4 (18th Feb 2024)
New: Added support for Search by Date Time field.
Tweak: Date fields in search form will display same formatting as set for field in WPForm.

v3.2.3 (14th Feb 2024)
Fix: Fixed fatal error when checking license status.

v3.2.2 (12th Feb 2024)
Fix: Optimzed Search Query for All Fields in search form.
Fix: Search will use Like operator for hidden fields search.

v3.2.1 (1st Feb 2024)
New: Added filter 'wpf_views/multiple-values-separator' to change separator displayed between checkbox values.

v3.2 (20th Dec 2023)
New: Now you can use GET & POST Query params to set filter values.
Fix: Added authorization checks on creating new views.
Fix: Added authorization checks on saving views.

v3.1.9 (20th Dec 2023)
Fix: Fixed php deprecated warning.

v3.1.8 (18th Dec 2023)
Fix: Fixed search displaying all View data if view id is manually changed in url and "Hide View Data until search is performed" setting is enabled in View Settings.

v3.1.7 (16th oct 2023)
New: Added button to clear all fields.
New: Added button to add field in between existing fields in View.
New: UI/UX optimizations.

v3.1.6.5 (21st Sep 2023)
New: Calculations Add-on is now available.
Fix: Removed Layout fields displaying in Views field lists in backend.

v3.1.6.4 (8th Sep 2023)
New: Save empty values in database for fields with no value during form submission .

v3.1.6.3 (9th Aug 2023)
Fix: Optimised Database queries when performing search on all fields.
Fix: Search was ignoring other fields in search form when searching with "All fields".

v3.1.6.2 (7th Aug 2023)
Fix: Fixed filter not working if field set in condition is removed from Form.

v3.1.6.1 (31st July 2023)
Fix: Fixed View showing "No records found" if date field is set to empty in filter condition.

v3.1.6 (29th July 2023)
New: Added new wp filter "wpf-views/display-condition/field-value" to filter field value in Field Display Conditions.

v3.1.5 (21st July 2023)
New: Added Field Display Conditions. Now you can set display conditions in fields similar to filter conditions so that field value only displays if conditions are met.

v3.1.4 (8th July 2023)
New: Added option to set width for Image if upload field is displayed as Image in View.

v3.1.3 (1st July 2023)
New: Added option for Name, Text, File Upload, Number & Hidden field to link to Single Entry page in View.

v3.1.2 (23nd June 2023)
Fix: Fixed php warning on filter settings.

v3.1.1 (22nd June 2023)
Fix: Number Slider field value would display raw value.
Fix: Updated Icon for WPForms Views Elementor widget.

v3.1 (19th June 2023)
New: Added Groups to Filter to group filter conditions using OR conditions.
New: Added Entry Log field to display WPForms Entry log in site frontend.

v3.0.9 (12th June 2023)
New: Added Elementor Widget for adding WPForms Views to page.

v3.0.8 (16th May 2023)
Fix: Fixed smart tags not working in custom html field if added before/after view data.

v3.0.7 (9th May 2023)
New: Added wp filter to display/hide label of field.
Fix: Fixed DataTables buttons setting not saving.
Fix: Fixed warnings if custom html field is added before or after view data.

v3.0.6 (4th April 2023)
New: Google Maps add-on is now available in professional & developer license.

v3.0.5 (4th April 2023)
Fix: View id won't be removed from url when search form is cleared.
Fix: 4 & 3 column cards List View theme should now adapt to 1 column card on mobile screen.

v3.0.4 (20th March 2023)
Fix: Editing view for non-admin user should work fine now.

v3.0.3 (17th March 2023)
Fix: PHP Notice in search widget.
Fix: Edit View page in admin not working for some wordpress sites.

v3.0.2 (6th March 2023)
New: Added new field Entry Author to display Submitted entry Author Name.
New: Added support for geolocation {entry_geolocation} smart tag.

v3.0.1 (6th March 2023)
New: Added new field Resume Entry Link if Save and Resume Add-on is installed.

