Fallout Wiki
Fallout Wiki

Inspector Gadget Reference?[]

Detective, hat & trench coat, android. Does anyone else feel like Nick Valentine is somewhat of a reference to Inspector Gadget? -- 07:26, November 12, 2015 (UTC)

No, they share a common origin. Your stereotypical paperback detective. See also: Dixon Hill in ST:TNG. Agent c (talk) 07:49, November 12, 2015 (UTC)
I agree, the personality is not anywhere near matching. However, there were other less popular cyborg and robot detectives in fiction. If a pop culture expert could find info on this trope it would be useful. This was a recurring theme long before Inspector Gadget. Also, Inspector Gadget's functions are closer to the old-style Rob-Co designs rather than The Institute ones. This was due to Inspector Gadget being neo-retro in styling. Nick Valentine is not neo-retro in styling, unlike some other robots (Notably the Sentry Bot and Mr. Handy. Meanwhile, Protectron and Robo-brain would be pure retro style.) --Ruediix (talk) 00:50, 24 March 2023 (UTC)

Available Clothing[]

Nick Valentine seems to be limited in what kind of clothing he can equip. Most notably that he cant wear any armor.

Where is Nick? (Another vanishing bug)[]

Spoilers below, so I am writing this here on talk page instead of the main page. Nick vanished in my game, so I used the console command (player.moveto "refid") to find him. This seems to happen under specific circumstances, not sure what contributes to exactly though. In my game, I have...

...not set a default settlement to Nick ...cancelled the settlement selection to send Nick back to, when Danse joined me (above tells you that Nick will be waiting in his office) ...travelled to his office, but he wasn't there (nor in Piper's office)

So, when I used the console command, I found him at the next stage of the main quest, "waiting" me in Doctor Amari's. Game doesn't tell you he's going there, though. So if this happens to you, just teleport him to yourself ("refid".moveto player)

Reformat this as you like, and put it on the main page if you like.

I have been able to verify this solution on XBox One. I had sent Nick to my companion home at Red Rocket station while doing a number of side missions with another companion. When I wanted to travel with Nick again, he was gone. I checked his office and Piper's office. I went back a few earlier saves, and still could not find him. I decided to follow the next step in Dangerous Minds, and found Nick there talking to Irma a the Memory Den.
I don't think that positing it in the bug section would really be much of a spoiler, especially if written along he lines of "When changing companions during the Dangerous Minds quest-line, instead of going to were he was directed to go, Nick may sometimes appear at the Memory Den in Goodneighbor." It's not like the reason for going there has to be included. --Sable twilight (talk) 21:00, November 28, 2015 (UTC)

Approval mistakes[]

If nick overhears you tell Joe Savoldi that "helping the railroad is noble" he responds with hate. Is this a mistake or is there a reason for this response?

It could be due to the Railroad's methods, Nick does seem to have a stronger sense of self than most non-prototype synths. -Anonymous

Missing hat bug[]

I'm not entirely sure that him losing his hat when in power armor is a bug. The player character will also be missing their headgear if they remove their power armor helmet. I have also seen X6-88 lose his sunglasses in the same situation. 07:33, December 5, 2015 (UTC)

George Valentine[]

Out of curiosity, I listened to some of the George Valentine radio plays referenced in the Notes section (they were actually fun, btw). The note claims that Nick's voice shares certain characteristics with George's, but... I can't say I hear a single thing in common. Nick's voice is Bogart's Sam Spade through-and-through, not a hint of George in my ears. Was someone just projecting, thanks to the common last name? I don't want to change the note unilaterally, so I'm asking for more of a consensus. --Aiken Drum (talk) 01:00, February 10, 2016 (UTC)

Georges is similar, the pattern of speech etc. They are an archetype - similar but not the same. I had a quick listen to some of the episodes, and the voice changes in later episodes, as the page notes state it began as a comedy but ended up a more dramatic series.
When Valentine talks about first coming to Diamond City, he says that when he was a handyman, the resident would say "Let the Synth do it!"
Given the coincidence of the two names mentioned, and he is a detective in that genre it sounds like a good bet. Far more solid than "Valentine is associated with hearts which is a another suit of cards..."
There would have been a few of those detective stories in pop culture, it's just the famous ones who are remembered. It's not like no other movie character ever wore a fedora and trench coat...The writer may well have heard of the character through his grand father, then the actor reads the script decides to project Bogart since he knows no-one else. (Remember Lucas originally had envisioned C3P0 speaking as a fast-talking car salesman rather than a well spoken robot. The earlier makes no sense since 3P0 is meant to be a protocol droid, that is polite and self effacing.
Having said all that, maybe you are projecting since you heard Bogart first? 17:11, November 28, 2016 (UTC)

Does Nick Canonically Drink?[]

Ok, this is probably silly and might not be worth even putting on the page. But I noticed a bit of a discrepancy while having Nick as my companion. At one point he says something to the effect of "I don't eat or drink or sleep, but if you need to that's fine". Then, while talking to a quest giver in Covenant, he sat down in a chair and started randomly drinking. Looking through my screenshots, there's another one of him drinking at a table in one of my settlements.

My first thought is it could be considered a bug or oversight because the developers just used the standard idle animations from other AI packages. However, I also thought maybe Nick picked up the habit of drinking, or pretending to drink, so he would fit in better. Perhaps as part of his "clothes make the man" idea.

