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Very good game!


Very intriguing game, the slow build up is done very well. Keep it up 👍

An interesting idea and its in a restaurant so that means I got to play it! Loved that it used random events to make things a little more spooky for each playthrough and having a second endings made sure to make me go back through! Which, we got both endings!

It was pretty creepy at times and give me some startled here and there, have a good, fun experience!

Games like this, its fun to browse and watch others playthroughs to compare what they got to your own.

Now, biggest question... about that overtime pay Pattie!

Great job FamousPizza!


Thanks for making a scary game, i enjoyed it

hey friends! Hope you enjoy the video as much as I enjoyed the game! 

I've run into a problem. I have a mac book pro, and downloaded the game just fine. I tried launching it and it would not even start. Tried going into my preferences, security and privacy. Opened it anyway, then a bunch of random text edit popped up. How can I launch the game?


Very good, scary and well made horror game. The doors are a little broken, but they all worked, so no problem there. Overall, it's a very good 20min horror game!

Made a video

Unfortunately, doors are so broken I got stuck. Got to the long hallway, walked down, opened the keypad door, hopped down. I got to the dark area and got the "Open Door" prompt but nothing happened when I tried to open it.

All doors are kinda buggy, they'll open but not close properly. And then if they do close, you kind of have to try and open them a few times, and it takes like 3 seconds to trigger when it does work.


Lo jugué en mi video mas reciente, y aunque no pude conseguir el segundo final por un problema de mi lap, el juego estuvo bueno


Really enjoyed this one, atmosphere was great! 

I had a really good time with this one, Nailed the atmosphere, its a good time. 



Amazing game, wish i could get checkpoints for the multiple endings but otherwise no complaints <3


Really enjoyed this one! Had such a creepy vibe being alone in a restaurant at night while not feeling like we're actually alone. Quite a wild story too even if I am still not 100% what exactly happened, but I quite liked how obscure it was.

Was a great experience, thank you! This game has great style and I am looking forward to whatever you create next :)

just uploaded a video for this game and let me tell you.....this game was appsolutely terrifying, keep up the good work, and keep making great games, cant wait to see what u make next so i can continue supporting such a great game creator.
(2 edits) (+1) 

Had fun with the game, very suspenseful. The (part 1) was great but leading to (part 2) i was confused as i completed the requirements in (part 1). Out side of that, great game and would recommend a playthrough.

(1 edit) (+1)

Great game, keep going :)


I liked the game, but it started off very tedious and wasn't too scary; I'm aware that its an experiment horror game, but so much more could have been done to make it less dull. Don't get me wrong, things definitely started to pickup after I put away like 7 dishes one at a time. 
Besides all that, really good game!

This Was Good!


super creepy game!
(2 edits) (+1)

I expected this to be way worse. Amazing experience that has a good plot twist, actually scared me and  didnt waste my time. Great game!


I'm not a horror person so I wanted something completely out of the box and this was a treat to play. Very atmospheric, sublimely skilful use of music to set the tone. The mundanity of the dish washing task really did allow the senses to be tricked into some of the scares (no spoilers) - again not easy to do, and very skilfully executed. Thank you :)


This was very well done. There's a lot of restaurant horror games like this but this one really stood out to me. Enjoy my playthrough. Good job !

I made a video on your game if you're interested :)

This was the second game in my video, and I gotta say this game definitely stood out from the others because its story had a lot of work put into it. Great job, will be looking forward to more like it!

(1 edit) (+1)

the atmosphere of the game had me on the edge of my seat for the majority of the time. Well done




Literally, the scariest game I think I've ever played in my entire life.

Love the slow creep of dread that builds up! Also, the footsteps from nowhere always freak me out!


The game is quite good, but I found the story a bit confusing. At the second ending I really didn't understand what just happened and who I was playing with anymore, or what happened to the main dude(James if I'm right). I really couldn't make any sense of it. But the game is still fun and a bit creepy.


I am not sure how to obtain the second ending I played it 3 times. The story is quite interesting it does take a bit to peice together the notes and visuals but when you do man is the story deep. I really enjoyed this game. 

I got the second ending when I didn't get the knife. By not getting the knife, the flowers won't be there when the body disappears, then finally there won't be any pills in your room. So I think is the knife...


Great game!

Cool game that got a few scares out of me. Looking forward to more games from you, pizza dude.


Really good game I love the slow build up! Too many dishes to wash for my liking tho 

Great horror game. I love the retro style and the scary experience. Hope you make more games like this. I did a video on my channel (Spanish) Hope you like it :)


A great horror game that gave me the nostalgic, retro vibes. I'm not gonna lie, I had to go through the game a 2nd time to find that flashlight lmao. Other than that, I enjoyed the atmosphere. The scares weren't over the top, but I wouldn't have minded a jumpscare or too!


This was great!  I feel like you captured the PS1 - era level design quite well, with everything being weird and uncanny, but still realistic-ish.


Very fun and scary experience, great game

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