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This is a transcript for dialogue with Roslyn Chambers.


1-{Disapproving} And you kill Stockton's synth, anyway? I want nothing to do with someone so... unpredictable.
2{Fatalistic, despises PC} You had your chance to speak with me. Go ahead, kill me or leave.
3{Grudging approval} We were under the mistaken impression you wanted to rescue the Stockton girl.
4{Fervent} The synth menace must be dealt with.
5{Zealot talking of "The Dream"} One day the SAFE test will be perfected.
6{Clinical, pleased} If my projections are correct, the next version will be 1% more accurate.
7{Tired} What does Covenant need now?
8{Proud and Grim, expecting to be executed} I will not beg for my life.
9{Unrepentant, zealot} Everything I've done has been for the greater good.


(Subject 12 debrief)
Player Default: Confidence on Subject 12 is high. We'll know for certain post mortem.{Probing, accusing} And any progress on Question 3?Player Default: None. The EKG shows nothing unexpected. The answers are too damned predicatable.A1a
11Player Default: None. The EKG shows nothing unexpected. The answers are too damned predicatable.{Irritated, then explaining herself (again)} You've made your opinions quite clear on the value of Question 3. Removing it could invalidate all the data we've accumulated to date.A1a
12{Really fascinated about this} Moving on. Question 4. The data on this is fascinating. Why does baseball have the highest degree of correlation? Even more than question 8.Player Default: Our metholodology was exhaustive. Subject 12's answers in regards to baseball and his childhood were particularly fascinating. See here. And here.A1b
13Player Default: Our metholodology was exhaustive. Subject 12's answers in regards to baseball and his childhood were particularly fascinating. See here. And here.{Wondering aloud, fascinated} I wonder. Do they play baseball in the Institute? Or is there some sort of defect in their programming?Player Default: We need another failure to explore this further. We can do nothing more with Subject 12 except final processing.A1a
14Player Default: We need another failure to explore this further. We can do nothing more with Subject 12 except final processing.{Considering} I'll let the reclamation team know.A1a


15MS17_400_Chambers{Irritated / Depressed} And here you are.DoctorChambers: You've cut a bloody path through my people. You've no doubt seen our work. But you do not possess all the facts.A
16DoctorChambers: But most importantly it is our one chance to end this age of paranoia.{This is distasteful - but she will compromise just this far} I will make you a deal. I pay you handsomely. And you let me dispose of our last remaining synth test subject, Amelia Stockton. Then I can continue my work.HonestDan: I've had my fill of crazy on this contract. No deal.A1a
17DoctorChambers: But most importantly it is our one chance to end this age of paranoia.{This is distasteful - but she will compromise just this far} I will make you a deal. If you let me dispose of Stockton's synth and continue our work I'll match whatever reward you were offered.HonestDan: I've had my fill of crazy on this contract. No deal.A2a
18NPCFRoslynChambers: And here you are.{Contained fury at the player's actions, knows her torture could be misinterpreted by simple minds / Angry} You've cut a bloody path through my people. You've no doubt seen our work. But you do not possess all the facts.Player Default: I'll give you a fair hearing.A1a
19NPCFRoslynChambers: And here you are.{Angry} My life's work on the verge of ruin all because of your efforts to find Stockton's supposed daughter.A2a
20{Disgusted - assumes the player is an idiot / Irritated} You do know she's most likely a synth, yes? If you are more than a hired gun, perhaps we can stop this before it's too late.Player Default: I'll give you a fair hearing.A2b
21Player Default: I'll give you a fair hearing.{Razor sarcasm / Irritated} How considerate.DoctorChambers: What would you do if your family was destroyed by a synth, right in front of you, when you were but a child?A1a
22Player Default: There's nothing you can say that can excuse what I've seen here.{Angry Fervent / Irritated} Everything we've done has been to stop the suffering of more innocents at the hands of the Institute and their synth menace.DoctorChambers: Covenant is many things. A refuge for the broken people left in the wake of the Institute's rampages. A place of safety and healing.B1a
23Player Default: What facts?{Sharp} Some background is required to fully answer that.DoctorChambers: What would you do if your family was destroyed by a synth, right in front of you, when you were but a child?Y1a
24Player Default: What facts?{No empathy} Why else do you think we attacked her caravan? After testing, we have well over a seventy percent confidence level of our initial diagnosis.Y2a
25{Matter-of-fact} I'd have to perform an autopsy to be sure.Player Default: I'll give you a fair hearing.Y2b
26Player Default: How considerate.{Accusatory / Angry} What would you do if your family was destroyed by a synth, right in front of you, when you were but a child?A1a
27{Disgusted at the thought at giving up, heated at the end / Angry} Would you roll over and accept it? Or would you do something about it?Player Default: I've been there. But I haven't resorted to torturing innocents.A1b
