Fallout Wiki
Fallout Wiki

Hanlon's quote[]

I guess my points shall be:

  • Hanlon says: "We neglected the dams or pumped all the water out..." The keyword there is OR meaning that these pages saying that both things happened to all of them is incorrect.
  • While I am no expert, aquifers are underground water sources and while the water does seem to sometimes lead to lakes and streams, Hanlon's quote does not say as much. He may just be saying that all of the wells dried up, since aquifers are their source.
  • Next part, Hanlon says "Just a lot of mud and dust now." is about as vague as the first point. Having all of "New California" constantly consisting of dry dust and wet ground seems a little weird to me to be honest. Also, where does the "large trail of mud and dust." in one of the articles come from.
  • Finally, it was recently added that this happened "sometime during Hanlon's lifetime". WHERE is that coming from?

As a final note, these edits were done after talking about it on chat and with the agreement of a bureaucrat. Paladin117>>iff bored; 21:40, March 15, 2014 (UTC)

Seems pretty conclusive, which is why I support paladin's revision. Agent c (talk) 21:43, March 15, 2014 (UTC)
1: The only page where "neglecting the dams" is mentioned is on the Isabella page, since that area actually has a dam. For all the others, the aquifer draining and pumping of all the water is mentioned.

2: I don't know really know much about that, I can't really understand that concept either. If somebody else can discuss that and it turns out it needs to, we could just change that to saying that all the water was used up, or something.

3: And? Also, he clearly means by that comment that the rivers, etc. dried up, resulting in them becoming that, since they have no water inside them. Not sure where you're trying to get with that.

4: Hanlon reminisced at looking upon horizons and seeing the lakes, etc. and then talks about his disappointment at them not being there any more and how he and other Rangers have to get used to the change. User OfficialLolGuy  OfficialLolGuy  Talk  Blog  21:46, March 15, 2014 (UTC)

"...Drained the aquifers of everything they had. Just a lot of mud and dust now. It's a different feeling, watching the sun come up over the water. Takes some getting used to." He only mentions that he saw the drained lakes in that quote. Other quotes would be needed to show your assertions. Agent c (talk) 21:49, March 15, 2014 (UTC)
How do you know the Isabella Dam isn't functioning? He doesn't mention it specifically and it could still be functioning like Hoover Dam. If "mud and dust" is just a vague way of saying "they dried up", why are we repeating ourselves? And where in his quotes does he say he saw the lakes intact? Paladin117>>iff bored; 21:53, March 15, 2014 (UTC)

Do we need a page?[]

This page says pretty much the same thing that the Owens River and Lake Isabella pages say. So we've got three pages with the same exact material. Perhaps we can condense these pages to a not on Hanlon's page since that's where the information is coming from. 69.l25 (talk) 10:11, March 27, 2014 (UTC)
