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Fallout: The Roleplaying Game Perks

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This page lists all perks in Fallout: The Roleplaying Game.

General information

The Perk Rate in Fallout: The Roleplaying Game is one perk every single level.

There are 94 perks in the Core Rulebook, with 30 more added in the Settler's Guide Book and 54 in the Wanderer's Guide Book, for a total of 178 perks.

Most perks in the roleplaying game are based on existing perks from the video games, especially Fallout 4 and Fallout 76.

Temporary and Rare Perks

There are also 95 magazine perks; these are temporary, but can be made permanent when a character levels up.

The Wanderer's Guide Book adds 20 more rare books, magazines and holotapes. These items don't provide a temporary perk like regular magazines. Instead, each one unlocks access to a unique rare perk which can be taken at level up only by characters who have read the book (or played the holotape).


Image Name Required Effects
FOTRPG Perk Action Boy.webp Action Girl Action Boy None Take additional major action with no difficulty penalty
FOTRPG Perk Adamantium Skeleton.webp Adamantium Skeleton Endurance 7 Increases damage required for a critical hit to all limbs
FOTRPG Perk Adrenaline Rush.webp Adrenaline Rush Strength 7 When below max HP, count your strength as 10 for skills and weapon hits.
Infobox.webp All Night Long Level 16
Not a robot
You don't get more hungry or thirsty at nighttime
Infobox.webp Ammosmith Intelligence 7
Level 2+
You can craft ammunition
FOTRPG Perk Animal Friend.webp Animal Friend Charisma 6 Rank 1: Hostile animals may roll to not attack you.
Rank 2: Gain the pacify animals major action
FOTRPG Perk Aqua Boy.webp Aquagirl Aquaboy Endurance 5 Rank 1:
Immune to radiation from swimming and can hold breath twice as long underwater
Rank 2:
+2 difficulty to be detected by enemies when underwater
Infobox.webp Archer Perception 6
Level 1+
Increases the damage of bows and crossbows
FOTRPG Perk Armorer.webp Armorer Strength 5
Intelligence 6
Can modify armor with additional mods.
FOTRPG Perk Awareness.webp Awareness Perception 7 Aiming at a target adds or improves the Piercing effect on the next attack against it.
FOTRPG Perk Barbarian.webp Barbarian Strength 7
No robot origin
Physical DR on all hit locations is increased based on your Strength
FOTRPG Perk Basher.webp Basher Strength 6 Increased gun bashing damage
FOTRPG Perk Better Criticals.webp Better Criticals Luck 9 Spend a Luck point to get an automatic critical on an enemy
FOTRPG Perk Big Leagues.webp Big Leagues Strength 8 Gain the Vicious damage effect on all two-handed melee weapons
FOTRPG Perk Black Widow.webp Black Widow Charisma 6 Re-roll 1d20 on Charisma checks to influence male NPCs
Inflict an extra die of damage against male opponents
FOTRPG Perk Blacksmith.webp Blacksmith Strength 6
Level 2+
You can modify melee weapons.
FOTRPG Perk Blitz.webp Blitz Agility 9 Improve odds of hitting when you move into range and make a melee attack on the same turn
Do extra damage on that attack
Infobox.webp Blocker Strength 6 Increases damage resistance against melee attacks
FOTRPG Perk Bloody Mess.webp Bloody Mess Luck 6 Chance of inflicting an additional injury on a critical hit
Infobox.webp Bodyguards Charisma 8
Level 5+
Nearby allies increase your damage resistance
Infobox.webp Bow Before Me Perception 8
Level 4+
Adds or increases the Piercing effect to bows and crossbows
Infobox.webp Bullet Shield Strength 8
Level 8+
Increases damage resistance while wielding a big gun
Infobox.webp Butcher's Bounty Perception 8
Level 3+