28Player Default: I've been there. But I haven't resorted to torturing innocents.{Conviction!} Casualties are inevitable. It may not look like it but we're at war.DoctorChambers: As long as the Institute walks invisibly amongst us, they strike without warning and control us from the shadows.A1a
29Player Default: I'd make them pay.{A hint of surprise, conviction} Then you do understand. It may not look like it but there's a war being fought.DoctorChambers: As long as the Institute walks invisibly amongst us, they strike without warning and control us from the shadows.B1a
30Player Default: It sounds like you didn't let it go.{Proud, conviction} No, I did not. It may not look like it but there's a war being fought.DoctorChambers: As long as the Institute walks invisibly amongst us, they strike without warning and control us from the shadows.X1a
31Player Default: What happened to you?{A far away traumatic memory / Sad} In Diamond City, a lifetime ago, my parents and eight others were massacred by someone. At first we thought the maniac was human.Y1a
32{Steely conviction} But that was the day we learned of the Institute's latest creations. The synths.DoctorChambers: As long as the Institute walks invisibly amongst us, they strike without warning and control us from the shadows.Y1b
33Player Default: You can't seriously want to kill all the synths...{Conviction} We most certainly do. But we have to find them first.DoctorChambers: A living synth is indistinguishable from a human by any medical test yet devised.A1a
34Player Default: Someone needs to destroy the Institute.{Grudgingly pleased} A perfectly rational response.DoctorChambers: A living synth is indistinguishable from a human by any medical test yet devised.B1a
35Player Default: Who really knows what the Institute is responsible for.{Scientist} And how do they manage to keep us in the dark?DoctorChambers: A living synth is indistinguishable from a human by any medical test yet devised.X1a
36Player Default: A war, really? Is it that bad?{Biting back even more anger} Hundreds of kidnappings over the years. Ask the survivors if it's really "that bad".Y1a
37{She has more evidence, but she doesn't deign to share it} And there're so many other tragedies that may be their responsibility, as well.Player Default: You can't seriously want to kill all the synths...Y1b
38Player Default: Casualties are inevitable. It may not look like it but we're at war.{Contained anger} As long as the Institute walks invisibly amongst us, they strike without warning and control us from the shadows.A1a
39{Proud, zealot} I've dedicated my life to devising a test to detect these hidden synths. To root them out, so they can be extinguished.A1b
40{Full of her zealot conviction / Defiant} Isn't that a goal worth fighting for?Player Default: You can't seriously want to kill all the synths...A1c
41Player Default: We most certainly do. But we have to find them first.{Describing the problem she's been trying to solve her whole life} A living synth is indistinguishable from a human by any medical test yet devised.A1a
42{But sharing her epiphany, proud} But, it turns out, psychology can detect a difference. Enter the SAFE test.A1b
43{Conviction!} The test is in its infancy, but through sacrifice and perseverance our success rate is improving.Player Default: But your methods are barbaric. It's torture.A1c
44Player Default: But your methods are barbaric. It's torture.{Barely distasteful at all, full of conviction} To improve the SAFE test intense psychological pressure must be applied to our test subjects. It is distasteful but necessary.DoctorChambers: Covenant is many things. A refuge for the broken people left in the wake of the Institute's rampages. A place of safety and healing.A1a
45Player Default: If you can get that test to work, that could be a game changer.{Pleased the player shares her conviction in some part} And then everything we've done will be justified.DoctorChambers: Covenant is many things. A refuge for the broken people left in the wake of the Institute's rampages. A place of safety and healing.B1a
46Player Default: It sounds like your test may not even work.{Defensive, decisive rebuttal - she has the science to back up her claims} There is a correlation. We've measured it. We just need more data, more test subjects, to narrow it down.DoctorChambers: Covenant is many things. A refuge for the broken people left in the wake of the Institute's rampages. A place of safety and healing.X1a
47Player Default: And the SAFE test works?{Pleased} Oh, yes. Autopsies confirm the test is getting more accurate.Y1a
48{Sharp analytic mind relating} There's something in the questions which provokes a response from synths. But the exact trigger is elusive.Y1b
49{Grudging admission, but sharing the dream at the end} The margin of error is admittedly high, four or five false positives per synth. But one day we hope to get it to one or two false positives.Player Default: But your methods are barbaric. It's torture.Y1c
50Player Default: To improve the SAFE test intense psychological pressure must be applied to our test subjects. It is distasteful but necessary.{Sharing her own perceived nobility} Covenant is many things. A refuge for the broken people left in the wake of the Institute's rampages. A place of safety and healing.A1a
51{But sharing the VISION} But most importantly it is our one chance to end this age of paranoia.DoctorChambers: I will make you a deal. I pay you handsomely. And you let me dispose of our last remaining synth test subject, Amelia Stockton. Then I can continue my work.A1b
