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This is a transcript for dialogue with Primm Slim.


GREETING GREETING Neutral 50 Howdy pardner! Welcome to the Vikki and Vance Casino and Museum. 1
GREETING Neutral 50 Howdy pardner! Any luck tracking down Vance's gun? 2
GREETING Neutral 50 Always good to see you, pardner! Anything I can help you with? 3
Tell me about the Bison Steve.
What about the Bison Steve hotel, across the street? Neutral 50 {clears throat} The Bison Steve is one of Primm's less-impressive casino hotels. I'd steer clear of that place, pardner, if I were you. 4
Neutral 50 Rumor is the dealers over there cheat, and that rickety roller-coaster's liable to fall down any day 'cause it wasn't built to code. 5
PrimmSlimAboutCasinoMuseum What is this place? Neutral 50 Why, this is the Vikki and Vance Casino and Museum - Primm's Primm-eer tourist attraction and resort destination! Yeehaw! 6
PrimmSlimAboutHimself Who are you? Neutral 50 Primm Slim at your service! Authentic cowpoke and official spokesbot of the Vikki and Vance Casino and Museum! Yeehaw! 7
Tell me about Primm
Tell me about Primm. Neutral 50 Primm is a thriving resort community located in Clark County, Nevada, right along Interstate 15. 8
Neutral 50 Whether you can't wait 'til Vegas to try your luck, or want to hit one last jackpot before you leave Nevada, Primm's your place! 9
Neutral 50 The town's Primm-eer attraction is the world-famous Vikki and Vance Casino and Museum, so you came to the right place, pardner! 10
Did you know that Vance's gun is missing?
Did you know that Vance's gun is missing? Neutral 50 Just mosey on over to the display case and you'll see it plain as day. Quite a piece, that gun. Mint condition. Never fired. 11
No, the gun is missing.
The display case is empty. The gun's missing. Neutral 50 Have you gone loco, pardner? I can see the gun with my own three photo sensors from where I'm standing right now. 12
Neutral 50 [You hear strange sounds coming from Primm Slim. He may be trying to read a corrupted file, but it would take more science knowledge to be sure.] 13
The gun is still missing. Neutral 50 Quit yammering on about missing guns, pardner. Primm Slim's a busy man, ain't got time for that sort of bosh. 14
PrimmSlimGunNo I haven't found the gun. Neutral 50 Dang it. I hope you'll keep looking. 15
What happened to Vance's Gun?
Scan your data registry. You've been hacked. Neutral 50 [SUCCEEDED] <Primm Slim buzzes and whirs while he reformats.> 16
Neutral 50 Well look at that. I happened across this data file locked away in an isolated sub-system. 17
Maybe you've been hacked or something? Neutral 50 [FAILED] You're plumb loco partner. 18
PrimmSlimGunYes I found the gun. Here it is. Neutral 50 Those thieves had some gall, stealing from a museum dedicated to romanticizing a couple of criminals! 19
Neutral 50 I'll make sure the gun ends up back on display. I thank you, Primm thanks you, and I do believe Vance'd thank you, if he could. 20
Reprogram Primm Slim to serve as Primm's Sheriff.
<Reprogram Primm Slim to serve as Primm's Sheriff.> Neutral 50 [SUCCEEDED] Bzzzt... Law Enforcement Protocols reinstated, pardner. Initializing use of force authorization... authorization found. Yee-haw! 21
<Try to reprogram Primm Slim to act as Sheriff of Primm.> Neutral 50 [FAILED] Aw, shucks, SYSTEM RUNTIME ERROR! Unable to initialize Law Enforcement Protocols, pardner! 22
Reprogram Primm Slim to serve as Primm's Sheriff using parts.
<Reprogram Primm Slim to serve as Primm's Sheriff using 3 fission batteries and 4 conductors.> Neutral 50 Bzzzt... Law Enforcement Protocols reinstated, pardner. Initializing use of force authorization... authorization found. Yee-haw! 23
<Reprogram Primm Slim to serve as Primm's Sheriff using 3 fission batteries and 4 conductors.> Neutral 50 Aw, shucks, SYSTEM RUNTIME ERROR! Unable to initialize Law Enforcement Protocols, pardner! 24
Ok then, let's talk about something else.
Let's talk about something else. Neutral 50 Yessir, you just tell ol' Primm Slim what you'd like to know. 25
