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Fallout Wiki

The Burrows terminal entries are a series of entries found on terminals in The Burrows in the Fallout 76 update Wild Appalachia.

Pump station access terminal[]

Note: Note: This red console terminal is located next to the pump station door.


Harpers Ferry Stormwater Management System
Pump Station Access Terminal - ID: 3f8


Pump Station access sealed due to hazardous gas levels. Use pressure release valve to restore door control.
<<NEAREST VALVE LOCATION: North end of old tunnel>>

Open Door[]

Note: This command is only available if the correct valve was turned.


Security lock released. Opening door...


> Accessing Maglocks...

Work Log: Old Tunnel Renovation[]


Date Entered: 09/23/2072

Entered By: Earl R. Jeter (Project Engineer)

Description: Work was finally approved to begin renovation here. These tunnels are the oldest part of the stormwater system and, frankly, falling apart.

Due to potential infrastructure issues, plans have been approved to bypass water flow around these sections. Access will be preserved as they still house pipework that we didn't secure funding to reroute. Not to mention, it's currently the only way to access the Pump Station. What a mess.

Bridge control terminal[]

FO76WA The Burrows (Bridge Control Terminal)

Note: These two red console terminal are located in the bridge room.


Harpers Ferry Stormwater Management System
Bridge Control Terminal - ID: 0o7

Note: This is displayed if[clarification needed].


Pump Station access sealed due to hazardous gas levels. Use pressure release valve to restore door control.
<<NEAREST VALVE LOCATION: North end of old tunnel>>

Extend Bridge[]

Note: Accessing this command extends the bridge.

Work Log: Bridge Malfunction[]


Date Entered: 01/23/2074

Entered By: Andrew C. Horn (Engineer)

Description: Came to the bridge to look at a faulty line and found a couple of the regulars. Told them to pack up and head out before I called the cops on them for trespassing. I hate to do it to the poor fellas. They're not hurting anyone and from the look of them, they could use a helping hand. But the law's the law, I suppose.

Burrows community terminal[]

FO76WA Burrows community terminal

Note: These red console terminals are near the entrance to The Burrows both North and South.


Burrows Terminal Network
Community Introduction


Friend - welcome to the Burrows, the one remaining safe haven in Harpers Ferry where people can live in peace and community. Before the bombs this place was an old storm sewer where people with nothing could live a real life, and we're trying to keep that spirit alive today.

If you're down on your luck, lost everything, or had nothing to begin with - we have a place for you! Follow the main drain tunnel to the central chamber and we'll help get you placed in one of many neighborhoods spread throughout the tunnels.

Please stop by soon! We'd love to get to know you.

- The Burrows Community

Burrow Boys' terminal[]

Note: This makeshift terminal is located on a wooden table in the throne room.


Burrows Terminal Network
Property of The Burrow Boys!

Old Tunnel Keys[]


If you need 'em, they're on my drawer. Just be careful. Those tunnels are old as shit. Easy enough to take a fall and next thing you know you're ghoul food. Remember rule #4 - bring a buddy.

Weekly Upkeep List[]


Things that need to happen to keep this train on the tracks:

- Scav runs are required twice a week or more to keep our mouths and guns fed. If it doesn't happen then we go back to eating sewer rat, and that lasts about a week before the guys start taking their frustrations out on each other.

- The water station needs to be manned at all times. We have water as far as the eye can see, but that shit'll kill you if it isn't boiled. Not to mention the taste.

- I hated helping my father out down here, but it turned out to be a lifesaver. Learned all sorts of useful stuff about the security - mainly how easy it is to get into. If we keep them stocked with bullets and not falling apart, they'll keep this place under our control.

- The usual. Take shit off the bodies of morons that wander in here and add it to the pile.



Saving this to commemorate The Burrows Boys taking over!

No more happy-go-lucky community shares everything horse shit. No more Pioneer Scout helping your fellow man for no damn reason nonsense. No more mooching off the world and not earning your keep. No more pretending that things can ever work the same way they once did.

The new world has no place for people not strong enough to take what they need. Good riddance.

Play Tape[]

Note: Accessing this command plays Marcus' speech.

Dr. Ken's terminal[]

Note: This makeshift terminal is located on a metal end table at Ken's drug den area.


Burrows Terminal Network
Dr. Ken's Chem Den



Ladies and Gents, due to a 'change in management' thanks to the fine folks in the central chamber, Dr. Ken's Chem Den is relocating to Mosstown! If any part of that pink lump in your cranium still works, I'd suggest you do the same.

I look forward to continuing your treatment with the same high-quality chems at the same low prices!