v3.0 (4th March 2023)
/* This is a major update. Please backup site before updating */
New: Updated Views UI to use Gutenberg components !!
New: Added Entry Status Field.
New: Added option to Display partial Entries.

v2.2.3 (21st Feb 2023)
Fix: Fixed compatibility with WPForms v1.8+.

v2.2.1 (15th Feb 2023)
Fix: Fixed Pagination link if site url and home url are different.
Fix: Sorting by entry date from frontend.

v2.2 (24th Jan 2023)
New: Added Support page.
New: Added Addons page.
Fix: Upload field was displaying incorrect link if field is empty.
Fix: Fixed Pagination start number in Pagination Info.

v2.1.9 (20th Jan 2023)
New: Added compatibility with DataTables addon v2.0.

v2.1.8 (7th Jan 2023)
New: Added filter 'wpf_views_shortcode_content' to filter view content.

v2.1.7 (28th Dec 2022)
New: Added option to mark entry as read when viewing single entry page.

v2.1.6 (19th Dec 2022)
New: Added option to unapprove entries after editing entry from frontend.

v2.1.5 (14th Dec 2022)
Fix: Added Inline Edit addon Jquery UI style options.
Fix: Removed scroll from datatable view.

v2.1.4 (13th Dec 2022)
New: Added Inline Edit addon options.
Fix: Updated .pot file for "No records found" string.

v2.1.3 (30th Nov 2022)
New: Search form fields can be now be reordered.
Fix: Fixed php notice if upload field is empty.

v2.1.2 (21st Nov 2022)
New: Improved UI for Field setting popup.
Fix: Field value filter hook will run for empty fields

v2.1.1 (14th Nov 2022)
New: Partial Entries created by Save and Resume addon won't display in view.

v2.1 (7th Nov 2022)
New: Clear button will now refresh the page and reload view.
Fix: Filter will now fine fine if field value contains single quote.

v2.0.13 (21st Oct 2022)
Fix: Fatal error in displaying Entry date.

v2.0.12 (20th Oct 2022)
Fix: Option not selected if apostrophe is present in drodpdown field in search form.

v2.0.11 (6th Sep 2022)
New: Added support for "hide empty fields" for DataTables.

v2.0.10 (5th Sep 2022)
New: Added filter wpf_views/mysql_date_string to filter mysql date format before mysql query.
Fix: Fixed Filter by Date custom format 'D, j M Y'.

v2.0.9 (18th July 2022)
Fix: Removed conflicting css for mark tag.
Fix: Fixed Filter by Date custom format 'Y-m-d'.

v2.0.8 (9th July 2022)
Fix: Entry ID field should display fine now in search form.
Fix: Fixed Filter by Date field not working properly.

v2.0.7 (27th June 2022)
New: Added description for custom html field.
Fix: Optimized css code.

v2.0.6 (25th April 2022)
New: Search will now do partial search for text fields.

v2.0.5 (11th April 2022)
New: Added option to sort by field values in table view from frontend.

v2.0.4 (17th Feb 2022)
New: Added option to open images in new tab on click inside view.

v2.0.3 (4th Jan 2022)
New: Added pre-built themes for table & List layout.

v2.0.2 (9th Dec 2021)
New: Added option to Duplicate Views.
New: UI/UX design improvements

v2.0.1 (6th Dec 2021)
Fix: DatePicker not displaying for Entry Date search field.

v2.0 (3 Dec 2021)
New: Entry Date can be now added to Search Form with option to search by single Date or Date Range.
New: WPForms Date field display datepicker in search form, field can be configured to have date range or single date.
Fix: Multiple checkbox & Select field will display labels instead of values.

v1.9.9.5 (23 Nov 2021)
Fix: Multiple checkbox & Select field will display values separated by comma in frontend.

v1.9.9.4 (12 Nov 2021)
New: Added new option in view settings to update "No records found" text.
Fix: Images not displaying if more than 1 file was uploaded.