Let's talk about something else. Neutral 50 Yes ma'am, you just tell ol' Primm Slim what you'd like to know. 26
PrimmSlimVVHistoryNo Another time, maybe. Neutral 50 Have it your way, pardner. Maybe work up your curiosity by having a look at thrilling exhibits like the genuine Death Car and Vance's machine gun! 27
PrimmSlimVVHistoryYes Tell me the whole story of Vikki and Vance. Neutral 50 Yahoo! I ain't had a chance to tell their tale in a mess of years. 28
Neutral 50 First things first: any bosh you've heard about Vikki and Vance being copycats ain't nothing but ill-tempered slander. 29
Neutral 50 Fact is, they begun their crime spree two days before Bonnie and Clyde robbed their first bank - so who was copying who? 30
Neutral 50 Now true, Vikki and Vance didn't exactly cut a wide swath of murder and bank robbery across the central U.S., like Bonnie and Clyde did. 31
Neutral 50 It was more like a narrow swath of shoplifting, check-cashing fraud, and gas pump driveoffs - but crime is crime! They drove reckless, too. 32
Neutral 50 Having lived by the gun - well, Vance owned one, anyway - it was only fitting that the duo of desperados would die by the gun. 33
Neutral 50 Perhaps it was fate itself that accidentally drove them into a crossfire between police and a gang of bank robbers in Plano, Texas. 34
Neutral 50 Or maybe they just didn't notice until it was too late. It's been said that Vikki would have tried to cash a bad check in that bank, had she lived. 35
Neutral 50 We'll never know for sure. All we know is that the crossfire tore the car and both occupants to pieces, and the police issued an official apology. 36
Neutral 50 You can put your eyes on the genuine Death Car just over yonder, and there's Vance's machine gun in the case next to it! 37
Tell me about Vikki and Vance again. Neutral 50 You got it, Pardner. Primm Slim loves to spin a yarn. 38
Neutral 50 First things first: any bosh you've heard about Vikki and Vance being copycats ain't nothing but ill-tempered slander. 39
Neutral 50 Fact is, they begun their crime spree two days before Bonnie and Clyde robbed their first bank - so who was copying who? 40
Neutral 50 Now true, Vikki and Vance didn't exactly cut a wide swath of murder and bank robbery across the central U.S., like Bonnie and Clyde did. 41
Neutral 50 It was more like a narrow swath of shoplifting, check-cashing fraud, and gas pump driveoffs - but crime is crime! They drove reckless, too. 42
Neutral 50 Having lived by the gun - well, Vance owned one, anyway - it was only fitting that the duo of desperados would die by the gun. 43
Neutral 50 Perhaps it was fate itself that accidentally drove them into a crossfire between police and a gang of bank robbers in Plano, Texas. 44
Neutral 50 Or maybe they just didn't notice until it was too late. It's been said that Vikki might have tried to cash a bad check in that bank, had she lived. 45
Neutral 50 We'll never know for sure. All we know is that the crossfire shot the car and both occupants to pieces, and the police issued an official apology. 46
Neutral 50 You can put your eyes on the genuine Death Car just over yonder, and there's Vance's machine gun in the case next to it! 47
Tell me about the Vikki and Vance
Who were Vikki and Vance? Neutral 50 Where have you been, pardner? Hiding under a rock? 48
Neutral 50 Vikki and Vance were this nation's fourth or maybe fifth most infamous celebrity outlaw couple ever, that's who they was! 49
Neutral 50 Primm Slim here can tell you the whole story, if you can spare a minute to hear the tale. 50
Any idea what the NCR's up to in Primm?
Do you know if the NCR has any plans to attack the prison north of here? Neutral 50 There's a prison north of here? Well, don't go picking up any hitchhikers and you should be all right. 51


GOODBYE Goodbye. Neutral 50 Happy trails partner. 52


RNVNewsStory2 RNVNewsStoryLine2 Neutral 50 {Primm Slim:} Loading Public Appeasement Oration... complete. Howdy... citizens. How about a yee-haw for law and order in the fine town of ERROR: TOKEN NOT FOUND? 53