52HonestDan: I wish you hadn't said that.{Very pleased / Friendly} Excellent.A1a
53Player Default: That's a deal I won't accept.{She's not going to attack her, she's prepared to be executed and will not give the PC the satisfaction of begging in any way / Somber} Then you'll just have to kill me.B1a
54Player Default: Don't kill the girl. Spare her.{Absolute denial} Impossible. The odds are too great she's an Institute infiltrator.X1a
55{Barely unsteady, but conviction swallows it} Even if she is an unfortunate victim in this war, sparing her can compromise everything.Player Default: Continue your work, then.X1b
56Player Default: Are you threatening me, Dan?{Real compassion here - a stern mother still loves her children} Over the years, we've recruited like-minded individuals. All of our lives shattered by the Institute.Y1a
57{But no more compassion - conviction! Dismissive of the "some"} Covenant is primarily about administering and refining the SAFE test. But some consider the humanitarian side equally as important.Y1b
58{She's the hero and the player could do untold evil here} If you destroy what's left here, their lives will be upended again.Player Default: Continue your work, then.Y1c
59HonestDan: I've had my fill of crazy on this contract. No deal.{Snide / Irritated} Fortunate for me, I wasn't talking to you.HonestDan: You side with this nut job and we're going to have a serious, deadly, problem.A1a
60MS17_400a_ChambersPeaceful{Considering the player} So the one investigating Stockton's caravan has arrived. Do you even know that his supposed daughter is in all likelihood a synth?DoctorChambers: No matter. Let me be up front about this. There are two ways this meeting can end. We come to an agreement or there's violence.A
61Player Default: As would I.{About to get to the thick of it} Let me pose a question to you.DoctorChambers: What would you do if your family was destroyed by a synth, right in front of you, when you were but a child?A1a
62NPCFRoslynChambers: So the one investigating Stockton's caravan has arrived. Do you even know that his supposed daughter is in all likelihood a synth?{Firm} No matter. Let me be up front about this. There are two ways this meeting can end. We come to an agreement or there's violence.Player Default: I'd prefer a peaceful solution.A1a
63Player Default: I'd prefer a peaceful solution.{Seems sincere} As would I.DoctorChambers: Let me pose a question to you.A1a
64Player Default: You really don't want to start a fight with me.{Confident her men could do it though} Agreed. Killing you would be a costly proposition.DoctorChambers: Let me pose a question to you.B1a
65Player Default: Stockton's daughter is a synth?{No empathy for the people she killed. Complete scientific certainty} Why else do you think we attacked her caravan? She has well over a seventy percent chance of being a synth.X1a
66{Looking forward to it} I'd have to perform an autopsy to be sure.DoctorChambers: Let me pose a question to you.X1b
67Player Default: There're no other options?{A hint of regret} Too much is at stake to allow you to simply leave.DoctorChambers: Let me pose a question to you.Y1a
68MS17_400b_ChambersPeacefulEnding{Firm} Let us continue our work and we will pay you the bounty you would be giving up. But we keep Stockton's synth.HonestDan: Like hell I will. I made a deal with Old Man Stockton. And I plan on making good.A1a
69HonestDan: Like hell I will. I made a deal with Old Man Stockton. And I plan on making good.{Disdain towards Dan / Irritated} Does Mr. Dan speak for you, as well? Or are you willing to listen to reason?Player Default: I'll take the deal.A1a
70HonestDan: I wish you hadn't said that.{Almost friendly} Excellent. You'll find that Covenant has more to offer since we've come to this understanding. Goodbye.A1a
71Player Default: I'm not interested in your deal.{Irritated, then orders her men to kill the PC / Irritated} Pity. Since we can't come to an agreement. Men.B1a
72Player Default: You have to stop torturing and killing synths and humans.{She clearly will never change her mind} We've come too far to change course, even if we wanted to.Player Default: I'll take the deal.X1a
73Player Default: Stockton's synth?{Sharp, irritated} Why do you think we attacked her caravan? She has well over a ninety percent chance of being a synth.Y1a
74{Sharp} I'd have to perform an autopsy to be sure. So do we have a deal?Player Default: I'll take the deal.Y1b
75MS17_400c_ChambersKillsAmelia{Grim} What a distasteful business.DoctorChambers: First, the loose end.A1a
76DoctorChambers: What a distasteful business.{Talking about killing someone, clinical} First, the loose end.AmeliaStockton: What? What are you doing.A1a
77AmeliaStockton: What? What are you doing.{To herself, distracted} I'm certain the autopsy will confirm my hypothesis.AmeliaStockton: No!A1a
78AmeliaStockton: No!{Tired} There.DoctorChambers: As promised.A1a
79DoctorChambers: There.As promised.DoctorChambers: You'll find Covenant has a lot more to offer since we've come... to this understanding.A1a
80MS17_400d_ImpatientChambersEndNPCFRoslynChambers: As promised.{Solemn} You'll find Covenant has a lot more to offer since we've come... to this understanding.A1a
81-{Sharp} Why are you here? You don't seem to be with the Institute.
82{Sharp} So do we have a deal or not?
83{Irritated} Are you being silent for a reason?
84{Irritated} I'm ready to proceed if you are.