Business Hours[]


I'm here Tuesdays and Thursdays from whenever the hell I wake up to right before sundown when the creepy crawlies come out.

Remember the slogan - "Feeding your addiction with the highest quality chems you can afford!"



Standard Fare: Glue and paints for your sniffing needs! Buffout and booze for those seeking a good time on a budget.

The Hard Stuff: Med-X, Psycho. Locked behind the counter so you're gonna have to ask for it. You think I'd keep it on the shelf for you junkies to steal?

Exotic Tastes: Hear me out. If you're looking for the cutting edge of getting high, some of my more adventurous customers told me they got a real rush inhaling the fumes of... well, cow droppings. So if that's your thing, let me know.

Boring Doctor Things: I guess if you have a cold or snot ear or something I can dig up a disease cure. But it'll cost you!

Observation deck terminal[]

Note: This red console terminal is located in the observation office. It is locked and requires Hacker rank 3.


Harpers Ferry Stormwater Management System
== Pump Station == Observation Deck ==

Work Log: Last Day[]


Accessing Maglocks...Date Entered: 02/19/2075

Entered By: John L. Welch (Data Analyst)

Description: 18 years of operating this station and the bastards come in last week telling us to clean out our things. Everything's going fully automated. I understand the systems will find and fix errors quicker but what I don't understand is where the hell they get off ruining a man's livelihood.

I added an executable to the turret defense system they're so proud of. Just a little parting gift before they kick me out. It would be a real shame if something - or someone - 'accidentally' activated them...

Turret Control[]

Note: Accessing this command[clarification needed]

Control terminal[]

Note: This red console terminal is located at the end of the dungeon near the large pipes.


Harpers Ferry Stormwater Management System
== Pump Station == Pump Room ==



Work Log: Robot Fabricators[]


Date Entered: 03/08/2075

Entered By: James E. Peek (Mechanic)

Description: Completed installation of the robot fabricators. As of now, this station is fully automated. Personally, I think they went overboard with the military-grade security. But hey, I'm sure the defense contract secured an eighth yacht for some bigwig asshole at RobCo.









Remote Door Control[]

Note: Accessing this command [clarification needed].

Play Holotape[]

Note: Accessing this command plays the holotape For Maude.

Removed content[]

Station terminal[]

Fo76 Hacker Header

Harpers Ferry Stormwater Management System

Welcome text

Manhole Station Terminal - ID: 6f1


Welcome to The Burrows![]


Hello friend, you've found the Harpers Ferry Stormwater Tunnels, or as us locals like to call it, The Burrows! Before the bombs, this was a place that people with very little could find something and we've tried to keep that spirit today.

If you're down on your luck, lost everything, or had nothing to begin with, we have a place for you here. There are plenty of neighborhoods spread throughout the tunnels, please come by! We'd love to get to know you.

- The Burrows

Automated Safety Notice[]


ATTENTION: Due to numerous complaints of disorderly conduct in the storm tunnels, automated security turrets have been installed along the premises. Turrets have been outfitted with stun rounds and will target all non-Public Works employees without proper clearance. Trespassers will be prosecuted.

Work Log #20961[]


Investigated reports of vagrants residing in the tunnels. Found a couple of the regulars. Told them to pack up and head out before I had to call the cops. I hate to do it to the poor fellas. They're not hurting anyone, and no one else is gonna help them...but the law's the law I suppose.

Station terminal[]

Fo76 Hacker Header

Harpers Ferry Stormwater Management System

Welcome text

Manhole Station Terminal - ID: 8d7




This place is no longer safe. If you were looking for shelter you won't find it here. Get out.

Work Log #16213[]


Construction completed on Monitoring Station. Equipment installed to measure and test various substances in water. Project was completed 2 months overdue and 1.4 million dollars overbudget due to historical society's complaint of construction occurring in one of the oldest sewer chambers. Really? When society's getting nostalgic over their own shit you know something's went wrong.

Station terminal[]

Fo76 Hacker Header

Harpers Ferry Stormwater Management System

Welcome text

Ground Access Station Terminal - ID: 7r8


Goodbye Home[]


I guess all good things come to an end, the gang that runs the Central Chamber says we all have to leave. But I don't wanna leave. I'll really miss this place. After the Charleston Flood, when I had nothing, The Burrows opened their arms to me. Anyone down on their luck could find a pocket of the sewer and make a new start. Goodbye, home.

Work Log #8297[]


Construction on Ground Access halted after Public Works budget adjustment. Damn bureaucrats. Never even started on the older ratway tunnel, so I guess the rats get to keep their home for now.

Work Log #17534[]


Replaced faulty sensor in monitoring equipment.
