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Fallout Wiki


Anyone care to confirm if you can perform the heart transplant on Cassidu in the game? I heard that you could somewhere Mr. Teatime 13:49, 9 Feb 2005 (GMT)

Can someone check if he will join you if you are a slaver, but you have postive Karma? Mimir 13:51, 9 Feb 2005 (GMT)

Cassidy will not join you if you are a Slaver, a Childkiller, or have a Karma of -101 or below. You can however do these things after he's joined you and he won't leave.--Senornacho 17:32, 9 Feb 2005 (GMT)

Also, the only place I could think where Cassidy could get a heart transplant would be the Sierra Army Depot, in Fallout Wiki-Tec Organ Extractor room. Unfortunately, you can only get brains from the extraction process, even though it lists other options.--Senornacho 17:44, 9 Feb 2005 (GMT)

Those statistics would look nice in a big table, if no one has anything better to do.--Fez 07:32, 16 Mar 2005 (GMT)

Is the Stage system going by levels? Because If I recall correctly can't he level up more than 4 times?--ZasZ 23:26, 21 August 2008 (UTC)

Check with the Bible.--dotz 19:23, 22 August 2008 (UTC)

about his name[]

i'm pretty sure he is not John Cassidy but Cassidy McRae, "Cassidy" can't be his forename coz he clearly states that his father named him Cassidy after comic character

Cassidy was named by his father after a vampire in Garth Ennis' Preacher comics ("Said he was a mean sonuvabitch").--dotz 09:26, 27 February 2008 (UTC)

Agreed, either his last name is McRae or there's some bug in the game. It's either when you try to sell him or get him professional medical treatment, that I've seen his name written as McRae rather than Cassidy. But on the "Preacher" part...prove it? Tour86rocker 08:55, 9 January 2009 (UTC)

Just a matter of preference?[]

I have some serious trouble equipping Cassidy with anything but a shotgun. He seems to *love* the Pancor Jackhammer, and I can't blame him, but since he *also* seems to *love* burst firing it at long range, I quickly run out of shells. So I gave him a Power Fist as a fall-back. I now realize why he didn't equip that; because he was on "Ranged, then Melee", which of course leaves out "Unarmed" weapons. But when I try to give him a P90, he still prefers his bare fists, no matter what the "weapon preference" settings are. Similarly, I have also given him a Ripper while on the "Ranged then Melee". For a moment I thought he maybe couldn't use those weapons at all, possibly qualifying as "energy weapons," since they use energy cells, but A) they're not energy weapons, B) I could get him to use the Power Fist when set to "Unarmed", and C) that still doesn't explain why he can't/doesn't use the P90. He'll use just about any other small gun, though, even something a little heavier, like the H&K CAW, but maybe just because it's a shotgun ;P -NightChime 08:03, September 27, 2009 (UTC)

  • He can't use the P90 because the sprite has no animations for using the SMG sprite - i.e., the H&K P90c, the .223 pistol, the 10mm SMG, and others. I don't know about the Ripper, but if I had to guess, I'd say he lacks the knife sprits as well. 14:13, October 4, 2010 (UTC)


I'm kinda new to Fallout 2, but I've discovered that when I tell Cassidy to wait me anywhere. He started to attack me for no reason. If I give him some strong drugs while he was attacking me. He would act like a standing corpse. Why?

-Do you have Goris in your party? If you do, make sure you always tell Cassidy to wait before you tell Goris. I had the same problem, and telling Cassidy to wait first seemed to fix it.

  • I tried to do this, asking Cassidy to wait, then Goris, and this glitch still happens. I'm not sure what caused this either. If I enter sneak, and come up behind him after ending combat, I can still talk to him, AND re-recruit him. But anytime I ask him to wait, he initiates combat. I've never in all my years of playing Fallout 2, experienced this glitch till this morning, when I had returned to San Fran to get some ammo. (I leave all my followers here.) The only things I've done since I left him in San Fran, was to take him and Marcus to Dr. Troy in Vault city after I became Captain of the Guard, I then left him in San Fran. I then wiped out the remaining raiders in Vault 15. (as well as turn in the quest to Tandi that the vault is cleared.) Killed the Salvatores. And got caught stealing from Marjorie, the head scientist at the stables. Aside from rehiring him as a companion, while in sneak, and coming up behind him, I've yet to find a fix to this that works. Deadling (talk) 17:36, February 15, 2014 (UTC)

-Giving him drugs kills him because of his heart condition. The standing part is a glitch. --Pongsifu 15:02, December 2, 2010 (UTC)


What age is Cassidy and when was he born?

Her real mother?[]

I think Rose of Sharon Cassidy is the daughter of Sharon Cassidy, isn't she ? Overall reads like "of Sharon Cassidy", my theory on what could be me or whoever else is her mother? Alessio79 07:27, August 2, 2011 (UTC)

Rose of Sharon is a common name for a several different species of flowers. 09:53, November 7, 2011 (UTC)

Old World Blues[]

Is there any chance we'll meet him here live or dead? I'm not sure how old he'd be though.--BLACK LENNY 00:30, August 17, 2011 (UTC)


MacRae is the character from the first Falout who uses the same sprite. It probably was the working title for Cassidy when F2 was in the works. 09:46, November 7, 2011 (UTC)

Unofficial Voice Acting[]

Should we really include those voice-acted lines? They aren't official in any way; they were recorded by a modder in 2013 (or was it 2012? Can't remember) for the unofficial Restoration patch. Also, while I could be wrong about this one, I don't think the talking head was actually in the original game files either, I think it was just described in design documents. 21:14, July 29, 2014 (UTC)