v1.9.9.3 (12 Nov 2021)
Fix: Filter using WPForms Hidden field should work now.

v1.9.9.2 (10 Nov 2021)
New: Updated translation file with new strings.
New: Updated plugin updater to display notification about new update available.

v1.9.9.1 (21 Oct 2021)
Fix: View setting hiding if Table View is selected.

v1.9.9 (16 Oct 2021)
New: Rows can be now reordered in Views.
New: Custom values can be set for dropdown, checkbox, radio fields in filter.

v1.9.8 (2 Oct 2021)
Fix: Admin will see all entries.
Fix: Search will display "no records found" id there are no entries.

v1.9.7 (13 Sep 2021)
Fix: Clear button not working correctly in Search Form.
New: Inline Edit Addon is now available!.

v1.9.6 (28 Aug 2021)
Fix: Few strings missing translations.

v1.9.5 (26 Aug 2021)
Fix: Textarea field not displaying new lines in text.

v1.9.4 (20 Aug 2021)
Fix: Fixed filter by Date field not working.

v1.9.3 (12 Aug 2021)
New: Added support for Delete Entries Addon.

v1.9.2 (7 Aug 2021)
New: Added Access Permission settings for Views.
New: Moved License settings page to Settings Page

v1.9.1 (28 July 2021)
Fix: Entry Date not displaying in List View.
Fix: Code optimzations.

v1.9 (26 July 2021)
New: Added Clear Form Button option in Search Widget.
New: Added "contains" option in filter.
New: Filter & Sort tab will display Active/InActive status .
New: Checkbox, Radio & Dropdown fields will have prefilled values when setting filter.
Fix: Cleaned up fields list in filter, sort & search.
Fix: Search by entry ID was not working.
Fix: UI/UX improvements.

v1.8.13 (12th July 2021)
Fix: Sorting by date-time field should work fine now.

v1.8.12 (5th July 2021)
New: Added filter "wpf_views_after_table_row".
Fix: Fixed sequence number not working correctly if there are multiple views on page.

v1.8.11 (9th June 2021)
New: Added option to hide empty fields in List View.

v1.8.10 (28th May 2021)
Fix: Fixed duplicate entries showing when searching.
Fix: Fixed date fields displaying 2 times in View.
Fix: UI/UX improvements.

v1.8.9 (27th May 2021)
New: Added Date Merge Tags in filters.

v1.8.8 (14th May 2021)
New: Added WPForms smart tags support in Custom HTML field.

v1.8.7 (10th May 2021)
New: Website/URL field will now be clickable.
New: Email field can be made clickable to create new email on click.

v1.8.6 (5th May 2021)
New: Added Custom HTML field to multiple entries & single entry View.

v1.8.5 (19th April 2021)
New: Added Entries Count Field.
New: Added Entry ID Field.
New: Added Sequence Number Field.

v1.8.4 (8th March 2021)
Fix: Entries displaying if user not logged-in & display only logged-in user entries is checked.

v1.8.3 (2nd March 2021)
Fix: Sort by Number field not working correctly.

v1.8.2 (26th Feb 2021)
New: Merge Tags are now supported in Filter Values!
New: "All Fields" for search Form to search data in all saved fields.

v1.8.1 (12th Feb 2021)
Fix: Sort by Entry date not working in DataTable View

v1.8 (31st Jan 2021)
New: Added option to display Entry Date in View.
New: Added support for Single Entry View.
New: Single Entry View is now available in Developer license.

v1.7.2 (8th Jan 2021)
Fix: Custom labels setting not saving.

v1.7.1 (2nd Jan 2021)
New: Added option to add all Form Fields at once.
Fix: When adding Rows you will be asked for row layout selection first.
Fix: Changing to list view won't reset the layout.
Fix: Field popup won't close after adding a new field to view.
Fix: Minor UI fixes

v1.7 (21 Dec 2020)
Fix: Filter & Search by submission id should work fine now.