Find additional portions of meat when butchering animals
FOTRPG Perk Can Do.webp Can Do! Luck 5 Find additional food when scavenging
FOTRPG Perk Cap Collector.webp Cap Collector Charisma 5 Character can adjust value of goods when buying or selling
FOTRPG Perk Cautious Nature.webp Cautious Nature Perception 7
Daring Nature not taken
Improves odds on tests where Action Points were spent for extra dice
FOTRPG Perk Center of Mass.webp Center of Mass Agility 7 Choose to aim at the torso of an enemy without an increase in difficulty when making a ranged attack
FOTRPG Perk Chem Resistant.webp Chem Resistant Endurance 7 Rank 1: Roll one fewer d6 when determining addiction
Rank 2: Cannot be addicted to chems
FOTRPG Perk Chemist.webp Chemist Intelligence 7 Chems last twice as long.
Unlocks new chem recipes.
Infobox.webp Class Freak Charisma 6
Intelligence 5
Mutated humans may refuse to attack you, and you find it easier to influence them
FOTRPG Perk Commando.webp Commando Agility 8
Level 2+
+1d6 of damage per rank with weapons fire rate 3 and higher
Infobox.webp Community Organizer Charisma 5
Endurance 5
Improves defence, food and resource gathering in player's settlement
FOTRPG Perk Comprehension.webp Comprehension Intelligence 6 Gives a chance to use the effect of a magazine an additional time.
FOTRPG Perk Concentrated Fire.webp Concentrated Fire Perception 8
Agility 6
Allows to re-roll 3d6 after spending additional ammunition to increase damage
Infobox.webp Contractor Charisma 5
Intelligence 5
Level 2+
Improves the efficiency of building objects and structures in settlements.
Infobox.webp Covert Operator Agility 8 Improves damage with ranged sneak attacks.
Infobox.webp Crack Shot Perception 7
Level 7+
Increases range and accuracy when aiming one-handed ranged weapons
FOTRPG Perk Daring Nature.webp Daring Nature Luck 7
Cautious Nature not taken
Improves odds on tests where action points were given to GM for extra dice
FOTRPG Perk Demolition Expert.webp Demolition Expert Perception 6
Luck 6
Gain the Viscous quality with weapons that have the Blast quality and unlock additional explosive recipes
FOTRPG Perk Dodger.webp Dodger Agility 6 Reduce difficulty of Defend major action by 1
FOTRPG Perk Dogmeat.webp Dogmeat Charisma 5 Recruit a faithful canine companion
FOTRPG Perk EMT.webp EMT Charisma 1 Provides health regeneration to revived players.
Infobox.webp Enforcer Agility 9
Level 12
Adds the Debilitating effect to targeted shotgun attacks
FOTRPG Perk Entomologist.webp Entomologist Intelligence 7 Gain the 1 Piercing damage effect against all creatures with insect keyword
FOTRPG Perk Fast Metabolism.webp Fast Metabolism Endurance 6 1 Hit Points per rank from any source other than resting
FOTRPG Perk Faster Healing.webp Faster Healing Endurance 6
No robot origin
1d20 can be bought for free when treating one's injuries
FOTRPG Perk Finesse.webp Finesse Agility 9 Once an encounter, re-roll damage dice with no Luck point spending
Infobox.webp Fire in the Hole Perception 8
Level 8+
Reduces difficulty of attacks with thrown "Blast" weapons
FOTRPG Perk Fortune Finder.webp Fortune Finder Luck 5 Find additional caps when scavenging
FOTRPG Perk Ghost.webp Ghost Perception 5
Agility 6
Sneak tests in darkness allow for one free additional d20
Infobox.webp Gladiator Strength 6, Level 2+ Increases damage with one-handed melee weapons
Infobox.webp Glow Sight Perception 8
Level 3+
Do extra damage to glowing enemies
Infobox.webp Green Thumb Perception 4
Level 4
Find twice as much food when foraging in the wilderness
FOTRPG Perk Grim Reaper's Sprint.webp Grim Reaper's Sprint Luck 8 Rolling 1d6 and landing an Effect, add 2 AP to the group pool
