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This is a transcript for dialogue with Parker Quinn.


1-Miss? You all right?
2Mister? You all right?
4The silent thing's freaking me out. What are you, a serial killer?
5Okay. This isn't awkward at all...
6Yoo hoo. Anybody in there?


7ParkerQuinnScene1{Surprised} Pardon me, sir. Parker Quinn. I just wanted to say, it's a good thing you came by my corner.Player Default: Good to meet you, Mister Quinn.A
8{Surprised} Pardon me, ma'am. Parker Quinn. I just wanted to say, it's a good thing you came by my corner.Player Default: Good to meet you, Mister Quinn.A
9Player Default: Good to meet you, Mister Quinn.{Note test / Amused} Mister Quinn? What are we strangers? Mister Quinn's my father's name. I'm Parker.Player Default: Okay. Parker, it is.A1a
10Player Default: Whatever it is, I'm not interested.{Amused} Ahhh... You're a smart one. I respect that. I respect that. But how do you know you're not interested if you don't what I was going say.B1a
11{Puzzled} Unless you're psychic, in which case that'd be wicked impressive. Wait... are you psychic?Player Default: I totally am. I can see the future.B1b
12Player Default: If you say so.{Disbelief} I do. I do say so. Cause man, I look at you, and I swear to God - no lie - and I say, "This guy. He is no friggin' joke." X1a
13{SinisterSmile} He walks down the street like he was born here. And nobody's born here - cause Ghouls, if anything, probably eat babies.X1b
14{Confident} But no, that means you're smart. Super smart.Player Default: Okay, well... thanks for the compliment.X1c
15Player Default: If you say so.{Disbelief} I do. I do say so. Cause lady, I look at you, and I swear to God - no lie - and I say, "This chick. She is no friggin' joke."X2a
16{SinisterSmile} She walks down the street like she was born here. And nobody's born here - cause Ghouls, if anything, probably eat babies.X2b
17{Confident} But no, that means you're smart. Super smart.Player Default: Okay, well... thanks for the compliment.X2c
18Player Default: Yeah? Why is that?{Conspiratorial} Cause I got something you need. Seriously. I can TELL you need it. You know how I know? Just cause you're here.Y1a
19{Confident} If a guy stays alive in the Commonwealth - enough to go walking through Southie - he got his affairs in order. You know your shit.Player Default: It's true. I do know my shit.Y1b
20Player Default: Yeah? Why is that?{Conspiratorial} Cause I got something you need. Seriously. I can TELL you need it. You know how I know? Just cause you're here.Y2a
21{Confident} If a lady stays alive in the Commonwealth - enough to go walking through Southie - she got her affairs in order. You know your shit.Player Default: It's true. I do know my shit.Y2b
22{Disgust} Okay then. Fuck you very much.A1a
23ParkerQuinnScene2{Confident} I knew you'd be back. You want that charge card now?Player Default: Sounds good. I'll take one.A
24{Confident} Look... Because you're obviously a busy, dangerous, and exceedingly intelligent person, I'm going to cut right to it.A1a
25{Conspiratorial} I'm going to make you a proposition so spectacular, you can't possibly say no. You ready?Player Default: I'm ready.A1b
26Player Default: I'm ready.{Disgust} Every day, you gotta buy stuff. Food, ammo, beer, whatever. And you pay with caps. Caps. Bottle caps. What is this, fuckin' 1612?A1a
27{Angry} A bunch of losers blow up the world 200 years ago, and we have to lug around piles of bottle caps. Are you friggin' kidding me?A1b
28{Confident} So that's why I've been working with every single shop in the Commonwealth to get RID of caps.A1c
29{Confident} Introducing the only form of currency you'll ever need.A1d
30{Happy} The charge card.Player Default: Interesting idea.A1e
31Player Default: Interesting idea.{Irritated} Interesting? A work of art's interesting. This is frigging revolutionary.ParkerQuinnAlias: It's super simple. You give me 110 caps right now, and I give you this charge card.A1a
32Player Default: You're a fucking thief.{Defiant} What? What did you call me? You calling me a thief? Do you know who I am? Do you have any idea who I am or who I know?B1a
33{Angry} You are so dead! Do you understand me? You're dead!B1b
34Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!B1c
35Oh my God, the look on your face! I'm totally fucking with you.ParkerQuinnAlias: It's super simple. You give me 110 caps right now, and I give you this charge card.B1d
36Player Default: Tell me about it.{Confident} Okay. Can do.ParkerQuinnAlias: It's super simple. You give me 110 caps right now, and I give you this charge card.X1a
37Player Default: The... charge card?{Surprised} Thats's what I said! Charge card!ParkerQuinnAlias: It's super simple. You give me 110 caps right now, and I give you this charge card.Y1a
38Player Default: Interesting? A work of art's interesting. This is frigging revolutionary.{Confident} It's super simple. You give me 110 caps right now, and I give you this charge card.A1a
39{SinisterSmile} Accepted at any store in the Commonwealth, up to 100 caps. The 10 extra caps is my service fee.A1b
40{Pleading} So what do you say? Want one?Player Default: Sounds good. I'll take one.A1c
41Player Default: Sounds good. I'll take one.{Happy} Awesome. I'll take your money, and you get the charge card. Great doing business with you. Tell your friends -- Parker Quinn. Same corner, every day.ParkerQuinnAlias: Retard.A1a
