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This is a transcript for dialogue with Responder medic.


# Dialog Topic Form ID Response Text Script Notes
1 006529D8 006529EB I wouldn't want to be Rucker. I never thought a single person could be spread so thin. Pitying.
2 006529EC Helping people is our chief mission. The cool uniforms are just a nice bonus. Happy and playful.
3 006529ED There's no problem too big to solve. Determined and resolute.
4 006529EE These robots sure make my job easier. Grateful and relieved.
5 006529EF I can't wait until dinner. Longing and tired.
6 006529F0 My friends didn't want to join up with me. Said the Responders sounded like too much work. Wonder what they're doing now. Reflective and a bit sad.
7 006529F1 Can't believe we've got a vertibird. That's a step up in the world if I've ever seen one. Impressed.
8 006529F2 I love Esme's cooking. It's been so long since I've had food with actual flavor. Grateful.
9 006529F3 Considering all of the places I could've ended up, I'm extremely lucky I'm here. I've never felt safer. A little nervous about what could have been.
10 006529F4 A safe haven filled with people trying to help others? It feels like I've died and gone to heaven. Or hell, if you look out the window.
11 006529F5 I could really use a drink, but Rucker wants us sober on the job. A little upset over not getting their way.
12 006529F6 I heard about what happened in Morgantown. I know it was way back, but I'm glad they chose to send me somewhere safe and not somewhere...like that. Dismal at first, and then relieved.
13 006529F7 The work I do is extremely rewarding, but boy is it tiring. Exhausting.
14 006529F8 Folks don't join the Responders for caps. They join to make a difference. Heroic and noble.
15 006529F9 Robot butlers? Is this a refuge or a palace? Amused and in disbelief.
16 00652FF5 It's been sunny all week. I love it here. Happy.
17 00652FF6 The tatos here taste amazing! So fresh, and only a few rads! Childlike and in awe.
18 00652FF7 I was out scavenging for food earlier. Only got attacked by Scorched once! Very proud of this accomplishment.
19 00652FF8 I think I heard a Protectron bark the other day. Am I going crazy? Questioning their own sanity.
20 00652FF9 I heard a bunch of nerds arguing over comic book heroes yesterday. Aren't there more important things to worry about? Annoyed and incredulous.
21 00652FFA This wanton robot tried to give me a haircut before running off. It's a shame, I can't get at the back by myself. Referencing the Mr. Makeover hub encounter.
22 006529D9 006529DB Need anything? Ready to help at the drop of a hat.
23 006529DC Check in with the medics if you're feeling under the weather. Concerned and caring.
24 006529DD If you see anyone struggling out in Appalachia, be sure to tell them about the Whitespring. Helpful and caring.
25 006529DE We could always use an extra hand around here. Hopeful, a bit desperate.
26 006529DF If you're caught out and about with no place to go, the Responders have an outpost in Flatwoods.
27 006529E0 I heard there's a chess set around here if you ever want to play. Friendly.
28 006529E1 There's times you've gotta accept the cards you were dealt and learn to make the best of it. A bit dismal and bitter.
29 006529E2 You'd think with all of that tinkering Skippy does that he'd have come up with something more medicinal. A bit resentful.
30 006529E3 Orlando is very charming, but to be honest with you, I'm not really sure why they're helping us. Suspicious and covert.
31 006529E4 Always make sure to boil your water before you drink it. Helpful and friendly advice.
32 006529E5 If you ever find yourself in a bind, you can always call on us. Determined and heroic.
33 006529E6 I think we can make this place home for a lot of people, yourself included. Friendly and welcoming.
34 006529E7 Sorry I'm not much for conversation. Ellison talked my ear off. Annoyed and exhausted.
35 006529E8 How are the folks at Foundation doing? If I wasn't so busy I'd go visit sometime. Friendly and curious.
36 006529E9 Don't bother talking to that person from Crater. Nasty bunch, aren't they? Disgusted.
37 00652FE4 If you hang around those raiders, I want nothing to do with you. Angry and disgusted.
38 00652FE5 Your uniform's a bit worse for wear, but it's good to see you helping out the cause. Happy and grateful.