v1.6 (18 Dec 2020)
New: Added option to hide View data until search is performed.

v1.5 (16 Nov 2020)
Fix: Warnings showing in case view is not set to display viewed & starred entries.
New: Added support for DataTables resposive & pdf settings.

v1.4 (29 Oct 2020)
New: Added option to filter entries by submissions date.
Fix: Table can be scrolled if columns are too many.

v1.3 (22nd Oct 2020)
New: Added filter "wpf_views_get_submissions_args" to allow modify query before displaying views.

v1.2.5 (23rd Sep 2020)
Fixes: Minor design fixes
New: Made changes for Edit Entries Addon support

v1.2.4 (21st Sep 2020)
New: Added filters "wpforms_view_query_joins" & "wpforms_view_query_where" to allow modify query before displaying views.
Fixes: Minor design fixes

v1.2.3 (14th Sep 2020)
Fixed: Upload File links not displaying if more than 1 file is uploaded.

v1.2.2 (11th Sep 2020)
New: Option to display only logged in Users Entries
New: Display Uploaded file as Link or Image in View

v1.2.1 (26th Aug 2020)
Fixed: HTML field value not saving text
Fixed: Updater should work fine now
*Few design tweaks

v1.2 (24th Aug 2020)
Fixed: Search not working for Dropdown & Checkbox Fields.
Fixed: Sorting not working
*Few design tweaks

v1.1 (21 Aug 2020)
* Added starred & viewed entries filter.

Edit Entry Addon

v2.1.7(18th May 2024)
Fix: Fixed Upload file deleting on edit when classic uploader is used for uploading files.

v2.1.6(13th April 2024)
New: Merge tags now supported in Edit entry links.

v2.1.5(27th July 2023)
Fix: Fixed issue with View ID not set in action hook when form is submitted using ajax.

v2.1.4(12th June 2023)
Fix: Payment checkbox not prefilling correctly while editing entries.

v2.1.3(16th May 2023)
Fix: Conditional logic not working .

v2.1.2(10th May 2023)
Fix: Compatibility issue with Inline Edit Notification not working.

v2.1.1 (6th Feb 2023)
Fix- Fixed fatal error on date field if using dropdown format.

v2.1 (13th Jan 2023)
Fix- Fixed error on editing entry if no fields are hidden.

v2.0 (6th Jan 2023)
New- Added option to hide form fields when editing entry.
New- Payments won't process when editing entry.
Fix- User meta will update correctly when editing entry of a form having User Registration enabled.

v1.9.9.6 (4th Jan 2023)
Fix- added compatibility with user registration addon v2.0+

v1.9.9.5 (19th Dec 2022)
New- Added wordpdress filter 'wpf-views/edit-entry/entry-email-process' to enable/disable email notification processing after editing entry .

v1.9.9.4 (18th Nov 2022)
Fix- Query values from url take preference while prefilling fields for editing entry.

v1.9.9.3 (12th Nov 2022)
Fix- Fix multiple choices values not prefilling.

v1.9.9.2 (5th Aug 2022)
Fix- Dropdown values not prefilling if default values is set from admin.

v1.9.9.1 (16th July 2022)
Fix- Comment Status will not be reverted back to close if editing entry and using Post Submission addon.

v1.9.9 (1st July 2022)
Fix-Editing Likert Scale field will work fine now.

v1.9.8 (21st June 2022)
Fix- Fixed Editing fields which has show values settings checked.

v1.9.7 (17th Feb 2022)
Fix- Multiple values being stored in database if form has more then 30 fields.

v1.9.6 (17th Jan 2022)
Fix- Values not pre-filling for Dropdown with multiple values.

v1.9.5 (27th Nov 2021)
Fix- Dynamic checkbox values resetting during entry update.

v1.9.4 (20th Nov 2021)
Fix- Values of fields hidden by conditional login getting reset on entry update.

v1.9.3 (10th Nov 2021)
New: Updated plugin updater to display notification about new update available.
Fix- Edit Entry form not submitting if multiple file upload field are present & set as required.