42Player Default: Sounds good. I'll take one.{Irritated} Well this is ironic. I'm trying to help free you from the burden of carrying too many caps when really... you're poor. So, come back when you're not.ParkerQuinnAlias: Retard.A2a
43Player Default: You're out of your mind.{Sad} Well. I'm sorry you feel that way. But hey, it's your loss. Change your mind, you know where to find me.ParkerQuinnAlias: Retard.B1a
44Player Default: I need to think about it.{Disbelief} Come on, seriously? What's there to think about? I have it, you want it. So let's do it. Look, take some time. No pressure. All right? I'll be here.ParkerQuinnAlias: Retard.X1a
45Player Default: And this isn't some kind of scam?{Depressed} I can't believe you just asked me that. What, I'm a charlatan? You think I got this far in life by ripping people off?Y1a
46{Worried} I'm an entrepreneur. This is as real as it gets.Player Default: Sounds good. I'll take one.Y1b
47Player Default: Awesome. I'll take your money, and you get the charge card. Great doing business with you. Tell your friends -- Parker Quinn. Same corner, every day.{Disgust} Retard.A1a
48ParkerQuinnSceneBranch1aPlayer Default: Okay. Parker, it is.{SinisterSmile} Hey! Look at that! We're friends now. I'm Parker - and you. You... are sir.A1a
49Player Default: Okay. Parker, it is.{SinisterSmile} Hey! Look at that! We're friends now. I'm Parker - and you. You... are ma'am.A2a
50Player Default: I don't care what your name is.{Sad} Aw, see, you don't trust me, do you? Guy comes up to you on a corner, engages you in conversation, you get suspicious. I don't blame ya.B1a
51Player Default: So you knew your father? I'm impressed.{Suspicious} Oh my God, you're wise ass. No, it's all right. I come from a long line of wiseasses. Also, violent drunks.X1a
52Player Default: What is it you want... Parker?{Grateful} I'll tell you. You're being so patient, thank you so much.Y1a
53{Confident} The only thing I want is to do what God almighty put me on this Earth to do - and that's to help my fellow man. Or woman.Y1b
54{Disgust} Cause I don't like that misanthropic garbage. A girl can do anything a man can.Y1c
55ParkerQuinnSceneBranch2aPlayer Default: I totally am. I can see the future.{Disbelief} No fuckin' shit. So you already knew you were going to meet me, and have the best day of your life? Now I'm jealous.A1a
56Player Default: No... I'm not psychic.{Worried} Okay, good. Cause then I'd want you to tell me how I'm going to die, and it would be a huge mistake.B1a
57{Irritated} It would be like, "In two days you're going to get ripped in half by a fucking Super Mutant."B1b
58{Neutral} And I definitely would NOT want to know that.B1c
59Player Default: Anything's possible.{Surprised} It is! It is. Anything IS possible. You know that used to be the Massachusetts state motto?X1a
60{Happy} Come to Massachusetts! Where ANYTHING is possible!X1b
61{Puzzled} So I guess that includes meeting psychic dudes in the middle of nowhere. Life's weird that way.X1c
62Player Default: Are you kidding me?{Grateful} Well I guess that answers my question, because if you was psychic, you would know that I am definitely NOT kidding you.Y1a
63ParkerQuinnSceneBranch3aPlayer Default: Okay, well... thanks for the compliment.{Grateful} You're welcome. See, look at us. Being all polite. Just two people, having a talk, being civil. It's nice isn't it?A1a
64{Surprised} Cause I think we both know most conversations these days are like, "Hello." And then someone gets stabbed in the liver.A1b
65{InPain} And then it's all, "Ah, help me, I'm bleedin', somebody get a doctor!" Seriously.A1c
66Player Default: You're wasting my time...I am sorry, sir, if you were given that impression. I certainly do NOT mean to waste your time.B1a
67I apologize expectorantly if you're feeling that way. Definitely not my intention.B1b
68Player Default: If you have a point, make it.{Defiant} Oh, I got a point. I got a point like a spear.X1a
69Player Default: Is this all leading somewhere?{Friendly} Fair question. Totally fair. To which I say - yes. I am not standing out here freezing my balls of talking to some random stranger for no reason.Y1a
70{Disbelief} Not saying that's never happened, but it's definitely not happening right now.Y1b
71ParkerQuinnSceneBranch4aPlayer Default: It's true. I do know my shit.{Amused} Oh, I like you. You got a mouth like a native, and I bet a brain to match. Means you know a good thing when you see one.A1a
72{Puzzled} You remind me of this guy I knew from Dorchester. But I regress.A1b
73Player Default: Take your sales pitch and shove it up your ass.{Disbelief} Jesus! You kiss your mother with that mouth? I'm just trying to be nice, here. No need to get conformational.B1a
74Player Default: Okay, so tell me what I need.{Disbelief} I will! That's why we're having this discourse.X1a
75Player Default: And what is it you think I need?{Grateful} Something super special, that's what.Y1a
76-Owwwww. Seriously?
77Oh my God. I think I got a punctured liver.
78What, you wanna go?
79Come on, hard guy!
80Aahh! Why you gotta be like that?
81Ahh! Mother...
82{SinisterSmile} You have fun with that charge card.
83{Stern} No refunds or exchanges.
84{Amused} Hey, come back next week. I'll give you a good deal on an apartment in Trinity Tower.