# Dialog Topic Form ID Response Text Script Notes
4 0063BED8 0063D69A Rucker said to be looking for you. Tired, overworked but grateful
5 0063D69B The Responders appreciate any help you can provide. Tired, overworked but grateful
6 0064543C Rucker said you were helping us out. Tired, overworked but grateful
7 00654885 Heard you were out there giving us a hand. Tired, overworked but grateful
8 00654886 They tell us not to get attached to the patients. Now I understand why. Recently lost a patient
9 00654887 Another long shift ahead.
10 00654888 Feels like every time I sit down we get another emergency case coming in.
29 0065D87D 0065D889 Well, Appalachia's never really given the Responders any breaks, you know? The Responders as a group had been wiped out until their new leader brought them back.
30 There's so much we don't know how to treat. Sometimes it's hard to know if we're even treating the right thing.
31 With how many sick and wounded we get coming in here, we need every advantage we can get...
32 ...and the information you're bringing us provides that advantage in a big way. Slight emphasis "provides"
33 0065D87E 0065D885 You've done the Responders a great service, and now it's our turn to get to work.
34 0065D886 I'll let Rucker know you came through for us. Best of luck out there, and thank you.
35 0065D887 Getting this here means so much. Thank you, from all of us.
36 0065D888 Thanks for getting this back to us. The Responders won't forget it.
37 0065D87F 0065D8A3 Alright. Stay safe out there.
38 0065D8A4 Ok. We'll make do with what we have until then.
39 0065D8A5 Alright, then. Please let me know when you've been able to track it down.
40 0065D880 0065D8A8 There's more here than we thought there'd be. These manufacturing instructions might even be enough to get a real pharmacy up and running.
41 0065D8A9 This is really thorough. I bet with these instructions we can cobble together enough meds to give everyone a fighting chance.
42 0065D8AA With these instructions we won't have to turn people away for lack of meds, anymore.
43 0065D8AE These records go right up until the war started. With these we'll be able to work almost as effectively as the doctors and nurses did before.
44 0065D8AF These records are going to save so many lives.
45 0065D8B0 These patient records are really detailed. There's so much for us to study and learn from here.
46 0065D8B3 These plans are really detailed. With any luck we'll be able to convince Skippy to help us put some of these together.
47 0065D8B4 With these plans I think we've got a real shot at turning our little clinic into a proper medical bay.
48 0065D8B8 So many pages. This is a lot of knowledge we might have lost, if not for you.
49 0065D8B9 These textbooks are heavier than I thought they'd be. I'll get these distributed to the other medics right away.
50 0065D8BD This looks like exactly what we needed. A proper field guide gives us a fighting chance to run this place like a real med bay.
51 0065D8BE With this, we might be able to turn our little clinic here into a proper hospital. Relieved, slightly surprised
52 0065D8BF This field guide is going to help us save so many more people than we could, before.
53 0065D8C3 Wow, I wish we'd this kind of information from the beginning. We'd better start looking it over.
54 0065D8C4 We'll be flying a lot less blind with these patient instructions. For too long we've just been guessing, and thanks to you we won't have to, anymore.
55 0065D8C5 Follow up care, wound care, oxygen concentrations, these instructions have it all.
56 0065D881 0065D88B Were you able to find the hospital field guide?
57 0065D88C Any luck finding that hospital field guide?
58 0065D88D Please tell me you were able to find that hospital field guide.
59 0065D88F Please tell me you were able to find that pharmacology reference book.
60 0065D890 Were you able to find the pharmacology reference book?
61 0065D891 Any luck finding that pharmacology reference book?
62 0065D893 Hope you got some good news about those patient records.
63 0065D894 I hope you were able to track down those patient records.
64 0065D897 Hope you got some good news about those surgical equipment plans.
65 0065D898 I hope you were able to track down those surgical equipment plans.
66 0065D89B Hope you got some good news about those anatomy textbooks.
67 0065D89C I hope you were able to track down those anatomy textbooks.
68 0065D89F Hope you got some good news about those patient care instructions.
69 0065D8A0 I hope you were able to track down those patient care instructions.