FOTRPG Perk Gun Fu.webp Gun Fu Agility 10 Hit additional targets with a successful ranged attack.
FOTRPG Perk Gun Nut.webp Gun Nut Intelligence 6 Able to create higher-level weapon mods.
Infobox.webp Gun Runner Agility 6
Level 4
Increases distance moved when sprinting while holding a one-handed ranged weapon
FOTRPG Perk Gunslinger.webp Gunslinger Agility 10 +1d6 of damage per rank and additionally re-roll hit location d20
FOTRPG Perk Hacker.webp Hacker Intelligence 8 Decrease difficulty to hack computers by 1
Infobox.webp Happy Camper Charisma 7
Endurance 6
Level 3+
Don't get more hungry if sated when camping
Don't get more thirsty if hydrated when camping
FOTRPG Perk Healer.webp Healer Intelligence 7 Heal an additional hit point per rank with first aid action
FOTRPG Perk Heave Ho.webp Heave Ho Strength 8 Increase range of throwing weapons by one zone by spending 1 AP
Infobox.webp Hired Help Charisma 7
Don't already have a companion
Recuit a humanoid NPC companion
Infobox.webp Home Defense Intelligence 6
Level 5+
Craft and set traps
Infobox.webp Homebody Endurance 6
Level 5+
Recuperate in a home settlement without sleeping
FOTRPG Perk Hunter.webp Hunter Endurance 6 Gain the Vicious damage effect against mutated mammals, lizards, and insects.
Infobox.webp Incisor Strength 6, Level 2+ Adds or improves the Piercing effect for melee weapons
FOTRPG Perk Infiltrator.webp Infiltrator Perception 8 Re-roll 1d20 on Lockpick skill tests
FOTRPG Perk Inspirational.webp Inspirational Charisma 8 Increase maximum group AP pool by 1
FOTRPG Perk Intense Training.webp Intense Training None Put a single point into any of your S.P.E.C.I.A.L. attributes
FOTRPG Perk Iron Fist.webp Iron Fist Strength 6 +1d6 to unarmed damage
FOTRPG Perk Junktown Vendor.webp Junktown Vendor Charisma 8 Charisma + Barter test attempts to buy or sell goods is reduced by 1
FOTRPG Perk Jury Rigging.webp Jury Rigging None Repair any item without using components, but suffer a greater complication range and chance for it to break.
FOTRPG Perk Black Widow.webp Lady Killer Charisma 6 Re-roll 1d20 on Charisma checks to influence female NPCs
Inflict an extra die of damage against female opponents
FOTRPG Perk Laser Commander.webp Laser Commander Perception 8 Increase damage with ranged energy weapons by 1d6 per rank
FOTRPG Perk Lead Belly.webp Lead Belly 1 Reduced or immunity to radiation damage from food
FOTRPG Perk Life Giver.webp Lifegiver None Increased Hit Points
FOTRPG Perk Light Step.webp Light Step None Spend 1 AP to ignore one complication on Agility tests
Additionally may re-roll Agility + Athletics tests involving traps
Infobox.webp Local Leader Charisma 6
Level 2+
Establish supply lines between settlements, and build stores and workbenches
Infobox.webp Lock and Load Strength 7
Level 2+ or Level 7+
Increases the fire rate of big guns
Infobox.webp Martial Artist Strength 6
Level 8+
Spend an Action Point to make an second melee attack
FOTRPG Perk Master Thief.webp Master Thief Perception 8
Agility 9
+1 to opponent detection tests to notice picking a lock or pickpocket
Infobox.webp Mechanical Menace Charisma 6
Intelligence 5
Robots may refuse to attack you, and you find it easier to influence them
FOTRPG Perk Medic.webp Medic Intelligence 8 Re-roll 1d20 on First Aid actions
FOTRPG Perk Meltdown.webp Meltdown Perception 10 Enemies explode and cause damage to one additional enemy in close range
FOTRPG Perk Moving Target.webp Moving Target Agility 6 When sprinting, Defense increase +1 until next turn
Infobox.webp Mysterious Savior Luck 7 After spending a Luck point, a Mysterious Stranger may appear to assist in combat by reviving you.