v1.9.2 (16th Oct 2021)
Fix- Edit Entry form not submitting if file upload field is required.

v1.9.1 (6th Oct 2021)
New- Integration with User Registration Addon.

v1.9 (7th Aug 2021)
New- Added option to select user role who can edit entries.

v1.8 (28th Juky 2021)
New: Added option in notification to send it only when editing entries.
Fix: Delete icon was not visible when editing files.

v1.7 (28th May 2021)
New: Fixed all upload files being removed while editing entries .

v1.6 (15th May 2021)
New: Added support for upload field when editing entries.

v1.5.4 (4th May 2021)
Fix: Date field will be prefilled correctly if displayed as dropdown.

v1.5.3 (16th March 2021)
Fix: No Abandon entries will be created if user is editing entries.

v1.5.2 (8th March 2021)
New: Admins can now Edit Entries of other users.

v1.5.1 (4th March 2021)
Fix: Updating Post will keep the existing Post Status.

v1.5 (26th Feb 2021)
Fix: Editing Entry will now correctly updates data in the fields table in DB.

v1.4 (23 Feb 2021)
Fix: Confirm Email& Simple Name field not prefilling.

v1.3 (18 Feb 2021)
- Added support for Post Submission Addon.

v1.2 (15 Jan 2021)
- Fixed payments fields not populating while editing entries.

v1.1.1 (30 Dec 2020)
- Fixed fatal error in case WPForms is not installed.

v1.1 (29 Dec 2020)
- Fixed radio, date & address fields not populating automatically while editing entries.

v1.0 (23rd Sep 2020)
- Initial Version

DataTable Addon

v2.1.4 (8th July 2024)
Improvement: Display No records found text set in View settings when there are no records in datatable.

v2.1.3 (29th April 2024)
Fix: Fixed search not working if Data is hidden on page load intially.
New: Added translation string for dropdown to select number of entries displayed on page.

v2.1.2 (16th April 2024)
Fix: Fixed search not working if page contains multiple views of different types e.g List and DataTable view on same page.

v2.1.1 (21st Mar 2024)
Fix: Fixed search not working for non form fields.

v2.1 (20th Mar 2024)
New: Search in DataTable View now uses ajax to get result without page refresh.

v2.0.9 (14th Feb 2024)
Fix: Single Entry link in DataTable View displaying wrong link if View is displayed using Elementor.

v2.0.8 (12th October 2023)
New: Added Page length dropdown allowing users to update page length from frontend.

v2.0.7 (21st April 2023)
Fix: Sorting by Entry date from view column header should work fine.
Fix: Fixed issue for view displaying empty entries on search if logged in user has non-admin role.

v2.0.6 (25th March 2023)
Fix: Displaying partial entries should work fine now.

v2.0.5 (24th Feb 2023)
Fix: Fixed DataTable pagination hiding if pagination info is not added to page.

v2.0.4 (31st Jan 2023)
Fix: Fixed DataTable not working if jquery is loaded in wp footer.

v2.0.3 (25th Jan 2023)
New: Added wp filter 'wpf_views/datatables/output' to filter table output before render.

v2.0.2 (23rd Jan 2023)
Fix: Buttons won't show up if not added from view.
New: Added js hook 'wpf-views-datatables/event/draw' on table draw.

v2.0.1 (20th Jan 2023)
Fix: Fixed sorting.

v2.0 (20th Jan 2023)
New: DataTables now uses Ajax to render table. Better performance for large entries table.
New: Pagination uses Ajax in table.

v1.4.5 (24th Nov 2022)
New: Updated pot file for translated strings for DataTable buttons.

v1.4.4 (7th Sep 2022)
New: Added support for "Hide Empty Fields" in DataTables responsive mode.

v1.4.3 (31st Aug 2022)
New: Added pot file for language translation.

v1.4.2 (15th June 2022)
Fix: Fixed issue displaying more than one DataTable View on same page.

