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What’s New on FMX?

“What’s New” Archive

GASB Questionnaires Due

All general revenue (GR) consolidated and full reporting agencies must complete and submit every Governmental Accounting Standards Board (GASB) questionnaire by Aug. 15.

The GASB Questionnaires page on the AFR website provides:

  • Links to each GASB questionnaire.
  • Descriptions and PDF previews of each GASB questionnaire.
  • Links for more information specific to each GASB statement.

Contact your agency’s financial reporting analyst with questions about any GASB questionnaire.

TINS Application to Report Indebtedness

State agencies and institutions of higher education reporting state debts to TINS must semiannually review contact information for each assigned hold reason code. If the information displayed on the TINS Agency Hold Reason Inquiry (RSNINQ) screen requires updates, submit a separate Application to Report Indebtedness form for each hold reason code requiring updates. See Application to Report Indebtedness on TexPayment Resource for the form and more information.

Contact Payment Services with questions.

CAPPS User Group Meetings

A CAPPS HR/Payroll user group meeting will be held July 23, 9 – 10:30 a.m.

A CAPPS Financials user group meeting will be held July 25, 9 – 10:30 a.m.

See CAPPS HR/Payroll User Group Meetings or CAPPS Financials User Group Meetings for more information. The agenda for each meeting will be available a few days before the meeting.

Fiscal Year-End Close Schedule

See the 2024 Master Schedule of Year-End Close Events, which includes:

  • Processing deadlines.
  • Support contacts.
  • System maintenance dates and times.

USAS and CAPPS Financials Year-End Process

The fiscal 2024 USAS annual cash-basis close occurs on Friday, Aug. 30. Instructions, including deadlines for submitting documents, are in USAS Annual Close Process(FPP Q.004).

See Scheduling Critical Payments at Fiscal Year-End for more information by appropriation year, including deadlines.

Agencies using CAPPS Financials must also follow CAPPS Financials Year-End Processing Instructions (FPP T.001).

CAPPS HR/Payroll Fiscal Year-End Process

CAPPS Central agencies must follow CAPPS HR/Payroll Fiscal Year-End Processing Instructions (FPP T.003) to prepare for the fiscal year-end process.

The system will be unavailable from 5 p.m. Aug. 30 through 8 a.m. Sept. 3. Normal activities resume 8 a.m. Sept. 3.

SPA Fiscal Year-End Close Process

The last SPA processing cycle before the fiscal year-end close runs Aug. 30. SPA will be available Sept. 3 to accept both fiscal 2024 and fiscal 2025 transactions.

See SPA Fiscal Year-End Close Process (FPP N.008) for more information.

SPRS Fiscal Year-End Process

SPRS agencies must process transactions in the prescribed order for the rollover to fiscal 2025. See SPRS Fiscal Year-End Processing Instructions(FPP O.002) for complete information.

Holiday Warrant Distribution

Thursday, July 4: The Comptroller’s office will be closed; no warrants will be distributed.

Friday, July 5: The Comptroller’s office will be closed; Payment Services will distribute warrants from the Wednesday, July 3 cycle 9 – 11 a.m.

See Payment Distribution for warrant pickup requirements and the System Outages and Holidays calendar for more information.

Reminder – Certification Due for Certain USAS Balances

To ensure correct fiscal year-end USAS balances for imprest, petty cash and travel advance accounts, agencies authorized to maintain these accounts must certify that USAS balances and agency computed balances (cash plus outstanding reimbursements) agree. Only cash accounts with balances created with funds from the state treasury are subject to this requirement.

Certification is due July 5. All corrections must be entered in USAS by July 19.

See USAS Balances for Imprest, Petty Cash and Travel Advance Accounts (FPP A.045) for more information, including how to request access to the Petty Cash Certification web application and complete the forms.