FOTRPG Perk Mysterious Stranger.webp Mysterious Stranger Luck 7 After spending a Luck point, Mysterious Stranger appears to assist in combat
FOTRPG Perk Nerd Rage.webp Nerd Rage Intelligence 8 When quarter Health, gain more Physical and Energy DR to all limbs and more damage
Infobox.webp Night Eyes Perception 8
Level 7+
When attempting to be stealthy, ignore difficulty penalties for darkness
FOTRPG Perk Night Person.webp Night Person Perception 7 Difficulty increases due to darkness are reduced by 1
FOTRPG Perk Ninja.webp Ninja Agility 8 Increased damage from unarmed and melee sneak attacks
Infobox.webp Nocturnal Fortitude Endurance 6
Level 12
Not a robot
Your HP maximum increases at nighttime
FOTRPG Perk Nuclear Physicist.webp Nuclear Physicist Intelligence 9 Increased damage of radiation weapons and fusion cores have 3 additional charges
Infobox.webp Pack Rat Strength 6
Level 4+
Reduces the carry weight of junk items
FOTRPG Perk Pain Train.webp Pain Train Strength 9
Endurance 7
Rank 1: Gain Charge major action to damage and knock prone enemies with a Str + Athletics test
Rank 2: Add 1d6 and Stun damage effect
Infobox.webp Pannapictagraphist Luck 5 You can re-roll if you find a random magazine you have already read
FOTRPG Perk Paralyzing Palm.webp Paralyzing Palm Strength 8 Aimed unarmed strikes gain the stun effect
FOTRPG Perk Party Boy.webp Party Girl Party Boy Endurance 6
Charisma 7
Immune to alcohol addiction, gain +2 health from drinking alcohol
FOTRPG Perk Pathfinder.webp Pathfinder Endurance 6 Reduce travel time by half with a successful Perception + Survival roll
FOTRPG Perk Pharma Farma.webp Pharma Farma Luck 6 Find an additional medicine or chems when scavenging
Infobox.webp Pharmacist Intelligence 8
Level 2+
RadAway administered by you heals more Radiation
Infobox.webp Photosynthetic Endurance 7
Level 5+
You slowly regenerate HP while in direct sunlight
FOTRPG Perk Pickpocket.webp Pickpocket Perception 8
Agility 8
Rank 1: Ignore first complication of Agility + Sneak tests
Rank 2: May re-roll 1d20 on attempts to pickpocket
Rank 3: Reduce difficulty by 1 when attempting a pickpocket
FOTRPG Perk Piercing Strike.webp Piercing Strike Strength 7 +1 Piercing to Unarmed and bladed melee weapon attacks
FOTRPG Perk Pyromaniac.webp Pyromaniac Endurance 6 Increase damaged with fire-based weapons by 1d6 per rank
Infobox.webp Quack Surgeon Charisma 7
Level 12+
You can use alcoholic beverages to administer first aid
FOTRPG Perk Quick Draw.webp Quick Draw Agility 6 Draw an item or weapon for free
FOTRPG Perk Quick Hands.webp Quick Hands Agility 8 Spend 2 AP to double fire rate of current weapon
FOTRPG Perk Rad Resistance.webp Rad Resistance Endurance 8 +1 Radiation Resistance to all limbs per rank
FOTRPG Perk Refractor.webp Refractor Perception 6
Luck 7
+1 Energy Resistance for all limbs per rank
Infobox.webp Rejuvenated Endurance 7
Level 12+
Not a robot
You gain additional benefits from being full or quenched, and remain full or quenched longer
Infobox.webp Retribution Endurance 8
Luck 8
Level 2+
Recover HP and AP when your damage reduction prevents all damage from an attack
FOTRPG Perk Ricochet.webp Ricochet Luck 10 Spend 1 Luck point to ricochet ranged attacks back at attacker
FOTRPG Perk Rifleman.webp Rifleman Agility 7 Increased damage for non-heavy two handed weapons
Infobox.webp Robot Wrangler Intelligence 5
Don't already have a companion
Recuit a robot NPC companion
FOTRPG Perk Robotics Expert.webp Robotics Expert Intelligence 8 Rank 1: Modify armor with rank 1 robot mods
Rank 2: Reduce difficulty to repair robots
Rank 3: Hack and reprogram robots
