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This is a transcript for dialogue with generic gamblers on the Strip and Freeside.


HELLO Hello Neutral 50 {Suspicious} These bots now have eyes on their backs, I swear! 1
Hello Neutral 50 {Suspicious} These bots now have eyes on their backs, I swear! 2
Hello Neutral 50 Those punks at Gomorrah got what they deserved. 3
Hello Neutral 50 Come on... time to get lucky. 4
Hello Neutral 50 Come on... time to get lucky. 5
Hello Neutral 50 {Determined} Luck's about to change, I can feel it. 6
Hello Neutral 50 {Determined} Luck's about to change, I can feel it. 7
Hello Neutral 50 {Frustrated} Almost outta caps... 8
Hello Neutral 50 {Frustrated} Almost outta caps... 9
Hello Neutral 50 {Pissed} Damn slots are robbery. 10


GREETING GREETING Neutral 50 It smells so good in here. Like the air is cleaner than it is outside. 11
GREETING Neutral 50 I heard they brought in sea salts from California just for this bath. 12
GREETING Neutral 50 I'm so relaxed. Too bad I can't stay longer. But who can, at these prices? 13
GREETING Neutral 50 Have you been in the steam room yet? It's just off to the side there. You can feel your aches just melt away. 14
GREETING Surprise 30 I've heard about you. 15
GREETING Neutral 50 Step up to the tables, let's see what you got. 16
GREETING Neutral 50 {Frustrated} Almost outta caps... 17
GREETING Surprise 50 {Suspicious} These bots now have eyes on their backs, I swear! 18
GREETING Surprise 30 You're the talk of the day around the casino tables. 19
GREETING Neutral 50 {Cautionary} I'd not touch Gomorrah's machines until the dust settles. 20
GREETING Pained 20 {Suspicious} I could smell something fishy going on at Gomorrah. 21
GREETING Happy 50 I bet dirty business are going on at Gomorrah. 22
GREETING Happy 50 I bet dirty business are going on at Gomorrah. 23
GREETING Neutral 50 Come on... time to get lucky. 24
GREETING Neutral 50 {Determined} Luck's about to change, I can feel it. 25
GREETING Neutral 50 {Pissed} Damn slots are robbery. 26
GREETING Neutral 50 {Pleased} Send those chips my way. 27
GREETING Neutral 50 {Smug} Come to get fleeced like a Bighorner? 28
GREETING Neutral 50 Roulette, blackjack, slots... they have it all here. 29
GREETING Neutral 50 Ready to try your luck? 30
GREETING Neutral 50 {Sizing the player up} Step up, let's see your game. 31
GREETING Neutral 50 {Smiling} You look like you got the itch, friend. 32
GREETING Happy 50 {Smiling} You want to gamble with class? Hit the Ultra-Luxe, if you don't mind being serviced by masked creeps. 33
GREETING Neutral 50 Watch the slots, they're robbery. 34