v1.4.1 (10th Nov 2021)
New: Updated plugin updater to display notification about new update available.

v1.4 (7th Aug 2021)
- Moved License field to Settings field.

v1.3 (28 July 2021)
- DataTables scripts will only load on pages where it's added.
- Fix DataTables not working if jquery is loaded in site footer.

v1.2.1 (2nd Jan 2021)
- Fixed sorting not applying on initial page load.

v1.2 (16 Nov 2020)
- Added option to make datatables responsive.
- Added option to set export pdf page size & orientation.

v1.1 (21 Sep 2020)
- Added option to display datatables buttons above or below view.

v1 (27th Aug 2020)
- Initial release

Single Entry Addon

v1.7.6 (18th Feb 2024)
New: Added option to open single entry page in new tab on click on link.

v1.7.5 (14th Feb 2024)
Fix: Single Entry link in View displaying wrong link if View is displayed using Elementor.

v1.7.4 (8th Sep 2023)
Fix: Compatibility with Inline Edit not working on single entry page.

v1.7.3 (1st July 2023)
New: Added option for Name, Text, File Upload, Number & Hidden field to link to Single Entry page in View.

v1.7.2 (9th May 2023)
Fix: Fixed warnings if edit entry field is added to single page.

v1.7.1 (6th March 2023)
New: Added Print Single Entry field to print single entry view.

v1.7 (20th Jan 2023)
Fix: Added compatibility with DataTables Addon v2.0.

v1.6.9 (10th Jan 2023)
Fix: Added check for authentication before displaying single entry.

v1.6.8 (7th Jan 2023)
New: Added filter 'wpf_views/single_entry/endpoint' to change endpoint name.
New: Added filter 'wpf_views/single_entry/go_back_link' to change back link on single entry page

v1.6.7 (28th Dec 2022)
New: Added option to mark entry as read when viewing single entry page.

v1.6.6 (9th July 2022)
Fix: Check for view id before displaying single entry.

v1.6.5 (27th Jan 2022)
Fix: Missing slash in single entry link.

v1.6.4 (6th Dec 2021)
Fix: 404 page error on single entry click.

v1.6.3 (19th Nov 2021)
Fix: Fixed Single Entry View not working on Homepage.

v1.6.2 (10th Nov 2021)
New: Updated plugin updater to display notification about new update available.

v1.6.1 ( 28th Aug 2021 )
New - Added option to hide empty fields in Single View.

v1.6 ( 7th Aug 2021 )
- Moved License field to Settings field.

v1.5 ( 28th July 2021 )
Fix - Entry Date not displaying correctly in single view.
Fix - Website & Email links were not working.

v1.4 ( 15th May 2021 )
New - Added smart tags support in Custom HTML field.

v1.3 ( 10th May 2021 )
New - Added Custom HTML field support

v1.2 ( 16th Feb 2021 )
Fix - Entry date not displaying in correct layout

v1.1 ( 12th Feb 2021 )
Fix - Entry date not displaying

v1.0 ( 31st Jan 2021 )
- Initial Version

Approved Entries Addon

v1.2.5 (29th July 2023)
Fix: Fixed Approval Status field not working in Display Conditions.

v1.2.4 (8th July 2023)
Fix: Fixed Approval Status field not displaying in Search Form.

v1.2.3 (23rd June 2023)
Fix: Fixed php warnings if Approval Status is used in Filters.

v1.2.2 (10th Feb 2023)
New: Entries will be marked unapproved by default on new form submissions.

v1.2.1 (19th Dec 2022)
New: Added option in View settings to unapprove entry after editing in frontend.

v1.2 (3rd Sep 2022)
New: Added approval status field in View fields.
New: Added approve entry field in View fields.

v1.1.1 (10th Nov 2021)
New: Updated plugin updater to display notification about new update available.

v1.1 (7th Aug 2021)
- Moved License field to Settings field.

v1.0 (1st Aug 2020)
- Initial Release