Infobox.webp Scattershot Strength 7, Level 10+ Spend an Action Point to make a second attack with a shotgun
FOTRPG Perk Science.webp Science! Intelligence 6 Able to create higher-level weapon and armor mods involving rare materials
FOTRPG Perk Scoundrel.webp Scoundrel Charisma 7 Ignore the first complication rolled in Charisma + Speech checks
FOTRPG Perk Scrapper.webp Scrapper None Rank 1: Scavenge more common and uncommon material
Rank 2: Scavenge rare material
FOTRPG Perk Scrounger.webp Scrounger Luck 6 Find larger amounts of ammunition in containers
FOTRPG Perk Shotgun Surgeon.webp Shotgun Surgeon Strength 5
Agility 7
Gain +1 Piercing when using shotguns
FOTRPG Perk Size Matters.webp Size Matters Endurance 7
Agility 6
Add 1d6 to all attacks with Heavy guns
FOTRPG Perk Skilled.webp Skilled None Add +1 to two skills or +2 to any skill as long as it does not go above 6
FOTRPG Perk Slayer.webp Slayer Strength 8 Damage with a melee or unarmed attack can be turned into a critical hit with the spending of 1 Luck point
FOTRPG Perk Smooth Talker.webp Smooth Talker Charisma 6 Re-roll 1d20 on opposed tests involving Barter or Speech
FOTRPG Perk Snakeater.webp Snakeater Endurance 7 +2 to poison damage resistance
FOTRPG Perk Sniper.webp Sniper Perception 8
Agility 6
Taking the Aim minor action and making a ranged attack with a two-handed weapon with the Accurate quality, specify a hit location to target without increasing the difficulty
FOTRPG Perk Solar Powered.webp Solar Powered Endurance 7 Heal radiation damage in direct sunlight
Infobox.webp Squad Maneuvers Charisma 7 You can maintain a hurried pace for longer
You can coordinate movements in combat with allies
FOTRPG Perk Steady Aim.webp Steady Aim Strength 8
Agility 7
When taking the aim minor action, re-roll 1 or 2d20s
FOTRPG Perk Strong Back.webp Strong Back Strength 5 ncreased Carry capacity
Infobox.webp Sturdy Frame Strength 8, Level 5+ Reduces the weight of armor you wear
Infobox.webp Super Duper Luck 6
Level 3+
Items you craft have a chance to use up half as many components
FOTRPG Perk Tag.webp Tag None Select a fourth skill to be a Tag Skill (instantly raises it by 2 ranks but not past 6)
FO76 Legendary Perk Taking One For The Team Art.png Taking One for the Team Endurance 7
Charisma 6
Level 1+
You have a chance to take damage for nearby allies
Taking damage this way grants Action Points
After taking this damage you and your ally have improved accuracy when targeting the attacker
FOTRPG Perk Terrifying Presence.webp Terrifying Presence Strength 6
Charisma 8
Rank 1: Re-roll a single d20 when threatening or scaring another person
Rank 2: Gain the Threaten major action in combat
Infobox.webp Tinkerer Endurance 5
Intelligence 5
You can more easily repair robots, and temporarily increase their maximum HP
FOTRPG Perk Toughness.webp Toughness Endurance 6
Luck 6
Increased Damage Resistance
Infobox.webp True Friends Perception 6
Charisma 6
You have a chance to avoid reputation loss with factions and settlements
You have a chance to increase reputation gain with individuals, factions and settlements

Behind the scenes

Donathin Frye mentioned that, "Effects like Vicious, Piercing, Burst, and Spread all stack for each Effect rolled. With Spread, you can hit multiple targets with Piercing and multiple locations on each target with Burst, all at the same time." They also stated, "the Gun Fu Perk only applies the damage to additional targets but not Effects. Example: An Effect like Vicious would increase the damage and be applied to all targets hit, but Piercing (as it reduces DR and does not directly increase damage) would not."[1]
