Fallout Wiki

Becky Fallon/Dialogue

Becky Fallon > Dialogue

UI C Icon ChiLun 01.pngThis is a transcript for dialogue with Becky Fallon.


1BeckyGreetScene000A7D2D{generic "coming from another conversation and getting back to business" line} Anyway, can we get back to talking shop?Player Default: Yeah, plenty of times.A
2{generic "coming from another conversation and getting back to business" line} Now, are you gonna buy some clothes, or what?Player Default: Yeah, plenty of times.A
3{generic "coming from another conversation and getting back to business" line} Now if you don't mind, got a store to run.Player Default: Yeah, plenty of times.A
4{player walks into your store for the first time, you're a bit suspicious because you have problems with thieves / Suspicious} Uh, hello. Have you been here before?Player Default: Yeah, plenty of times.A
5{player walks into your store for the first time, you're a bit suspicious because you have problems with thieves / Suspicious} Have you been here before?Player Default: Yeah, plenty of times.A
6{running your store, player walks back in looking for something to buy} Hello again. So long as you have the caps, you're welcome to look around.Player Default: Let's see what you've got.A
7{running your store, player walks back in looking for something to buy} Plenty of clothing on the racks, if you're payin'.Player Default: Let's see what you've got.A
8{running your store, player walks back in looking for something to buy / Friendly} You're back. I'm almost starting to like you. What'll it be?Player Default: Let's see what you've got.A
9{running your store, player walks back in looking for something to buy / Friendly} You keep coming back, I might have to start giving you fashion advice.Player Default: Let's see what you've got.A
10{running your store, player walks back in looking for something to buy} Need a new set of clothes?Player Default: Let's see what you've got.A
11{running your store, player walks back in looking for something to buy} Here for new clothes?Player Default: Let's see what you've got.A
120013637FPlayer Default: No mooching. Got it.{Happy} Good.Becky: Now that we understand each other... Welcome to Fallon's. Happy to show you everything in stock.A1a
130013637EPlayer Default: I'm not a thief, and I'm not liking your tone.{Stern} Just giving a warning. As long as you pay with good caps, we won't have any problems.Becky: Now that we understand each other... Welcome to Fallon's. Happy to show you everything in stock.B1a
140013637DPlayer Default: People are stealing these clothes? Seriously?{Stern} Yes, they are. So don't push it.Becky: Now that we understand each other... Welcome to Fallon's. Happy to show you everything in stock.X1a
150013637CPlayer Default: You have some kind of problem with shoplifters?{referring to ten-gauge shotgun that you hide behind the counter / Stern} Nothing me and my ten-gauge haven't been able to handle.Becky: Now that we understand each other... Welcome to Fallon's. Happy to show you everything in stock.Y1a
1600030E0FPlayer Default: I'll think about it.{Stern} Fine, but I got my eye on you.X1a
17Player Default: I'll think about it.{Stern} Just don't steal anything, all right?X2a
18Player Default: I'll think about it.{Stern} *sigh* Whatever.X3a
19Player Default: I'll think about it.{Stern} Sure, sure.X4a
200002E137Player Default: Not interested.{Stern} Door's right there...B1a
21Player Default: Not interested.{Stern} You know your way out.B2a
22Player Default: Not interested.{Stern} Then outside you go.B3a
23Player Default: Not interested.{Stern} Fine. Take it outside.B4a
24Player Default: Not interested.{Stern} Outside, then.B5a
250002E135Player Default: Can I pay with my charge card?{player is trying to pay with a "charge card" - it looks like a worthless piece of plastic / Stern} Whatever that is, we don't take it.Player Default: Let's see what you've got.Y1a
26Player Default: Fallon's Basement. Interesting name.{player asks about your store's name, "Fallon's Basement" / Amused} Yeah, it's ancient. There was a Fallon's here back even before the War. Granddad always said we had a tradition of "quality and affordability."Y2a
27{Irritated} Guess affordability got too expensive for some folks. Damn thieves. And it ain't like Diamond City Security helps.Player Default: Let's see what you've got.Y2b