Is there any canonical evidence one way or the other? -- 00:40, February 12, 2016 (UTC)

Well, he states how he smokes despite it having zero effect on him, so he probably eats and drinks for the same reason, it's in his memories. Paladin117>>iff bored; 02:38, February 12, 2016 (UTC)

Anyone else worried for Far Harbor[]

Seeing as The trailers been out for more than a week now, I've just been thinking on the mysterious synth in the end of the trailer. Then I noticed something. It has Nick's scar. Look at the right cheek. Then, you don't see Nick, but he warns the Sole Survivor, and seeing as Bethesda is known to put dialog of one of the key characters, while being mysterious. Could Nick have been kidnapped and modified, or maybe rebuilt, or even have transferred his memory into a new body? What is the Music of Life? (talk) 07:03, May 14, 2016 (UTC)

Comment on "how you play this"[]

When you get to the area in Unlikely Valentine where Nick lets you take point and decide how to deal with the three triggermen in the room, on my third playthrough I tried the sneaky-stabby method and never entered "[DANGER]" mode - that is, I didn't get spotted. He still makes the same "hard and loud" comment when you leave the room. You'd think the devs would account for this. Maybe they wanted the accidental innuendo, but that only means they weren't creative enough to come up with something different. Hbh128 (talk) 11:56, June 8, 2016 (UTC)

I ran into the same issue with sniping. I think anything but sneaking past without killing anyone trigers it. --Ruediix (talk) 00:32, 24 March 2023 (UTC)

Wouldn't Nick be older than 100 years?[]

Seeing how he was alive, in his human body, before the bombs dropped, wouldn't he be just as old if not older than the Sole Survivor? We know his Synth body is at least 100 years old, but his mind and memories are that of the original Nick. Rebel427 (talk) 19:42, Feb 15, 2017.

I think that's jumping in to a possibly philosophical subject where there's no definitive answer. What makes you you, or what makes Nick Nick? Is that purely the body, or purely his mind and memories, or the combination of both? Personally, for the wiki I'd say it's best to stick to the age of the synth version as he appears in the game and regard synth-Nick as a different entity than his once human form, even though he 'evolved' from it.--Litheen (talk) 08:35, February 16, 2017 (UTC)

Fair enough, although I do believe if my mind was put into a different body I would still be me. You can change your appearance, but your personality, traits, likes, dislikes, actions, beliefs, and morals would remain the same. Nick retains his memories and detective skills from his past and still remembers being human. He is a better person than 99% of the people in the wasteland. One of my favorite companions in the Fallout universe. Rebel427 (talk) 20:25, Feb 16, 2017.

Nick is very self aware that he is not the Nick Valentine from before the war and his dialogue, especially after taking care of Eddie Winter places a lot of emphasis on this. Add on that the current Nick is created from memories of the original Nick whilst he was alive, would result in there being a divergence after the memories the extracted of the life of prewar nick and synth nick. For me that is sufficient proof that the Nick's are separate entities.
The article does need a clean up though. Some of the notes are in the bulk of the article. I'll try and get a look in later on today Sakaratte (talk) 11:19, February 17, 2017 (UTC)

The original Nick didn't live much longer after CIT scanned his brain though, but I understand. Thanks, I'll check it out when you're finished. Rebel427 (talk) 19:40, Feb 17, 2017.

I've done what I can with the page, most of it has just been tidying up and improving readability. Going through everything Nick Valentine and 'Original Nick' have events that don't seamlessly flow from one to the other (Synth Nick was several other people before his current persona) so to class Nick as human as well as a synth would be an easily contested contradiction.
Do you by chance know exactly died? From everything I know of the guy he could have died in the bombs, become a ghoul or even based on Winter's End timeline been an original occupant of the Institute. There was only a small window between the end of the operation and the bombs falling for him to have this memories scanned and it could well of happened on the day. Sakaratte (talk) 13:28, February 18, 2017 (UTC)

I wouldn't class Nick as human, but going through the Long Time Coming quest again he specifically says that he shares his hopes and dreams and fears. He does want to be his own person, without that part of him getting in the way. He wanted to have something to call his own, not belonging to the Original Nick.

Eddie Winter did hint that it couldn't be Nick when you confront him, saying "He should of backed off when he had the chance." So I'm positive he had him killed, or did it himself. I don't know the exact date, but it had to of been before the Bombs dropped and Winter turned himself into a ghoul. Rebel427 (talk) 15:05, Feb 18, 2017.

I couldn't have worded what I said any more poorly. I meant to say justifying both Nick's as being exactly the same person is highly contestable.
I always took Eddie's comment as "If Nick had backed off, I wouldn't have ordered Jennifer to be taken out", but he could well have also meant he had Nick killed. He also didn't believe that the Nick he was seeing was the real Nick, mostly because he was robotic rather than human, but again it could be because he taken out. I get the feeling of/how Nick died is something we would never get an answer, but it is something I would like answer to if it does exist. He could be a feral for all we know. Sakaratte (talk) 23:18, February 18, 2017 (UTC)

They're definitely not the same person, I just meant his mind (the original Nick's) that was put into Nick's body is well over 100 years old.

I would really like to know that as well, though I'm sure that he was killed before the bombs fell, maybe it exists in the game files somewhere? Rebel427 (talk) 17:48, Feb 18, 2017.


After waiting in the church during "Boston after dark" and talking to H2-22 and the old man, I saw nick sitting on a pew with head bent down and hands clasped.

Is that something most companions do?

-wightsnow 1/22/2020

Tense cleanup[]

I had done some cleanup of one of the sections that should be in present tense that was in past tense. I used present perfect when it didn't add excess words, and present tense the rest of the time. If someone wants to proofread my changes it would be very helpful. I always feel more confident with a second set of eyes checking my work. If you clean up another section with tense feel free to reply in this thread too.--Ruediix (talk) 00:36, 24 March 2023 (UTC)