28Player Default: Why doesn't Diamond City Security help you?{player asks why Diamond City Security doesn't help you / Stern} *sigh* My husband got taken, all right? By the Institute. Security wouldn't look into it, I raised a stink, and now I'm black-listed.Player Default: Let's see what you've got.Y3a
29Player Default: Your husband was taken by the Institute?{player asks why you think the Institute kidnapped your husband / Stern} Well he ain't here anymore, that's for sure. Not like the Institute leaves a trail besides those damn synths.Player Default: Let's see what you've got.Y4a
30Player Default: What's a synth?{player asks what a Synth is. you're confused because everyone knows what they are / Puzzled} You're joking, right? A synth. Those machine people the Institute builds. Some of them even look human. Enough you wouldn't know the difference.Y5a
31{ironic chuckle at the beginning, using humor to deflect the sadness / Sad} Lucky me, huh? Institute takes my Charlie, and doesn't even bother replacing him.Player Default: Let's see what you've got.Y5b
32Player Default: What do you know about synths?{player asks what you know about Synths / Thinking} Just what I read in the papers. That the Institute builds 'em, and some even look human. So much you can't tell the real difference.Y6a
33{ironic chuckle at the beginning, using humor to deflect the sadness / Sad} Lucky me, huh? Institute takes my Charlie, and doesn't even bother replacing him.Player Default: Let's see what you've got.Y6b
3400136387Player Default: Yeah, plenty of times.{first time the player is walking into your store. you're suspicious because you've had a lot of problems with thieves / Suspicious} Really? Okay... I just need to remind you that Fallon's isn't a charity. If you want the clothes, you have tPlayer Default: No mooching. Got it.A1a
3500136386Player Default: No. First time.{first time the player is walking into your store. you're suspicious because you've had a lot of problems with thieves / Stern} Thought so. Some ground rules. This isn't a charity. Clothes are for sale if you have the money. Otherwise, the dPlayer Default: No mooching. Got it.B1a
3600136385Player Default: Might have.{first time the player is walking into your store. you're suspicious because you've had a lot of problems with thieves / Stern} Don't be cute. First thing's first, this isn't a charity. You want the clothes, pay for 'em.Player Default: No mooching. Got it.X1a
3700136384Player Default: What's it matter?{lifting is short for "shoplifting" / Irritated} Because Fallon's isn't a charity. The clothes are for sale if you have the money. No lifting, all right?Player Default: No mooching. Got it.Y1a
3800136377Player Default: Good.{suddenly going from standoffish to friendly, you're happy to have paying customers once you know they aren't thieves / Friendly} Now that we understand each other... Welcome to Fallon's. Happy to show you everything in stock.Player Default: Let's see what you've got.A1a
3900136372Player Default: Let's see what you've got.{showing your wares / Friendly} A payin' customer. Finally.A1a
40Player Default: Let's see what you've got.{showing your wares / Friendly} Try this one on...A2a
41Player Default: Let's see what you've got.{showing your wares / Friendly} Plenty of styles to choose.A3a
42Player Default: Let's see what you've got.{showing your wares / Friendly} Don't bother asking about the thread count.A4a
43Player Default: Let's see what you've got.{showing your wares / Friendly} Tops, bottoms, shoes.A5a
44Player Default: Let's see what you've got.{showing your wares / Friendly} Clothes make the person, right?A6a
45-WaitingForPlayerInput{player isn't saying anything / Puzzled} Well? Speak up.
46{player isn't saying anything / Puzzled} Out with it.
47{player isn't saying anything / Puzzled} Say something.
48Hello{you're off work and relaxing around town, general hello to the player} Need new clothes? Should stop by Fallon's Basement. Open during the day.
49{general hello to the player, you're off work and relaxing around town, The Stands are where all the rich snobs are} Ever been up in the Stands? Let's just say they can afford a lot of clothes.
50{you're off work and relaxing around town, general hello to the player} You'll get used to Diamond City Security being unhelpful. Just ignore them like I do.